LeilaGemera live! webcams for YOU!

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22 thoughts on “LeilaGemera live! webcams for YOU!

  1. Seems like you want him to propose to you asap, but you are thinking of other men. You might have not been thinking about other men all these years and it started just now but you need to find out why this is happening before you get married in my opinion. Also just tell your coworker you are in a relationship, unless you like the attention, which then I would say definitely dont marry your BF.

  2. This is toxic behavior bro. You’re young and so is she. I suggest that you both amicably split and stay away from each other.

  3. Are you sure you're not just looking for someone to tell you to stay because then you'll be able to justify your own choice to stay? As someone who was in a toxic relationship and managed to leave, at some point you have to take responsibility for yourself and stop making the choice not to leave, because every time you chicken out of following through, you are choosing to continue on the same path you're already on.

  4. My ex started hanging out with a guy friend from high-school a few months before we got married. I never met him or even spoke with him. She lied to me about hanging out with him on more than one occasion. 6 months after we got married she left me. Guess who she married next. If op dumps his wife it will be justified.

  5. I might have unplugged the internet waaay before you did. Like, as soon as the dog was missing I’d have pulled the router plug. His behavior is ridiculous and unacceptable.

    That said, the way this escalated – from both of you – yikes. The first thing you both need to learn is to step away when you’re upset, regulate yourself and get clear about what you want to communicate and how to do so effectively, before coming together to have a productive conversation.

    I’m not sure if this can, or should, be salvaged. Has he always been like this? If yes, just leave. If not… what changed? At the very least, therapy for yourself and if you both want to reconcile, couples therapy for you both.

  6. okay…? So the rule of thumb moving forward if someone you love is struggling you’re just like ‘later dork’? Sounds great.

  7. You let your mother come in and change the nursery she was preparing. She got mad and you blocked her. That’s what makes the situation so severe. That’s why she had a drastic reaction. Anyone would. Hope you and your mother are happy together because you keep treating your wife like this and she’ll soon be your ex. It’s nude to be attracted to someone you don’t respect and your actions would make most people lose respect for you. YTA

  8. You let your mother come in and change the nursery she was preparing. She got mad and you blocked her. That’s what makes the situation so severe. That’s why she had a drastic reaction. Anyone would. Hope you and your mother are happy together because you keep treating your wife like this and she’ll soon be your ex. It’s hot to be attracted to someone you don’t respect and your actions would make most people lose respect for you. YTA

  9. You let your mother come in and change the nursery she was preparing. She got mad and you blocked her. That’s what makes the situation so severe. That’s why she had a drastic reaction. Anyone would. Hope you and your mother are happy together because you keep treating your wife like this and she’ll soon be your ex. It’s nude to be attracted to someone you don’t respect and your actions would make most people lose respect for you. YTA

  10. She likes to smoke pot. You don’t like who she is when she smokes. She continues to smoke.

    This isn’t compatibility.

  11. Yeah you do. You’re blaming a girl for ruining a friendship because she got cheated on. Why not blame the guy that cheated? It wasn’t her fault, and she sounds as if she is only a friend to your boyfriend.

  12. I assumed so since he referred to her as a friend so I’d imagine they’ve seen each other more than the initial time they “met”. I could be incorrect though. I just don’t know many ppl who’d refer to someone as a friend if they only ever just ran into each other occasionally by happenstance.

  13. The guy was playing you lady, he couldn't be the best boyfriend because he was talking to 2 girls at the same time and telling you half truths about it. Sure as shit you were only around to get the other girls attention. I know it sucks being alone but you dodged a bullet. He moved on and doesn't want you, you don't have to understand anything more than that. Fucking gut punch and i've been there.

  14. Sounds about right. She values money, that’s why she does what she does and did what she did.

  15. There are two elements to minor little screw-ups like this: whether you consider how it made the person feel, and what you actually did.

    On the first part, you already acknowledged the wrong here and apologized. There's really nothing more you can do. In my view, you did the “right thing” by reaching out to apologize.

    On the last part — what you actually did — there is nothing you can do to right this wrong. There is no apology or after-action that corrects for the mistake. It's a minor one, but the lesson you need to learn is: do better, and don't accidentally ghost people you care about.

    This is a really minor thing. You really shouldn't beat yourself up about it. But it's important to internalize that when you make mistakes like this, apologies are important but ultimately do not solve anything. Your actions are what count.

  16. A mate of mine was dating a chick that honestly believed the Illuminati were putting messages in music videos to brainwash the masses. She would make the wildest arguments whenever anyone pointed out the ridiculousness of it. After they broke up, my mate was like, “did she seem a bit off to you?”

    Like, yes, mate. She was stupid. I don’t know how you put up with her.

    Don’t be like my mate.

  17. He sat on the curb and cried because he knew there was a good chance you'd look back, because you're a decent person.

    It's pure manipulation. He's realised that you did a hell of a lot for him, and now he's stuck needing to do it for himself. Why would he want to handle his own life, if he can guilt you into it?

  18. He may have found something he sees as damning, whether you did something or not. For example: sneeze during the day and get snot on your shirt? Throw it in the hamper for a couple days? Now when he does laundry, he sees what looks like a cum stain on your clothes that he didn't put there. You didn't do anything wrong, but he thinks you're cheating. Using this as an example because it happened to a close friend of mine. If you ARE or were cheating, cop to it. Thennyou guys can move on. If not, you need to do something to communicate with him. Notes or anything written may work to get back into verbal communication “range.”

  19. She either lied or conveniently forgot because she was embarrassed and feared how you would react and rightly so it seems. You proved her right.


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