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4 thoughts on “AimeShy on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. Which was still a choice. When someone does something to you when you're intoxicated you're not at fault. You are at fault for choices you make that impact others.

    That's why drunk drivers still go to jail. Similarly, he broke rules of the relationship “because he was drunk” which isn't an excuse. Him staying is still cheating. He broke his word to his partner. He's responsible for that.

    If he was raped (which he's claiming he wasn't if you read comments) then that's not his fault. Everything he decided to do that hurt OP is his fault. Being at fault for the other actions doesn't make him at fault for the rape.

  2. While you're on your trial separation, get a lawyer and have everything in order. Don't leave the house. This is a thing she wants, the burden should be on her. She cheated. Why should you leave?

  3. Wear a tuxedo and no make up.

    2 things

    Your aversion to make up is almost pathological. its just make up, its not a defining characteristic of who you are,, or an affront to your persona.

    Your mom's frustration with you is coming out on the issue. She is going overboard with her reaction. She sees this as the only time she will get to see you as her “baby girl growing up”


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