Alessasmith online webcams for YOU!

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31 thoughts on “Alessasmith online webcams for YOU!

  1. But is the trauma my fault? And my problem to fix? I’m not sure how to go about fixing it. I can afford therapy and my bf doesn’t think it’s fair that he has to tip toe around my discomforts

  2. Exactly. She knows how easy and simple this assignment is to complete on her end, and repeatedly texted me of her own volition, letting me know that she was working on it. Now, I see that she was probably doing that to let me know that, when she didn't do the assignment, it was intentional.

  3. So he threatened to beat you but you have to think about it? Who cares if you’re into him, he threatened you! Are you going to wait u til he does it then act surprised? Stay away from him and seek counseling for yourself.

  4. Well I’m sorry to say that it sounds like he is done by what he said. You have to accept his decision and move on. I would still apologize if you flew off the handle or got angry because life is about acceptance and realizing when we make mistakes. You have to learn from this and take something from this and apply it to your next relationship or to life in general. If want to be with someone who can give you more time, then you should look for someone that has the time for you, however I’d suggest that you should never forget that space and self discovery is very important in relationships. So if you feel afraid every time you’re alone or away from a boyfriend, learn to do that so that you can face that fear. Facing fears is very important in life.

  5. For me, it was just kinda awkward. Like, I knew we were sexually compatable/attracted and the friendship always seemed “less” because we lost that bf/gf status.

    For others, I've seen it blow up in their faces with new partners. If your new boyfriend of 1 month was in a years long relationship with a friend that they still hang out with… it can create tension in new relationships.

    It also tended to create an awkward situation of “do I invite her, will it seem like I”m trying to rekindle the relationship?” and overthinking… it was just a really stressful friendship.

    It wasn't incredibly painful for me, but it wasn't a good feeling either. It was the idea of a friendship that somehow made me feel like a failure at the same time, if that makes sense.

  6. Have the celebration tomorrow with our without the fiance. If he shows up, you can marry him. If he doesn't, then his loss.

    He needs to learn to set boundaries with his bribery and you need to stop enabling him.

  7. Yeah I also experienced something similar although more coercive and that led dme to being very up front with people I was live dating about my expectations of a first date (no sex, probably not even a kiss as it takes me a while to form attraction to someone new)

  8. You don't have to trust them, you have to trust him. Partners can't be “stolen”, they can only leave.

  9. Be honest, be yourself, have fun and make sure to not lose yourself in the relationship. If you don't feel comfortable, trust your gut. Don't exchange nudes. Don't set unreasonable expectations.

  10. Yes, that's rape. No doubt.

    It's completely up to you what you want to do with that. But take as much documentation as you can.

  11. I would never force her to end the friendship. I have my flaws, but I'm definitely not gonna go that far.

    I'm pretty sure I would've been fine with her being friends with that guy, it's just the fact that she lied from the start rather than being honest about it. I didn't expect her to just tell me “yeah me and this guy fucked” just upon mentioning his existence, but she went out of her way to say it was a completely different guy she didn't talk to anymore. I'm gonna take today to think about it. If I still can't find it in me to get over with, I'll talk to her about breaking up.

  12. You post this almost every day on different throwaway accounts and it never makes sense; what kind of advice are you looking for?

  13. Oh, you must know more about the story than we do. Chris must've confided in you with such knowledge. How do you know Chris so well?

  14. It is kind of early, and she is kind of young. I'm not judging, I'm saying give it time. In terms of committed relationships, I would personally recommend knowing someone months before sex, years before marriage/major-financial-commitments, and some amount of time living together before kids.

    Anything faster than that is “taking it fast” and comes at the risk of paying a price.

  15. Everything here is so wrong, and extremely weird!

    But why on earth did you ever accept him hiding in the bathroom to put on the condom? That's literally asking to get pregnant! In this case, it's lotion, but what if he had been poking holes in it or something? I could never trust a man who hides likes this. And neither can you, as you obviously see in your observations.

  16. Yeah, I'm not trying to stand in the way of their friendship, I've always been very supportive of it. But a 17 day overseas trip together just seems a little extreme to me

  17. Modelling as a job implies advertising or selling. As far as I can see, unless there's more to the video, the only things on here are boxer shorts or neo sexual activity?

  18. It's been 8 months and now she is trying to escalate the relationship a lot. Don't walk, run. Run away. That is if this is real.

  19. Is he actually married? If he doesn't wear a ring, and publicly acts single…. is it possible your friend is jealous and trying to throw you off?

  20. You don't need relationship advice, you need a therapist.

    You're clearly just refusing to see what is so perfectly clear to the rest of us.

    You will never be happy with this guy. And he's never going to be happy with just you.

    And just so we're clear, people who want open relations and throuples are the minority, no matter where you live. And there's nothing wrong with it if that's your thing, but that's not something to force on someone who doesn't want it. You're going to have no trouble finding someone you're actually compatible with.

  21. I did at the very beginning, I just didn’t specify. I don’t think I’ll edit the post at the risk of it being removed, but I hope people read here


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