Abbiecoral online sex chats for YOU!

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33 thoughts on “Abbiecoral online sex chats for YOU!

  1. You’re gonna have a tough time in the dating world if you overthink even asking someone out this much.

    Here’s my advice: ask the question, and then mentally move forward from it. Go on Tinder or whatever and start swiping. If she responds affirmatively, it’s a pleasant surprise and you can go from there. If she responds negatively, you can move on much easier because you haven’t put too much stock into it or invested many feelings.

    Just do it and do what you can to put it out of your mind. It’s out of your hands from here.

  2. I'm really sorry you're dealing with this right now it must feel like you've had the rug pulled out from under you. Of course your wife deserves to be happy and follow her own desires but it's a huge adjustment for you. I don't have any great advice because there's nothing you can do to change someone's preferences and choices, you have to just accept it which is incredibly difficult so honestly I think therapy is the way to go as you process and work through this. Dating again after marriage can be scary but there are so many people your age who are currently going through the same thing or have gone through it and currently single so dating at 40 is not impossible although daunting. Definitely consider therapy as I said, perhaps couples therapy if your wife agrees, it might help you navigate the new stages of the relationship you are entering into with her and ease the changes.

  3. No that’s not what i said☠️☠️ of course they lash out im not dumb. Did you even read my comment? Or did you just ignore everything that I said because you are a „mother“ and you know everything about kids? I have volunteered at many organizations. and you? what experiences do you have besides being a mother?

  4. You can always leave, but if you leave just because she gained some weight, you’re just shallow. If you really loved her, it wouldn’t matter.

  5. “Made me feel uncomfortable” is the thing that I feel we need to focus on. DV doesn't start off as a sucker punch to the face.

    The fact that he has never done it before doesn't matter. It's gotta start somewhere.

  6. I think the hurt might be premature here. My husband is good at getting me gifts without me realizing that he had bought them. If your birthday and Christmas comes and goes and nothing happens, then get upset.

  7. Oh man….you must feel hurt right now. Take some time to digest what happen and re read what you wrote. We dont have to what to do with this ungrateful woman.

  8. It depends on how it's measured, people typically count from missed period. My wife knew far earlier than a month both times

  9. Hello /u/auntmomta,

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  10. I’m confused on how that would benefit op and her kids when she’s not still in a relationship with her ex-fiancé….

    Plus she could always marry her current partner if she chooses to stay and get all that.

    Also inheritance rights aren’t guaranteed in marriage. Majority of what you listed are things an individual can have on their own without having to be married.

  11. This is my question as well. Everyone seems to be assuming the friend's fiancee wants OP for themselves… If that's the case how the hell did the fiancee convince OPs friend to break them up so that she would have a chance?

  12. his uncle has been dead for a while before it was posted. i am concerned it means something more. there are pictures/tags of both exes on his social media but this one is like a banner display and it feels like a call to her or something

  13. Aren't in that figure?!

    I would nope out of this relationship. Not just for the debt (unless it was medical debt. Medical debt is bullshit) but for keeping it hidden until now. That does not bode well.

  14. That would definitely be 24m. I have a high drive as well which is why we find ourselves close to breaking our rule often. Me and 22m haven’t gone past lightly making out

  15. This is about your standards. Not his.

    You need to expect better or find someone better.

    He's getting away with it because you accept it.

  16. Yes I agree and you are right she has the right to be offended and upset I wasn’t thinking. I related to it because my ex cheated on me and that’s why I posted it but I wasn’t thinking about her at the time when I posted it. I’m sorry about that but when I’m asking about our current situation and whether we should continue talking or further our relationship and not answering is petty right ?

  17. The only question is why you really want to be with someone who does not care about you. I have to tell you you ought to go to therapy for your trauma and stop expecting him to be there for you. He doesn't care and won't care about what you need right now. Please go to a therapist ASAP and please do not try to reply on this man.

    And yes you will find a guy who does not judge you. I don't judge you, and many others will also accept you for who you are. Please, please take care of yourself first. He's not your child, so stop acting like his mom. Hugs and sending love your way.

  18. I for one am really impressed by how you communicated this & how well you've identified how damaging this has been for multiple people. You sound like a good person, and this comment alone is proof that you add good to the world by being in it. Someone who needs to see this message will, I guarantee.

    I'm really sorry for the loss of your mum x

  19. You are not a sex doll, and you are allowed to say no. If you're not in the mood, you're not in the mood. If you suddenly want to have sex when she asks, then you always wanted to have sex. Very different to the OP.

  20. Look, I have a partner 7 years older than me. It’s not just about age. But this man is very obviously controlling and manipulative. And that’s exactly the type of man who intentionally seeks out young women who are less experienced and easier to exploit. It’s just the facts of having less life experience (and not anything wrong with you.)

    He’s not doing any of this for you. If he actually cared about how you feel about your weight he would 1) help you reflect on why you feel afraid to gain weight, because societal norms are so toxic around women’s weights and 2) be available to support you in eating healthier or working out or whatever YOU choose to do, when YOU choose to do it.

  21. That's the issue. In all reality, him being on drugs isn't the problem. His lack of support and desperate mental health is. get him therapy, and check yourself and your wife in this situation.

  22. The sexual incompatibility is her wanting to piss on him and him not wanting it bc he got forced into that by someone else

  23. This is intentional. I can tell you with certainty to full on have insertion it is no way an accident. Especially not twice. Frankly this is sexual assault. No one should be with a partner that is doing things sexually to them without first asking for consent. Especially that it's causing you so much pain and he doesn't seem to care.

  24. This was really harsh, and unnecessary. OP is struggling with mental health issues and was making an effort to organize she room. Dad acted like a jerk and undid all the work she had put into it, and made it worse. You sound like her dad.

  25. Some people can take a “not now” as a “no”. But each answer has a weight to it. I’ve understood that I was in the mood and my significant other wasn’t, and realistically we had no time or energy, but a flat out no with not explanation can hurt someone’s pride a bit.

    Also I get where you’re coming from, just asking to have sec in some scenarios makes me grossed out even as a guy, like come on put in some work for it or find a better way of initiating.


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