Alice Gomez live sex chats for YOU!

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40 thoughts on “Alice Gomez live sex chats for YOU!

  1. Contact a lawyer about your home immediately. If this is your dream house you could potentially try to buy out his share of the home. This man is emotionally abusive he knows all the right things to say and keep you in the relationship. But what he tells you are just words and his actions prove that he is incapable of being an adequate partner that is deserving of your loyalty. Wish you the best and hope you can find the strength to advocate yourself and leave this bad relationship.

  2. No one is sharing a pic/reel with “love of my life” about someone they know is in another relationship, that fact that she shared it and he shared it too… girl are you sure this “work friend” knows you exist? I wouldn’t contact her but this relationship is a mess, I’d break up now before he disrespects you even further

  3. You get over this by putting him aside, at least in your mind.

    You need to spend a while on might need to be single to do it, you might not, you decide, but you need to focus on you.

    First thing – see a therapist. Get to the root of whatever issues it is that have resulted in your ED. Really figure that out. Work out what it is you want from yourself. Do you want to be a particular shape/build? Is it different from what you are/have? Why is that? What can be done to achieve that? Then do it.

    You could discover that you are actually happy with yourself as is, or you might discover that you want to be thinner/thicker more/less toned etc, but whatever it is, figure it out. Find out what you want for you, then go do it. This may take a while, it's long haul stuff, but you owe it to you to be the version of yourself that you are most happy with, never mind boyfriend, family, friends, none of their opinions matter. Only yours.

    You will find that if you actually put the head work in on this, if you consciously take this issue into your own hands and solve it that you will feel bomb proof. Other peoples opinions will matter less.

    You might decide you dont care what he thinks, you might either be able to cast it aside or you might feel you are worth more effort. But you will be putting yourself in a position of power and you will not feel so insecure. Good luck my dear.

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  5. I’m glad you don’t understand how traumatizing it would be. Many rape victims curl into themselves and the last thing they want to do is get to a police station to be literally probed and prodded at

  6. Stop blaming Sean. What Mike did was gross and way out of line. Mike has probably been bullying Sean for years with his bullshiate.

    Mike doesn’t respect anyone but Mike.

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  9. Having been in an absolutely identical situation, I made the decision to cut out the former friend. Nothing could be rehabbed from that relationship when the friend went behind my back. If he checked in with me first and explained what was happening I still would have been very upset but would have been able to continue that friendship eventually. But when someone knows you for so long and goes behind your back, what trust is left? How do you be buddy buddy with this person? I would say focus on friendships that matter more with people who actually care and respect you. This person clearly does not.

  10. There’s a difference between a house visit for a dinner party and actually staying under their roof without paying rent. It’s the least she can do.

  11. Hello /u/johnsworld22,

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  12. “Hey, I’ve really enjoyed our time together and I really want to get to know you better. Would you like to go out again sometime?” There you go, a perfectly secure way of communicating what you want

  13. So your opinion would not change at all even if OP said that they hadn't had sex in a year and she was regularly trying to initiate but he rejected her every single time, many of those times very dismissively?

  14. Has she started any new medications recently? I started a new birth control once and it made me bat shit crazy and also hurting and tired all the time. Luckily we had mentor friends that worked in mental health facility that were able to help my husband figure out what was going on. Once I got off of that medication it was like coming out of a coma and realizing someone or something else has been controlling your mind and body for months. Just want to give you one more thing to consider.

  15. Society (and tv, and movies, and everything else) tends to spread this idea that men are in the mood 24/7 and will never reject sex. No matter how otherwise levelheaded and rational your wife might be it seems like she's internalized this message at least a little bit and is conflating “he's not interested in sex right this second” with “he's not interested in me anymore.”

    Plus it's always rough being rejected once you're already half hard. If she had said “hey what about fooling around later” to you while fully clothed and you guys were doing something else she probably wouldn't have reacted so negatively if you told her you were tired and not in the mood. I'm sure at some point in the past you've proposed sex, gotten a similar answer out of her, and not felt particularly hurt by it. But now imagine that same previous situation but you surprised her very hot or with some other gesture, basically putting yourself “out there” and already exposed. A rejection at that point feels more personal and hurtful, so I'm sure you can understand why she was so upset in this circumstance.

    It's pretty clear what happened here. Your birthday ask was so small your wife either thought you were expecting nothing or not willing to ask for anything bigger. She thought she would surprise you with sex before making the sandwich. Since she was already topless when you said “no” she took it especially personally even though that's not how you meant it.

    Anyway, we’re in a weird spot; and I don’t think I should apologize. Even our daughter asked me why mom was crying. In any case, what do I do?

    I think the simplest way to fix this is talk it out with her, tell her you're always attracted to her but not always in the mood and exhausted after a long day at work isn't the best time, that's why the only thing you could imagine wanting after a long day at work was a sandwich. Hell, tell her eating a sandwich was the maximum amount of energy you expected to have left in you after a long day at work, and you were right. You were running on fumes and had nothing left for sex, hence the sandwich request. Then I'd try to set aside some romantic time for the two of you this coming weekend to reassure her that you still want her. An apology isn't exactly necessary and I'm not sure your wife is even expecting one, but you do need to reassure her that she's desirable to you and you were just exhausted from work.

  16. You should've done it when you found out but… “insert gfs name I haven't felt the same since I found out about your infidelity and I don't want to continue our relationship”

  17. He also knows now he can dredge up the past to manipulate her. He can almost literally weaponize his past deeds real and imaginary to effect her.

  18. If there is any way to salvage it, you have to be empathetic to her vulnerability to be manipulated by social media. She’s just touting common tiktok talking points. I use tiktok, but often don’t buy into it, cause i try to have at least SOME media literacy (everyone is vulnerable though) I have friends I basically can’t talk to anymore though because of this, not necessarily the throwing around pedophile thing but tons and tons of other situations with literally zero nuance. And tiktok trains you to also respond with hostility, shame, and dead end talking points if someone disagrees with you. It’s making people stupid. Which sucks! Cause i love parts of tiktok. Then shit like this happens lol.

    It’s up to you if it’s worth it but all I can say is I bet she doesn’t know what she’s saying. She’s deep in a bubble. Is she an adult and responsible for her words? Absolutely. But again…nuance, she’s been very manipulated by her media consumption.

  19. There really is not polite way to have this conversation. You don’t need to be angry but you absolutely should be firm that this level of disrespect stops right now and he can go somewhere else if he thinks he can talk to or treat you that way. It’s unacceptable. That would also be my sign to end the relationship honestly. Seems like he got really comfortable with you paying for everything while he does what exactly?

  20. WOOF. I dislike cheaters as much as the next redditor, but hearing the timeline of this relationship changes my take a bit. So he started dating you when you were 18 and he was 31?? It's not the size of the age gap itself, but the difference in life stages at the beginning of the relationship. I'm 33 now and I promise you that any man my age who gets with a kid old enough to be in high school ain't shit.

    No one should cheat on their partner, full stop. You deserve to feel bad about that, so please don't think I'm excusing it. But you need out of this marriage anyway, for your own sake. There's a reason every single person in your life advised you against this, and they're right. He's gross for dating (and then marrying!) a barely-legal kid while in his 30s, and you'll realize that eventually. I get that it's super frustrating to be told that over and over, but you keep hearing it because it's true.

    Plus, you obviously need to get this type of party-girl shit out of your system before you can be a decent wife to anyone (lord knows I did in my early 20s).

  21. She then got angry at me, told me she has a disability (ADHD and autism) and she can't help it. And that if it bothers me so much she'll try really hard to be “less mentally retarded”.

    The only way to “fix this” is to accept that this is how she is, and when your lease expires, move out and find someone else to room with. Stop bugging her about it, do more than your share, and then at the opportune time, move out.

    Whether she can afford the rent of a place alone is her problem, not yours.

  22. That’s why I clarified for men honestly. I’m assuming other women know the struggle/pain of waxing. As a bloke I want to promise you most straight men do not understand how much it must hurt. I’ve had my eye brows waxed and my arm hair a few times but it doesn’t sound comparable.

  23. Sorry but “figuring things out” is trying another guy to see which she likes better while you wait around. Let her go.

  24. Look it sounds like you are not convinced that you should go out with either and that is fair.

    You also don't have to stop (or keep) talking to anyone. Just say “look, right now I am keen to work on myself, so I don't want a relationship. I am happy to be friends and I am sorryI lead you on, I was just a bit confused at the time.

  25. Yeah but I'm afraid she'll know that I'll talk to them or anything. I'm not afraid that she'll cheat cuz she won't but I'm totally afraid of how oblivious she is. She has a brother but she doesn't like him very much and their bonds aren't as good. Her parents are strict but she told me, she already told their parents which makes me wonder if she did or did she not cuz meeting someone who's almost twice her age is very unsafe and uncool. I can't stop overthinking since the day she told me that a friend wanted to meet her and she was just 17 when she told me that

  26. take him to see a different doctor and get a second opinion, both incase this is an actual problem or incase this is manipulation (personally i'm leaning more on manipulation of some kind if he doesn't do this shit in front of family and friends). if he doesn't want to go to another doctor for a second opinion or something i'd maybe try and probe his family and friends to see if this has been spoken about or done before.

    also if i was you i'd contemplate just leaving, theres no point in staying with someone who exhausts you every day or week no matter if its legitimate or if its manipulation of some kind (if it is manipulation then you should be getting out even more)

  27. I see why you are telling that and in many cases yes, that is absolutely valid.

    However, my boyfriend labels himself as toxic for things that are not toxic, have never been toxic, and will never be, like sometimes getting reasonably upset over others' irritating behaviour or liking comic book movies. The latter because he thinks he should not do this as a 31M, but I feel like those are not his own words.

    He is not controlling, jelaous, has no history of cheating, he listens to me, supports me, shows his love, takes care of me. His negative attributes are totally normal and within my tolerance zone; I have my own annoying things too.

  28. It does sounds like a legit concern. And well military marriages don't always last. So cover your bases and keep the fruit of your hard work.

    If she tells you “what? Do you plan on not making it last?” then tell her It will last that's why it shouldn't be a problem signing it.

  29. I was in a threesome where the girl thought she wanted it with her bf. He was a friend of mine so I figured it would be fun. She started sobbing during it. I awkwardly left because I felt bad and it was very weird.

    It’s ok to not want to do it. I would never in a committed relationship. If you’re worried he would cheat because of this, leave.

    It’s super hard in our heads, but the reality is very different.

  30. The group is on the news as radio. I dumped him because it stated he was dating someone. Women who has been seeing someone and want to share they’re a “red flag”

  31. Holy hell you are NOT compatible. At best, he is bad and insecure and trying to make you feel like you are the insufficient one.


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