Alexa-inthemoon live! sex cams for YOU!

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43 thoughts on “Alexa-inthemoon live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. The follow up for brain surgery failed you both, the surgeon failed you by suggesting that his problems were mental health only. This medical expert told you lies but you didn't know because you were trusting this person with his life and serious brain surgery. As you had to do because you had no choice.

    Also all the testing was stopped, all the support was stopped and honestly systems are only getting back up and running slowly.

    You don't know what it is that you don't know and that is the truth. You don't get to be an expert from the beginning, you have to learn and sometimes that takes time. You used the information you had at the time, now you know more and can use that knowledge to help him get help, get more support, get permanent disability and the services that hopefully come with that.

    It is a life changing paradigm shift to be sure, you also need support that you didn't get either, surgery like this effects everyone and there appears to have been no effect to inform you either or support you.

    I say this as I know someone who had brain surgery and I have watched them for many years work very hard not to let it define their whole lives.

    Don't let this guilt consume you, you need that energy for other things.

  2. You did the mistake when you started begging. Instead, you should have given her the option to go to Cancun ir have a relationship with you. 🙂

  3. the girl I previously mentioned really wants to be asked out on a date, and she's asked it from me before aswell

    DO IT

    If not you WILL regret it.

    sincerely, someone who prioritized learning over dating in his young ages.

  4. She literally ASKED you to do it. It isnt assault. There are MANY MAAAAANY people who act out rape fantasies where it can get rough and THAT isn't assault.

  5. I get where you’re coming from but I wouldn’t bother saying anything, unless you’re hosting and they’re invited. If the hosts don’t have an issue you shouldn’t either. I’m sure if they had a problem with it they would have definitely said something or stopped inviting them at some point. But enjoy your friends!

  6. Maybe she’s growing up and realising getting with a lying cheat when she was a naive teenager, who acted like a baby and wouldn’t man up and help her when she got pregnant is not the person she wants to be with now so she’s rebelling against what you did.

    You should break up, you’re becoming bad for each other.

  7. I know the obvious is not so obvious when feelings are involved. The obvious here is never talk to this guy again, he is threatening with violence against you and self harms to manipulate/blackmail you. I wouldn't even call the police to check on him, just block him everywhere and cut contact.

    The only way i would involve the police would be to show the messages of his threats of violence against you and maybe try to get a restraining order

  8. Hi. It is not. This is a form of abuse. He is attempting to both physically abuse you and emotionally abuse you. This is abuse. He needs help, and you need to GTFO.

  9. If you want to keep seeing him, the dates need to be outside of a home. I always say 90 days before sex, that is also dating time. Dates should not be at anyones home. But honestly he sounds pretty dang aggressive, and not really sticking to his words. I really don’t know if I’d continue with him after a night like that.

  10. Not sure what all this “up-vote”/”down vote” is all about.

    I DO know that public approval and acceptance are Highly over-rated.

    My faith is in Allah (swt) who is Most Merciful and Most Just and His

    judgement of me is all I really care about.

    Just sayin…….

  11. Hello /u/Throwrayellawh,

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  13. Show her this post after you have to No contact boundary talk. And remember a boundary isn’t a rule, you can’t control her, you’re simply saying “you cross this boundary, it will make problems in this relationship and possibly end up in me leaving you”

  14. If I gave you our whole relationship story you’ll look at me crazy for still being with him … I just try to give him the benefit of the doubt in hopes he’ll change … but lately he’s been showing the same narcissistic / gas lighting behaviors .. I been holding on for the sake of our kids .

  15. End it now.

    If you truly believe that a relationship could happen, tell him to let you know when he’s been out of school for a year, and if you both are still single that you can revisit it.

  16. Thank you, i’m trying to not thinking about it. It’s true we didn’t have a sit down convo about being exclusive i just feel like it was definitely expected and i even considered us exclusive, which is why i feel guilty

  17. This is a matter for the authorities and unfortunately I cannot say how they'll respond to your consumption of cocaine.

    You will need to inform your father of what happened though. This was rape.

  18. Ignore her and block her. Her problems are no longer your concern, and if you respond you are just going to get sucked back in. Keep reminding yourself about the lies and dishonesty.

  19. It’s awful that you’re in this much pain, and if this isn’t something that you can compromise on then you’ll need to break up and find someone who feels the same way as you.

    But honestly, I really don’t understand the problem that some people have with porn. It’s baffling to me. I think porn, especially when it’s ethically produced, is wonderful. I really encourage you to explore ethical porn and erotica and see if you can develop a more nuanced view.

  20. Let’s remove personal opinions about drug usage for a second. Seems like it is a very important thing for your boyfriend and you and both of you will inevitably remain on two other sides of the fence. As a thought experiment, replace the word drugs with kids. (Weird I know but hear me out) if your SO really wanted children and you did not, what would you do? Either one party compromises and makes peace with it, you online happily ever after or the compromising party grows resentful at some point or you go your separate way because of conflicting relationship/life goals.

    Now in case of drugs, when it comes to one of you compromising does your bf imagine the same kind of life at 45? Chem sex with his wife/partner? If not, is it still that important to for him to experience it before then?

    No one should be pressured into doing drugs for anything other than an important medical reason. Just like no one should be forced to have children.

  21. It's been a month and a half. You don't know this person, just the mask he's put up. Likewise he does not know you well enough to love or want to marry you.

    If anything, it's likely lovebombing.

    No, his posting you on Instagram does not mean you're somehow different or better than the girls he cheated on. You're just new. He's showing off his new acquisition.

    You should listen to your flatmate. You're putting not only your mental health on the line but your physical health too. Cheaters don't generally care about safe sex and you're at real risk of having him infect you with something that may or may not be curable.

  22. Buy her a Louis Vuitton Bag. Its her 40th. Spend the money. Theyre like a grand, but they last forever, they have a riveted base which helps keep them off the floor, and she will be absolutely floored.

    Shes NOT materialistic. So give her something to show her, how much she is worth. Give her THE bag of all bags. An LV is the absolute top of the line.

    Louis Vuitton was a bagmaker to the Royals.

    THIS is the gift.

    On top of the disney trip, obvs. 🙂

    I promise. For a big birthday like this, nothing says it better than a luxury handbag.

  23. If he's being up front about it, it's a boundary. You can choose to accept this or you can leave him. He's letting you know what limits he has.

  24. We have talked about it a little. She gets defensive but acknowledges it is tough. She tries for a week or so and falls back. Part of why I came to reddit was to get opinions on how to make this stick and also gauge if I'm crazy or not lol

  25. Dont get back together. Why should you wait for her when she left you? She doesnt want you back, she wants you to be there in case whatever she hopes happens doesnt pan out for the next year. You are mentally moving on, and you should keep doing so. Cut communication as much as possible, but more importantly as much as you are willing to. She didnt leave for innocent reasons, remember that.

    EDIT: You are 30 btw, im sure you noticed. If you want a stable family and possibly kids, do you want to wait a year for a “maybe”?

  26. It's normal to be insecure and feel jealous from time to time. You're both teenagers, so it's understandable knowing how to behave appropriately with a partner takes time to figure out. An extremely important factor to realize is that you will NEVER convince a person to not cheat on you (I assume this is the root of your insecurities?).

    Do you need to tell a person to not cheat on you? No. Everyone knows cheating is hurtful and wrong. Will yelling at someone to not cheat on you stop a cheater? Nope. Will crying and begging someone to not cheat on you stop them? Nope. Will accusing them of cheating on stop them from cheating on you? Nope. And if they're not a cheater, accusing them is hurtful and wrong and will push them away.

    Liking photos is such a small, insignificant thing to get upset over. It's something you have zero right to dictate. If it bothers you, unfollow him and quit looking for it.

    If this is a huge deal for you and you cannot handle it, maybe he's not the guy for you, but he's not responsible for babysitting your insecurities. Those are things you need to work on and figure out how to get over. It's so superficial that you're literally hurting your own feelings. Learn how to be comfortable in your own skin.

    If it feels like he is a cheater, or a potential cheater, get out while you can and trust your gut. You know the details of your relationship, so it's up to you. But if it's literally just him liking pictures, then you are being a bit overly sensitive. But, again, you're a teen and these are all learning experiences. Good luck


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