Moon-Valkyrie live! webcams for YOU!

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25 thoughts on “Moon-Valkyrie live! webcams for YOU!

  1. I’m assuming he is not married or attached. If that is not correct, back the fuck off. Don’t wreck his relationship for your own fun.

    Assuming he is single and free, this is the easiest situation in the world. Get him alone – maybe out to lunch – and tell him that you’d like to end the flirting and move on to something more physical. He’s either interested or he’s not. Simple as can be – no need to make this more complicated.

  2. well, it sounds like he didn't crack open that pandora's box on his own… TBH, after a quick scan of the comments you're getting, I can't believe so many people are failing to remind you of your role in this mess. The number of people that feel the need to endorse the OP on reddit is friggin ridiculous, karma vultures I say, they're not trying to help. I'm not saying you don't have the right to change your mind, but you either got to piss or get off the pot. You need to just come straight out and tell him that you messed up when you agreed to “dabble” in it, it's not who you are and it must stop or the marriage is over. It really is that simple. If you don't want to be his doormat, and if you think he's capable of stopping you guys have to treat this like the problem it is and move forward in unison. If he's unwilling, you guys are incompatible and staying together will just ruin you. I wish you well, and hope you find a way forward, truly, good luck.

  3. How is he supposed to do that if he is your carer? Seems like he has an adult sized anchor around his neck that would keep him from having any relationships. Maybe you should quit getting involved in things that are absolutly none of your concern. Can't have normal friends when someone is holding him back from a normal life.

  4. They need to be treated with respect and dignity just like everyone else. I am someone who grew up with a distant father and I need to be handled with care. Everyone is different in their wants, needs and personal preferences…

  5. I'm on the right post about a fiance who cannot pay his share of the bills.

    Does this get better when they get married?

  6. Write S-P-A-C-E next to his name when he pulls back and focus on other things. Journal, talk to connect with other people. If you’re a praying / believer talk to God/ pray for strength. It’s an anxious behavior. I’m currently dealing with the EXACT same problem. Except we’ve not been having sex due to my health issues and wanting to be emotionally close and committed first. He’s agreed to all of this mutually. But yesterday him sending a text instead of answering his phone like usual felt weird. Then no call back feels like he’s jumping ship, and I feel so very anxious plus I’m dealing with bereavement cause it’s my mother’s second year of her funeral date so I’m Uber emotional ! But I’m trying not to cry or go off. I texted #lipservice when I didn’t hear from him yesterday. I plan to be quiet for the rest of the day, in regards to him and give him space. I can assume all day, and I know how I would handle this. But that’s what I would do and he’s not me. So until I hear back I can’t assume. People will say if wanted to he would … it’s just not that black and white with emotions all the time. I’m sorry you’re going through this, but it sucks even more on Christmas Eve!

  7. If he can't acknowledge the suffering he put you through I don't understand why you'd entertain the idea of dating him again.

  8. Your partner will prioritize his family over you. By the time he is 30 you will feel stuck in this relationship because he will be treating you poorly. Remember how his father and uncles abused their wives? He thinks his mother and sister depend on him? He probably is already used to thinking that his opinions carry more weight than yours. By 30 you will be used to trying to keep him happy and the sink cost fallacy will make you reluctant to try to leave. Will he really suddenly become respectful of your culture and your desires when he turns 30?

    He is literally telling you that he doesn’t think of you as his future wife. You are naive to think that him keeping you as a girlfriend for 9 years will make him suddenly prioritize you and marry you.

  9. Idk how I’ll be able to go to AA cause I have no one to watch the babies. But I’m throwing away every drop of alcohol I have in the house. I can’t help but feel guilty that my marriage could possibly be ending because of my drinking. I would want it to soley be sex/relationship issues. I want to make things right and make a rational decision down the line.

  10. I don’t read my messages every single day. That doesn’t mean I don’t care. Lack of punctuation makes me seem sarcastic or uncaring? I said oh wow really as in being concerned. Not that I don’t care If I didn’t care I wouldn’t have said let me know if you need anything.

    Telling him to let me know if he needs anything is showing that I do care so that makes no sense. I wasn’t expecting him to reply which is why I didn’t read my messages until a week later.

  11. How many hours a week are you ignoring your wife and infant to game? Be honest. I’ve never heard a gamer give an accurate response to that, as they all underestimate the time they go down that rabbit hole.

  12. Your boyfriend doesn’t think women should have the right to their own bodies. The abortion topic is probably the tip of the iceberg. I’d bet he has lots of crazy beliefs.

  13. This is an unhealthy relationship. Thinking it's perfect at any time when it leads to this is ridiculous. You should break up and work on yourself. If you're going to college consider using their mental health resources.

  14. Dude, your wife does not want children. Read that sentence again and again. If you want kids, you need to move on and find another.

  15. You can also get HPV from non sexual places. It's been known to be picked up from sitting on a park bench. Sooo many adults have it

  16. he wasn't asking for permission, he was asking for forgiveness.

    this dude has already cheated, he just wanted a way out of calling it that

  17. He sounds like a petulant pig of a man. He's greedy and childish. Why even bother with making a lifetime commitment and going through pledging the marital vows? If you want “strange”, stay F'ing single.

  18. I hate to say this but.. age gap. She's 10 years older than you. At 37 she totally knows better and is not dissuading him, and is also closer in age to him than you.

    You will need to fess up to the snooping and state clearly that he's hit on your exes in the past & you are not okay with their texting like this. She'll either agree or not and you'll know.


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