AimmaraVega live! sex chats for YOU!

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5 thoughts on “AimmaraVega live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. By the way, the fact that he repeatedly probes for information on any and all body parts you feel insecure about should tell you he doesn’t actually have an aesthetic opinion about your labia, so stop worrying how they look. He only pretends to have an interest in their appearance in order to get inside your head, because he enjoys emotional torture.

    Your labia are fine. Your boyfriend is ugly.

  2. I find stupid people to be very unattractive personally. If you are dumb as rocks and can't even understand basic words, let alone have deep emotional and philosophical discussions, then why would I want you as a long term partner? Honestly I wouldn't blame you at all for ditching his ass, as cold as that may sound

  3. How do you process anything? What tools do you have? I think you need tools to process things, but one thing I would suggest is try to step outside yourself. You seem very caught up in yourself.

  4. I'm sorry but you are unemployed and you are making dinner reservations complete with dessert and your wife is charging on a high interest credit card???? I'm sorry you are going thru this, but I have to wonder if this is really the right woman for you. She seems unappreciative and not supportive of you in your job search. Telling you to fix your own dinner and glaring at you because you lost a job is way over the top. Apparently, she want to be a SAHM. SAHM are rare anymore as everything cost so much. It really takes two incomes to make it. I wish you good luck in this situation.


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