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Yeah, it's not easy
As an ally, I see both sides. She is a woman. But, she still should have been upfront with you. This isn’t just about genitalia but having biological children. It is just something that should be discussed upfront. It is t fair that cis people don’t have to discuss stuff like this upfront and trans people do but I still believe it should have been discussed. Do some soul searching and do what feels right for you.
Aww that is honestly so adorable!! I love how you both just said it when you were comfortable. Would've felt amazing to hear it from him in such a general context haha like no big deal :p
I feel like this needs to be addressed in couples therapy. She's obviously unrelenting and is now being abusive towards in her behaviours in a way to try and manipulate you into giving her another child. You are allowed to not want children but I feel like she's not above sabotaging the contraception you use in order to get pregnant (I'd book a vasectomy if I was you).
I think you need to make a statement that reflects your mindset : I do not want another child, period. That's the end of it.
On a side note, if this child came about, once it hits adulthood you'll be senior citizens… and they'll have a nephew that's older than them.
That's just weird.
I think youre misreading; they have very dated views, they think I have to pay for everything for her because I'm a MAN
I’ve been ruined financially and had to start over. 10/10 would do again vs staying in a shit marriage.
And I have to 100% honest here, I was enjoying it as it has been so long since someone was showing interest in me.
All relationships go through low periods, especially when young children are involved.
I don't think any good will come from you telling your husband another man was hitting on you and that you enjoyed it. What you should do is tell your husband you want to work with him to rekindle the romance in your marriage and to try and make a conscious effort to date him. Find a babysitter you trust and start going out with your husband; connect with him in the way you did before kids were involved. Try to have sex more often or other forms of intimacy that you two enjoy.
A lot of good can come from this moment of weakness.
Good for you for knowing your self worth. You did the right thing.
Then I suppose I am a Cringy Creep, I can own up to that. 🙂
Your sister cannot fend for herself and she needs your help, simple as that. If your girlfriend has a problem with it then you will be better off without her.
Sounds like she wants more. Send her flowers and see if that works.
Reread what you wrote and say it to yourself over and over again: nobody involved did anything inappropriate. This isn't about you at all, so don't fixate on it.
Uhhhh no, next. I would not be comfortable around him after his comment. I’d probably ghost him. Lol
I feel bad for her too but I mostly feel glad that she got away from a lifetime with these two aholes. She needs to raise the bar…bottom of the barrel there.
Yes, but that was years ago.
Focus 100% on your wife during and speak before hand what she comfortable with you and friend doing.
For example just oral or full penetrative sex.
But no matter what you focus on you wife more.
I've heard such bad things about doing it with someone you wife close to, it starts jealousy and fights ??♀️ but good luck.
Once it's over cuddle you wife tell how much you love her
But I still think it bad idea
No matter who the person is or how they’re related to any of us, your body belongs to you and no one else. He needs to understand this. He thinks he has an automatic right to your body simply because you married him. I learned this lesson, which I admit I should’ve learned long before, with my ex-wife and it’s stuck with me. She snapped at me one time and that was all it took for me to realize she was right. Do not let your husband say this is a you problem and then move on because then he thinks he’s right and will never change. When he says it’s a you problem in any way, tell him he is wrong and that he needs to change because it’s your body and nobody, himself included has a right to it. You give your body to your husband but he doesn’t have a right to it
Truthful observations that are just factual would be “the chocolate is brown”. The differenve between that and the comments he makes abour ur body is the intention behind them. He wants u to feel hurt and insecure. Dump the trash u're too gorgeous to waste time with a dick.
You did the right thing,
The reason she did not want the husband to know is he's older and she was probably hoping he would pass and she will inherit everything including his social security.
She is mad because her long term retirement plan has been broken.
Your strong, good job, your daughter and family will be safe.
All I can say is that both parties have to be in agreement on such a huge issue. If you want to keep the baby then you should bear in mind that he has been open about his position on the issue. It will be futile to expect you to raise the baby while together. Babies don't make things better.