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20 thoughts on “AGATHACASE online webcams for YOU!

  1. She had a crush on me first and then got this boyfriend. She now cuts through my yard everyday with her boyfriend like he’s on a leash following behind her to try and get a reaction out of me. I can’t tell her to not trespass as that would end any possibility of us in the future when she matures and her family lives on my family property. Her sister, mother and father think I would be a good fit for her. I think she’s scared to commit to me right now and is stress dating if that’s even a thing. I want to figure out someway to not be a third wheel.

  2. Which means, he went back on that promise and did “entertain” another woman.

    Only he can answer “why”.

    My post was to your last question: Why would he be doing this instead of just breaking it off completely with me?

    By your own post, you two DID break up completely. You refer to him as your ex.

  3. Let's say, she did do it on purpose.

    What would your following actions be?

    Would you try and capitalize on it? Get her number and flirt with her?

    Is the girl who are seeing not good enough for you or something.

    Do you really need to get it in with this roommate of hers because her nips were showing through her shirt.

    She came home from a work day and changed into something comfortable. Relax a little dude. Not everything is hint for you. Just focus on your fwb, that is who you are there for in the first place.

  4. I beg to differ; equal standing is a huge crux of successful poly relationships because without it, there can be little foundation for fair treatment and proper respect. And a lot of the problems here have arisen because the GF clearly either doesn't care as much for her husband, or she doesn't particularly care much for either.

    “Gf is just avoiding conflict; that's typical human behavior and isn't inherently malicious or disrespectful.”- Disagree, the whole way she has treated her BF is disrespectful. If you really care about someone, you don't buddy up with someone who is treating them badly and ignore how they're feeling.

    I'm not a particularly confrontational person, but if someone was treating my partner this way? It'd be an absolute no-brainer for me to defend them and confront the other person. And not because its easy, but simply because when you really care about someone, you care about how they feel.

    If you have to fight for fair & decent treatment in a relationship, its not a good relationship.

  5. If mine ever said anything like that to me, he’d be gone before he could breathe. Why are you with someone who makes you cry like that?

  6. Girl you guys are clearly dating whether he wants to admit or not. You online together, split groceries etc. leave this loser, he’s just using you for the benefits of a relationship without actually committing.

  7. As someone who lives in her parents filth and cries daily because any type of effort to change things just goes into a void and it is impossible for me as one person to work against 2.5 other people.. but can’t afford to move out yet. I can not stress this enough.

    It can go both ways, but if ur gf’s own space is clean then she probably went the other way..

    also definitely be careful about confronting her about it, if she doesn’t raise the topic herself, living in such conditions without having any sort of control about it can be super stressful mentally… I grew up not being able to spontaneously have friends over cause no one should see the house in this state (that we lived in 24/7), so I grew VERY scared of people judging. I am able to mentally separate myself from my parents now, I keep my own space clean, but I’m still mortified of people seeing and thinking less of me due to their living conditions…

  8. Your description of this is so dramatic 'To me it seems like separation-lite. A deliberate cutting-off of romantic contact to put me on edge'

    She probably just needs space from you and I can see why if this is how you react. I'm wondering what these frequent arguments are about. It's all about you in this post – nothing asking why she feels the way she does. I'm also curious as to why you keep following her after you know she wants to get away from you

  9. One option is for both of you to get pre marital counseling to make sure that both of you know that this is what you want, but I will admit that you sound like you could benefit from some individual therapy beforehand.

  10. It might be time that she found out. Why would he worry about her feelings if she's truly an ex? He wouldn't care. I think you know better. Honestly, he doesn't sound bright at all if those are the best excuses he can come up with to keep you as his side piece.

  11. The number of failed marriages isn't relevant unless you are arguing no one should ever get married for fear they might divorce.

    I'm guessing since his gf is bringing it up that he's NEVER said anything about his timing, otherwise she would already know. You are simply trying to excuse his ridiculous outburst.

    Discussing marriage is almost 100% dictated by how long a couple has been together, to say otherwise it's disingenuous and ignorant of reality. He clearly doesn't even want to discuss the matter after 5 years which is ridiculous; if he doesn't want to get married right now that's fine, but after 5 years he should know whether or not he wants to eventually marry her. He doesn't seem to be ready to even discuss it so that means if this girl wants to get married then she's going to have to drop the loser.

    The girl is 23, she has some excuse for being immature, but he's 28… That's too old to be broke all the time and living at home with his parents and without a plan for the future. Dude is a deadbeat, and OP should move on


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