Agatha Main live sex cams for YOU!

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43 thoughts on “Agatha Main live sex cams for YOU!

  1. Wow your GF really played you.

    “God this is going to cost so much”… How many times have you heard something similar to which you have then offered to pay?

    You are being used and abused my friend.

  2. It's incredibly common for sex to drop off after having a baby for many reasons, including hormone changes, breastfeeding can destroy your sex drive, babies are exhausting, staying home with one all day often leads to people being totally touched out, she might be feeling bad about the changes to her body, she might have some PPD going on and instead of talking to her about that you assumed she was cheating at went through her phone? She doesn't have to have sex with you and the more pressure you put on her, the less likely it is she's going to want to. If what you actually want is to to feel a connection you need to have zero pressure date nights. Take the baby, let her take a bath, help get the baby to bed, pick up some take out, let her pick a show and cuddle with no expectation of sex. You are going to need to do that many times before she stops assuming all you want sex. In all likelihood her sex drive will naturally come back and if you have given her space and affection, she'll be ready to go. If you have only given her complaints and pressure, she's going to be resentful.

  3. Your house isn’t even on the name (I assume), and you are not married to one another either. This can only end in tears, avoid.

  4. u/mediocrelow23689, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  5. Honestly: Wtf?

    So your goal is to force your bf to limit his media usage to accomodate your insecurities? That's absurdly over-controlling and even if you manage to do so, it will most likely not solve the problem.

    The problem is not porn, the problem are your insecurities and they will find a new way to haunt you, even if your bf does stop consuming porn. Do you feel like you are “enough” when he is following hot instagram models? When he looks at an attractive woman out there in the real world? Whe he sees a lingerie commercial? And what would you do if your current relationship fails? Do the same all over again with your next bf?

    Oh and, spoiler alert: He will most likely not stop watching porn, but just be more careful to hide it. One day you might find out. Congratulations: No you don't just feel inadequate, but also cheated. And because of what? Your bf not giving up what sounds like a completely normal behaviour? Sorry, but this path will most likely be a dead end.

    This is a you-problem. Don't offload your problems onto him. Fix them. You might need the help of a mental health professional or some couples counseling, but ultimately you can only break free of this problem if you solve the underlying issues. Tying your worth in a relationship to what he watches is not healthy.

    Also you speak of addiction. Have you any idea what an addiction is? Nothing you wrote indicates one. It sounds like you are blowing it completely out of proportion or you are ommiting a lot of relevant information.

  6. Hello /u/PoolsideConvo__,

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  7. Sometimes you can't fix things that are meant to stay broken. You can blame it on your own or the situation that was going on. But in the end, we always have something we are dealing with in life.

    If two people don't work out as a couple, they don't. Just because your situation changed better for yourself, doesn't mean it will work now.

  8. yes! i apologized. don't want to be confrontational, but if you did read my comments you'd see that i responded this question a few times already

  9. Well, tell her “I don't want a relationship with you, but I wanna keep fucking you till I find someone better”

  10. Why are you apologising? She should be grovelling to you!!!!

    Why do we continue to support people that are out and out obnoxious? Nobody would tolerate this from a romantic partnership, but we accept it from friends.

    NTA and your friend is a bully. Good on you for not standing for it.

  11. Just because you like to fantasize about something doesnt mean it's a good idea in real life. I get turned on by uhum tenticles and r*pe. I dont want a tentacle going in me in real life and I actually like my bf being pretty gentle on me while having sex so its completely opposite of what I really actually like.

  12. Thanks for pointing out the bias, I'll keep that in mind. I agree it's all up to her, I'll just make sure to be supportive of any decision and encourage her to reach out to a therapist. Thank you.

  13. So as soon as you weren’t available he fed his “crazy ex” a bunch of lies about how he loves her, wants a relationship with her, and painted a bad picture of you to her. And now that he’s back with you, you didnt stop to think that he could and probably IS doing the exact same thing to you?

  14. “oh it's only top 3? Thank god I was afraid i would have to lie to you about having the best pussy”… If you wanna watch the world burn

  15. Girl, you're dating a dinosaur. The thought of scratching a near 50yr olds scaly body grosses me out.

    You're 27 and arguing over body scratching. You're wasting your best years. Take this as a wakeup call.

  16. I really hope so too. I think what’s stopping me from calling her right now is not knowing what kind of boundary I would exercise if she does choose to date him. I don’t think I could support it, and in turn, since we’re so enmeshed, I don’t think I could be her close friend anymore. I really don’t want to lose her, the thought of it brings me to tears. We’ve had each other’s backs through thick and thin and this is all very out of character — going back to when she stuck up for him when things were on the ice.

  17. Break up with her, do not stay with her just because she is pregnant, both you and your child will be miserable in the long run.

    Break up with her, get 50/50 custody…or full if she doesn’t have what it takes to be a good parent.

  18. Yeah my dad bolted before I was born because he had no interest in having a kid with my mum, or any of the other women he had managed to get pregnant at the same time as her, and we were much better for him not being around. I'm not saying just dip completely, pay zero child support, father enough kids to have an entire sports team then go to prison like mine did, he took deadbeat and ran with it, but you don't have to stay with someone just because they're pregnant. Most children of unhappy parents will tell you that they'd rather their parents separated and we're happy than stayed together miserably.

  19. You should put this in the original post, and not the comment section. It will help others who are reading it to get a better understanding. Many won't read the comment section before making a comment.

    Also I used a text free app to see if she missed me at the time because she blocked my number & she told me no and called me a stalker odd but okay

    The fact she blocked you should have been enough to leave her alone. It's borderline stalkerish behavior to download an app that gives you a free number to try and text someone who isn't interested in talking to you because they blocked you. I had an ex do that, and it was creepy as hell. So, I can see why she called it stalking.

    So we broke up over me telling her family that she fucked one our co workers at work before we got together

    This is such a fucked up thing to say to your spouse's family. This makes you sound insecure that she had a sexual relationship before you even started to date. That is just not something you say to your gf family, ever. She can't trust you not to say something to her family if you think saying that was ok when it wasn't.

    so doesn’t this mean she still has feelings for me

    No. She has made it blatantly obvious she has no feelings for you. She has blocked you, which alone is a very BIG indication, and is calling you a stalker for keeping her number by trying to msg her through an app that gives you a different number she hasn't blocked. You are hung up on this girl and are trying to read every instance that you get, that she may have felt when she doesn't. She broke up with you because you said some questionable things to her family. She can't trust you.

    Lastly please help i don’t know what to do because I’m still in love with her but I don’t know if she wants to get back together at some point ?

    You leave her alone and move on. You are 29, almost 30 but are acting like a 19 yr old who can't or won't respect her boundaries by constantly trying to reach out. Find hobbies, and keep busy but stop attempting to reach out to her. She has made it painfully obvious she doesn't want to be in a relationship with you. Take the Hint.

  20. Believe it or not all women aren't super into the beefy army dudes. The fact that she's dating YOU and not this guy, who she doesn't even like, says a lot about her taste. Honestly if her reassurances that she's happy with you & attracted to you aren't enough, it may not hurt to find a therapist to help you find ways to work on your own self-confidence & stop comparing yourself to other people.

  21. What makes him a loser? It sounds like he is wanting to work on his future to improve his situation in life. One question is: is this just talk or is he taking action to get there? Another question is: do your timelines match up or is there a big gap between them?

    You are free to move on if you’re not confident that he will be able to give you want. You need to listen to yourself here and be honest with yourself.

  22. That is awful, so sorry it happened to you. If they had even sent apologies beforehand, it would still feel shitty, but not as bad. It's up to you if you want to remain friends with any of them. If any of them can truly prove they are sorry and willing to make it up to you (and follow through on this), then maybe they are worth keeping, but I think it will take a lot to do so. Don't you go out of your way to plan anything though, let them put in the effort.

  23. I think you have a completely unrealistic and fantasized view of marriage. Comparing yourself to the women in your family is already your first ?. The women in your family didn’t marry the man you’re dating. So that’s completely irrelevant. You’re trying to force this marriage through, just like they did, and it will result in the same thing if you don’t back off.

    Studies have shown that those who date longer have a much lower rate for divorce. Anecdotes about one failed marriage after 10 years of dating points to other problems.

    Either you can leave, or you can be patient and trust him. But you can’t stay and just pester him about marrying you. He will end up leaving you and you’ll be posting here asking what you did wrong.

  24. 100% not pregnant. Hmm actually let her be around the condoms and then pull out a totally fresh one that she’s never seen and see if she freaks out about why you’re not using the other ones…. The ones she poked holes in….

  25. OP, you need someone who will lift you up when you’re being emotional. You’ve been together for 2 years so I would talk with her to understand why your showing of emotions bothers her. Maybe she was raised to believe that men should not cry. It is absolutely normal and healthy to let it out, even for men.

  26. OP, you need someone who will lift you up when you’re being emotional. You’ve been together for 2 years so I would talk with her to understand why your showing of emotions bothers her. Maybe she was raised to believe that men should not cry. It is absolutely normal and healthy to let it out, even for men.

  27. Please don’t wait. 🙁 I understand it’s hot and you want the best for your daughter, but the best for her is safety. Stability can come next. Domestic abusers are really dangerous. The quicker you can leave, the better.

  28. That is exactly what abusive people do, they very well know they are abusive, so they wait with showing that side until they feel like you won't leave.

    Usually there are red flags before the big abuse comes out, as someone that also failed to see those and got into 3 abusive relationships I'm gonna advice you the only thing that made me realize why and how I got into the abusive relationships.


    First things first though, run and be safe.

  29. that is not a communication problem, it is an 'i don't care about or respect my wife' problem.

    this is something very important that you need to think about – is this what you want for the rest of your life? because it sounds like a lot of trouble to me.

    You are also teaching your daughter that it is ok to allow a man to treat you like dirt – that IS what he did when he demanded that you handle her missing lunch.

  30. Yeah I think he’s expressing his thoughts directly without hiding because he loves you and doesn’t want to lose you but we as guys gotta have some sex in our relationship also. That’s just how I think I’d feel but idk good luck to ya partner

  31. id say let her friends know and let the word go out, what kind of sister does this? let the whole world know

  32. No!No! No!

    I am horrified reading this. This is a 32 year old man and he is acting like a toddler. He is treating you like garbage. When I lost my grandmother my partner and I were new, he was there to hold me. When my mother passed, he was there to hold me. This is the time your partner should be stepping up not dragging you down.

    Your partner is making you have sex so you don’t deal with his abusive behavior makes him a rapist. Please make plans to get out of this relationship.


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