AlexiaNataly live webcams for YOU!

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20 thoughts on “AlexiaNataly live webcams for YOU!

  1. Tell her she's making YOU feel bad. If all you're doing is just improving your health and habits and not picking on her or rubbing her face in it then there's really nothing she should be upset about. Could she be a little depressed over getting older and not being able to eat pizza and drink beer without any consequences like she did a few years ago?

  2. you cheated on your boyfriend while in tech school and he doesn’t know, so you’re not a good girlfriend or person to begin with.

    But, getting into the rest of this shit show: you have never been deployed. You have never seen combat. You do maintenance all day and somehow think that just because you’re in uniform your job is more stressful and traumatizing than a paramedic? Grow up.

    Your boyfriend supported you through basic, through tech school while you were off cheating on him, and quit his job to move with you to your duty station. You are rude and self centered and you should break up with him if this is how you feel. He deserves better than you and if you break up he’ll at least have a chance to go find it.

    I hope to god this is a troll

  3. When you have sex, is it sporadic and infrequent?

    My wife and I would have dry spells for a few weeks and happen to want sex recently after I took care of myself. I would not finish just because I'm not that fast with my own refractory period. It's not her fault, but also not mine. We're different with our sex drives.

    Consider, and this may sound silly, but maybe schedule, with him, sexy times far enough out enough that he'll be ready. This can help him sync up with you.

    As for the porn, I don't have a problem finishing with my wife especially if she lets me know one way or the other, so the timing isn't inopportune. It doesn't delude me and does change our ability to have sex and for me to enjoy it. I just happen to handle myself daily and if she wants to go within the same day, I may not be able to finish. And no, it's not reasonable for me to wait around weeks, heck, even a few days, with my needs. So I have to do my own thing.

    So maybe this is as simple as a scheduling issue, and maybe you can work that angle with him. Or maybe not. Maybe you two are like rabbits.

  4. Haha! He wanted to open the marriage! It’s fine when he does it but not you? What a weak, little “man.”

  5. I did mention that it's difficult to let go and I've heard this advice before. I'm unable to move forward with this advice for personal reasons. It's not easy to leave someone you love, is it?

  6. How can you blame her for having sex when she was single, when he literally cheated on her while they were together?

  7. Time to move on.

    It sounds like you're both not really ready for a serious relationship. All relationships rely on good communication, but this is especially important for LDR. Once he said it was “too far gone” it was over. It sounds like he tried to fix things with you but it didn't work for him, so he had to throw in the towel.

  8. On the one hand, you are entitled to feel how you feel. But on the other, I do think you are being a little unreasonable. They aren’t just social media posts. They are part of his life story, and you can’t just delete someone’s life story.

    I can’t imagine the grief that he is going through. His fiancé cheated on him, with her brother in law. The betrayal would cut deep, and he is probably dealing with a lot of complicated emotions, which takes time.

    If I were in your position, I honestly wouldn’t even try to be in a relationship with him. It’s too soon, there is no way he has been properly able to process his emotions, let alone deal with them well enough to be in a relationship. The fact that he can’t even talk about it speaks volumes.

  9. Good for you for putting up a boundary to protect yourself. By “NC” do you mean ghosted this person without having a conversation about it? The tricky thing is, you don’t have proper closure so it’s all kind of an open wound. 7 years is a long time. If he reaches out again, consider being honest. You don’t even need to go into details but telling them that something like “I felt the help I gave you wasn’t appreciated or acknowledged. I need my friendships to be a two-way street that adds value to my life instead of making me feel bad. I feel it’s better if we part ways.” I’m not the smooth operator that many redditors are, but I’d say it’s worth the difficult conversation to have clear boundaries and closure. Good luck!

  10. Irish medical school doesn’t automatically come with residency In Ireland. Where ever you get your practice hours and pay all the licensing fees is where you are able to practice.

  11. I think counseling is going to change pretty much nothing, but I suppose you should try it just so that you can say you exhausted all options. He has such a strong pattern of never, ever keeping his promises to you regarding his emotional affair. The therapist can’t make him magically care. He intends to break his promises the moment he makes them. He just lies to you in order to temporarily make his life easier. There’s no easy cure for a person who has no integrity. The fact that he’s been doing this for years speaks to this.

    What would it take to make you feel okay with leaving him? Maybe you should explore that with a therapist. Your situation with your husband isn’t changing, so can you live! with it?

  12. A break is just that. A break. You don’t have to cut off all communication, but it does need to be reduced. If you have no intention of a having a long term future, there is no point in continuing to communicate or see each other. Time to work on yourself and go out in the dating world.

    Now if you do want to have a future together, then you need to start making plans for that. IE looking for employment in her country, getting your work visas, figuring out what do to with your current housing situation. Sounds like you guys just have an “idea” but not a plan.

  13. He's not working a program. He used a private counsellor but not sure for how long or if he actually went into depth about his emotions.

    Either way, I ended it last night. I said most of this stuff in my post to him and asked to talk on the phone instead of text. He left me on read all day, and then later said he was busy but we could talk another time (he's the one who started this convo?). My gut was screaming so I listened to it and ended it. He lashed out by calling me snappy and demanding, and I blocked him. Its done and I feel relief.

  14. Well you decided to do exactly that. You could have chosen not to date him, instead you decided to date him and demand he drop said friend. Now he's either stupid enough to drop a long time friendship and will in all likelihood end up resenting you for it, or he's stupid enough to lie about it and continue the friendship behind your back. Either way, the chances this ends well are fairly low.

    Next time pick a guy you don't feel the need to change or interfere with their personal life and friendships.

  15. i agree on the last part. she made friends with them live! and didnt know their age at first i guess, so it wouldnt be right to just dump them for a ~3 year age difference after establishing a bond when they're all still pretty much teens. at the same time, it lead to this. im sure if friend B was just a couple years more mature he'd be more reasonable to deal with, but he's literally just a kid. that makes me feel like i cant blame him entirely for how he is, because i cant hold him to the same standard.

    i dont want to turn this into a blame game. im sure i could find a way to make it everyone's fault, but to me that doesnt matter. i dont want there to be sides. i just want a solution to this problem. i want everyone to be happy, even friend B. we're all just people y'know.

    i guess i wasnt clear in my post, but we've been dating for a year and a half, i havent been interacting with her friends for that long. really i've only interacted with him a handful of times, the thing that makes me not like him isnt the rudeness, its just the idea that he's being rude to someone he doesnt know. sorry if im rambling

  16. THAT!

    There was an advertisement campaign of Fishermens Friends (spicy mint bonbons) saying:

    “If they are too strong you are too weak”.

    Which hits the nail on its head here also.


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