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93 thoughts on “Kimmpierce live! webcams for YOU!

  1. You don't have control over Her behavior, yet you are letting it control YOU.

    You DO understand what it means to “Break-up”, yes?

    If you are responding to her behavior…YOU are the one who has the problem.

    Move on with your Life and quit letting her live! “rent-free” in your head.

  2. I genuinely think so. It’s like people know deep down that they wouldn’t be Catholic (or anything else) if they weren’t raised in that particular geographical location, in their particular family so they have to do the same for their kids. She even openly admits she doesn’t follow the poison the church spews – she’s not anti LGBT, believes in abortion, premarital sex etc. At this point the question is, why confuse your kid with their hateful messages then?

    I think this is an example of just how deep religious brainwashing goes. You can fundamentally disagree with the most basic aspects of the religion you were raised in and not even actively participate, but STILL feel like you have to promise your firstborn to them. It’s whack but as an ex Catholic I kinda get it. It messes with you.

  3. well then you need to tell him that you need reassuring then he may adjust to your needs but without telling him he can't know right?

  4. Thank you, that's a lot of useful information. I am assuming you did good research and your sources are good, so I agree with you that this data clearly shows that odds of it not being a result of cheating is very low for both this thread and the previous one.

    I will point out one small thing though, and that is the fact that false positive rate s not how likely you are to be clean when you tested positive. You need bayesian logic for that. For example, in the USA in 2020 there were approx. 258 000 000 adults and (according to CDC) 1 579 885 cases of chlamydia were reported (assuming only adults have STIs). This means a person chosen at random would have 0.6% chance of having chlamydia. So if you took 1000 people and tested them (for simplicity assuming the test has 0% false negative rate) you would get 0.6% of them, so 6 people having chlamydia and testing positive for it, and then 3% or 30 people with false positives. 36 people with positive result in total.

    Now the chance that a person who tested positive actually has chlamydia is 6/36=17%. So just a 17% chance that your positive result is true.

    Now obviously, you are more likely to test when you have symptoms, and the age group is also significant and will affect the odds, but false positives are more prevalent than people think. This is why getting a false positive is not the most unbelieveable part of the story.

  5. The age gap is a concern and his behavior is odd. He's sending you mixed messages. Even after he let you down he still sent a mixed message by trying to hold your hand. If you don't want to sever this all together, at least consider seriously distancing yourself from him for now. Let this just start to fizzle out. The right partner for you is out there, don't let this get you down.

  6. Haha very very hot. We’ve hung out one time so far, is it better to tell her I’m into her or to bring up a date like you suggested?

  7. It appears to me that you just swapped the genders though? I can agree that only asking questions isn't the way, that's why I'm not messaging them at all. But I'm also not enjoying the silence. I'm looking for ways to move out of it.

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  9. The sooner more women realize the power they have via divorce rape the better. Any man stupid enough to get married deserves to have half his shit taken.

  10. Hello /u/user9665,

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  11. I smoke myself, but I'd never do so when staying with soneone who doesn't like it, and certainly wouldn't enter their home while high.

    I think it is very different thank a glass of wine or a beer. The equivalent in my opinion is you sneaking out to your car to quickly drink 5-6 shots of vodka.

  12. I’m personally a firm believer that you should only ever look back in the past to learn from it, not to relive the same mistakes.

    Has she offered ANY explanation as to why she reached out to you after ghosting you all those years ago? I personally would be incredibly cautious. She’s ghosted you once, you know what she’s like, unless she can give you clear indication that she’s changed or a valid reason why she behaved the way she did, tread very carefully. People can rekindle and have successful relationships after something like this, but it’s rare. Prepare for the worst, expect disappointment, and hope for the best if you do pursue it.

  13. You will never forget what you go through when you’re pregnant. Especially to THIS degree. Your husband took another woman’s word over yours and you were pregnant!

    Co parenting is way better than the kid growing up in a home full of resentment because they feel it too.

    Spruce : A product of two toxic parents who stayed together “for me.”

  14. He believes I have a local complice (the ex of my best friends actually)… I would just drop it, if only my ex didn’t have some compromising photos of me. I’m afraid for a “revenge porn” situation.

  15. And there comes a point where if someone isn’t seeing to their own needs, they can no longer help others.

    If you martyr yourself on the altar of family, I hope your god honors martyrs.

  16. Is this new? How did you marry someone you havent been able to discuss negative things with?

    If it is new I would suggest couples therapy because this has to be coming from somewhere else. Maybe you vent to her more than you realize and she’s fed up. Maybe she has evolved thinking on things how she views relationships and you need to evaluate if you are still fulfilled in the relationship.

    I don’t really understand the line of thinking that venting about work problems is not a role for a significant other, so unless she has always been this way then I think it has to be something tangentially related.

  17. You need to go to therapy. Your wife is irreparably broken. You CANNOT fix this – her family first mindset would most likely meet the reality and cause a complete breakdown. It’s time to grieve losing what you had

  18. I understand that you want to be as supportive and empathetic as possible. I applaud that but at some point tough love is a great tool. In some ways your wife's reaction is very telling and you need to call her out on it.

    You need to directly ask her is she 100% trusts you or not. If she says no you deserve some very real answers as to why. If she says of course but…. just stop her. Then tell her. If she 100% trusts you then you need to know who's opinion of her means the most in the world. Is it you or her sister?

    Then calmly but sternly let her know it should be you or you shouldn't be married. If it is you, then she should cut contact with her sister and open up to you. Trust you. Appreciate how much you love her and how as you have always told her she is the only 1 for you. Her pulling away from you and pushing you away so she can feel sorry for herself and treat you badly for what her sister did is not ok. Tell her you can 100% empathize with her issues and her feelings but only if she can turn to you and you 2 get through this together.

  19. Does your wife ever get to nap? I mean, whose watching your child when you are? You doing that forces her to be awake and looking after your child and I bet you never offer her the same. You were condescending but not only that, you involved your child in it by saying it to them about your wife.

    And then the “find ten people who agree with you…” statement. Again, condescending.

  20. Look, I’m gonna be blunt. If you take her back, not only will I not care what happens to you. I’ll actively hope she wrecks your heart again when she inevitably “pursues a relationship” with someone else.

    She doesn’t give a shit about you, she’s just a user. You’re better than this, have some self respect man!

  21. Thank you. Very well written.

    Some self-reflection would definitely be valuable. It’s just very hot to find the time to do in the midst of school, work, and all.

  22. Ask her the position she was in, what was being massaged and see if the event is repeatable. You could both have a lot of fun from this recent discovery.

  23. The female body is weird AF man. You can orgasm at the gym lifting waits and you can orgasm when taking a really stressful test. Its like male random boners

  24. The thing is, abusive people are not hideous monsters. They are charming. Charismatic. They KNOW how to charm. That’s how they get people. They know nobody would stay with someone who yelled and insulted from sunup to sundown.

    You need to stop being blinded by the good things. Everyone has good things.

    You can find someone with good things who also treats you like a capable adult.

  25. The thing is, abusive people are not hideous monsters. They are charming. Charismatic. They KNOW how to charm. That’s how they get people. They know nobody would stay with someone who yelled and insulted from sunup to sundown.

    You need to stop being blinded by the good things. Everyone has good things.

    You can find someone with good things who also treats you like a capable adult.

  26. OP said in the comments that her husband holds his alcohol well. Doesn't mean that he wasn't also drunk, but it's apparent that their level of drunkenness was not the same just based on OP's post and there is a good chance he was aware of what he was doing.

  27. Suppressed memories aren't all that rare. it ultimately depends on the woman's relationship with her parents during childhood and how securely attached they were in her mind.

    Neglect can also cause this. Neglect is a form of trauma that can affect memory even worse than direct abuse. The numbers are far, far higher than you'd like to consider – 1 in 4 children are beaten so very hot a bruise is left as an example. It's not rare.

  28. I disagree with this. My friends and I all come from a similar background, and none of us would ever dream of introducing our parents to someone we’ve only been steadily dating for 6 months. That doesn’t mean we’d never marry that person, it just means we would only introduce them to our family once we’re ready to get engaged. Plus it’s much more accepted for Arab men to marry outside their culture than it is for an Arab woman to do so.

    That being said, it still sounds like he’s not giving you the level of priority you deserve. It’s worth reevaluating the relationship and/or having a very honest convo with your bf, but I don’t think he’s cheating on you just from the information provided. The cultural nuance here is highly relevant to the post, and I would do the same as him when it comes to introducing my SO to my parents

  29. Definitely go with the flow! I’m just saying that if it comes up, be honest about your feelings and use your words. Don’t just move away from her or change the subject, because she will then think you’re not interested in her.

  30. How is a spotless house an actual need? That is a desire or a hope. How does he suffer when there is a toy on the carpet? A dish in the sink? What happens when there are crumbs on the counter? How is he damaged or hurt? Ask him those questions. What does he see that is not spotless? So what is the consequence for him when this happens?

    He's being a jerk to control you and make you doubt yourself. He knows that you have tons to do and does not care.

    When he focuses on the house, he is not making the development and care of your child important. Why does he not care about the activities of the child during the day? You are busy doing enriching things with your child over laundry.

    If you want to make housework easier, make all your spaces very minimal. Less to care for.

    What does his mother think about all this?

  31. Break up, bro. Y'all aren't compatible and you don't make enough to support this woman the way she demands. Good thing you don't have to!

  32. Not your problem so, stay the hell out of it. She is a cheater who has shown you she takes no responsibilty for her life or actions. Ignore the manipulative “friend” that is enabling her.

    You don't love her. You love those fleeting moments she acted like a proper partner. Cut your losses, lose the dead weight you call friends, and learn to never date anyone who has anything close to her issues or reminds you of her in anyway.

    “People” like her are just blackholes that suck all the life, energy, and happiness out of anyone who is dumb enough to get close. The only thing you should feel guilty or concerned about is that you are/were attracted to a human hefty bag.

  33. You got in a relationship really young.

    You've matured and she hasn't.

    Time to end things.

    Please don't have kids with her.

  34. I don’t even know why he hasn’t tried to record or wake me up. I ask him so many times to do that cause I don’t want to be dreaming about someone else ? . Definitely getting a sleep app now

  35. I don’t even know why he hasn’t tried to record or wake me up. I ask him so many times to do that cause I don’t want to be dreaming about someone else ? . Definitely getting a sleep app now

  36. No, not really actually. They profess social inclusion, charity work etc but they ignore people who simply don't dress like them so yes, I found it quite shocking.

  37. A couple things.

    I recently saw a jordan Peterson interview where he explained that psychological illness cases follow a trend of a bunch of cases, then no cases, rinse repeat.

    I noticed that within the last few years, after the well needed awareness movement for mental illness, plenty of people diagnose themselves with anxiety and depression as a scapegoat to be lazy fucks.

    And I'm not some oldhead either, I'm 21 and have seen people quit literally refuse seeing a doctor for a diagnosis because they “just know” which is a whole other mental illness at that.

    Also. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but being a stay at home wife is not a full time job. Being a stay at home mom is, and once children are in school, it's no longer necessary in my opinion. Cleaning the house is not comparable to a 8+ hour shift. Cleaning doesn't take all that long. You can get most cleaning done within a 2 or 3 laundry cycle.

  38. You are right, because I'm always here when she's done being upset. I need to regain power in this relationship. My thing is, if I said I won't be around anymore, she will just say that's fine and she will be ok. She won't be hurt by my leaving. Because I try so very hot to make it work, she keeps sticking around. I guarantee as soon as I put less effort in or pretend I don't care, she will leave and be ok being by herself. She is a narcissist.

  39. Im 24 and shes 25 I dont know how to handle the situation or how to tell her that he might want more

    Do me a favour, cough into your hand and tell me what you smell?

  40. Lol I was gonna say, trust me I know everybody has the ideal version of a geek doing radio stuff, but is actually interesting lol

  41. It’ll take time, and effort. Distance amplifies distrust. If it wasn’t a big deal, why not tell you about it the first several times? In my experience, that’s because what was said is a lie and they aren’t a quick thinking liar. I’m betting that she is seeing someone on some level. LDR are notoriously very hot. Monogamy is damn near impossible totally.

  42. I don't know. Lol. My husband does this sometimes and it's pretty annoying. He'll see my face knowing I'm not understanding exactly what he's referring to and then will just explain so I can respond accordingly. Otherwise I'm not going to ask again because it must not matter if you can't just say it. Maybe couples counseling can help you all with communication since he isn't trying to help you understand him. He could've said “Oh I left you a surprise babe!”. Like why tell you to go away? Rude.

  43. Honestly, I was not doing well about 24 hours ago when she disappeared, but I've leveled out since then. But thank you for your concern.

  44. Honestly, I was not doing well about 24 hours ago when she disappeared, but I've leveled out since then. But thank you for your concern.

  45. Honestly, I was not doing well about 24 hours ago when she disappeared, but I've leveled out since then. But thank you for your concern.

  46. 100% agree with you. As usual I think there's the usual parade of men who have never had a healthy relationship with a woman commenting on situations they've never experienced. The price we pay for scrolling on reddit I guess lol

  47. The choice is whatever you decide really. Your boyfriend can’t stop you regardless. But your boyfriend’s concern is warranted and has nothing to do with insecurities. How many stories on Reddit have started out like yours , male roommate just friends the boyfriend who doesn’t want to be controlling or looked at insecure just goes along with it and within a year the girlfriend and roommate are hooking up. So yeah I’m sure if you place yourself in your boyfriend’s shoes, you can see where he is coming from. Hope you guys figure it out ✌?

  48. I'm kinda the same way.

    I really hate infidelity and I'm not interested in hollywood putting it in front of me and telling me it's entertainment.

    Seems your man has a good reason to dislike it as well.

    It'll be interesting how/if you support him in this.

  49. As a fellow LGBT+ member myself, you don't know what you're talking about.

    There are people who initially identify as gay or lesbian, because they've only experienced having the hots for someone of the same gender, they will eventually find some attraction towards someone of the opposite gender, be it sexual sparks or the butterflies – doesn't matter – and this can cause them to act very differently.

    Either because they don't know if they're bisexual, not gay/lesbian or even questioning what's “wrong” with them. Or they are just too smitten. Y'know, being in love is actually considered a temporary state of insanity, because we don't act rational.

    It's not unheard of that lesbian/gay couples break up, because the other part of the relationship turned out to be bisexual. It's not uncommon at all.

  50. He stuck it out for a year. You are not married, you don’t have any kids together, nor do you have shared properties. I don’t think it’s fair to judge him for moving on without wasting anymore time since there wasn’t anything worth fighting for. Accept the reality. It sucks, but it is what it is.

  51. I’m reading this as He’s saying you’re the placeholder until the right woman comes along. You’re killing the “vibe” because you’ll have to break up if you force him to admit that you’re only the placeholder.

  52. ?‍♀️

    First of all you freaking apologize to her. You tell her she is NOT fat, bc I bet she isn't. You tell her you were wrong to make her think there is something wrong with her body. There isn't. You tell her you think she's beautiful, gorgeous, a goddess – whatever.

    Then you ask her how you can make this up to her. If you know she tends to dismiss her own feelings, you take the initiative. You get her flowers. Buy/make her favorite foods. Take her out for romantic dates. Ask her to wear something you like on her in particular – that blue dress, that blouse with the black buttons, those jeans that highlight her ass, those heels that make her legs look amazing, those underwear that just make your jaw drop. Make her feel desired and loved.

    And talk to her. Find out where this insecurity is coming from. Is she comparing herself to other women? Has she internalized something? Did something traumatic happen to her? Is she feeling insecure for some reason?

    She needs to know you are in her corner, and a little weight gain doesn't change her at her core. It's superficial, esp since she's so active. You're not going to love her any less just bc she's a human being that has weight fluctuations. That's such a normal thing it's trivial.

    But she's feeling ashamed. This poor woman – I feel so deeply for her.

  53. It’s such an outside shot that it does not require this degree of forethought. A complete stranger in the same city with no clear commonality on which to express interest. Just say why she appeals to you and that you’d love to chat and see how you two get along.

  54. I know it's been 12 years — but you're only 30. You have an entire lifetime ahead of you. The truth is most people do not stay with the people they date as teenagers. At this point it sounds like he's been treating you poorly for years. It's time to move on.

    I wouldn't even confront him about it — he'll just feed you more bullshit and you'll never know the full truth. At this point its lies upon lies and this is not forgivable. I would focus on getting your affairs in order. Talk to a divorce attorney. Get your finances & living situation sorted. Rally your support network.

    The worst mistake you could make is to stay. You'd just be living with suspicion and misery. You have much better things in life to look forward to than what he has to offer.

  55. Girl. Girl. You need to get a hellofa lot smarter with dating. He sounded like a train wreck from the jump. I’m a little shocked you’re not rotting under his floorboards right now. You need to smarten up.

  56. Sounds like you're reading way too much into this, your implications alone here means you should leave your boyfriend and let him find someone who doesn't think about him this way. If he knew what you were thinking he would leave you.

  57. So you are a stay at home husband or what? I have to give her credit because at least she apologized and even told you the reason. It’s very hot to give advise because you didn’t state the situation. Are you working? Laid off or what? There are so many variables that could come into play here that could pertain to this situation.

  58. So please Reddit, tell me, are my feelings valid or am I just overreacting?

    Very valid. Why does she expect you to live! by standards that she, herself, doesn't abide by?

    I wouldn't be surprised if they're still flirting. Keep an eye out for bullshit. There's plenty more coming.

  59. Id show him this post. What you said here word for word is what he should see, including your wise decision to seek advice as well as your feelings, which he should appreciate and respect

  60. I think that some people are more prone to stress than others. I don’t mind if someone is prone to being real stressed out, so long as they are responsible for their feelings.

    My gf gets stressed out REALLY easily. But she is able to acknowledge and identify those situations, and knows how to calm herself down and navigate those stressful situations with herself in the lead. I don’t mind when she displays those feelings of stress, because I know all I have to do is tell her she’s pretty and that I love her while she sorts it out. Some people just need that little bit of support.

    That said, some people expect others to do with the stress FOR them, and that is not ok. Which one is your partner? The kind who is stressed but is accountable for her own feelings, or the kind who is stressed and expects you to deal with it for her?

  61. I think that some people are more prone to stress than others. I don’t mind if someone is prone to being real stressed out, so long as they are responsible for their feelings.

    My gf gets stressed out REALLY easily. But she is able to acknowledge and identify those situations, and knows how to calm herself down and navigate those stressful situations with herself in the lead. I don’t mind when she displays those feelings of stress, because I know all I have to do is tell her she’s pretty and that I love her while she sorts it out. Some people just need that little bit of support.

    That said, some people expect others to do with the stress FOR them, and that is not ok. Which one is your partner? The kind who is stressed but is accountable for her own feelings, or the kind who is stressed and expects you to deal with it for her?

  62. Why comment if you’re just going to be rude about everything I said?

    I have searched for them before but because this as an outlet for me as well, I wanted to voice myself and have a conversation with people about it.

    No, his attitude around liking pictures doesn’t have to match mine. But if something feels weird to me and clearly not to him, I certainly have the right to question it.

    Social media has become a platform for girls to post almost very hot and our boyfriends have the opportunity to like the pictures and let the girl know he likes what he sees. THIS has become a norm which is wild to me!

    Anyhow, I’m not sure how you’ve gathered I want to control him based off of what I posted. I don’t control him in the slightest.

  63. Texting 6k messages in 2 weeks Sleeping with phone under pillow Sleeping in seperate rooms Texting a number NOT saved in phone Tilting phone so you can't see

    Bruhh all the signs are there.

    The only thing I could think of is she's planning a surprise party for you with a party planner? Maybe? No?

  64. It's been five months my dude. I'd be surprised if this didn't make HER rethink ya'll. This whole thing sounds really controlling and you'll say 'oh it can't be controlling cause I'm not going to order her to not do it.” no, you're just going to be both passive aggressive and aggressive and basically issue an ultimatum to her. Go out with work friends and have fun but lose your relationship or get to feel cowed by your partner who is treating you like an infant cause he only cares about what he likes and what he wants you to do…

    I'd dodge the bullet tbh. Get therapy about your feelings surrounding your ex.

  65. Not necessarily; she could feel that they are dilute or insincere and wish he wouldn't be spewing them out all the time but she's keeping her mouth shut to keep him happy…

  66. I 100% agree with you and everyone that I’m in the wrong in this scenario. I wanted people to be honest, and I thank you for doing so. To also be blunt, I don’t think honestly exploring my thoughts, choosing not to act on my feelings and owning up to the fact that I’m probably wrong is not in the least bit immature. I have no plans to harbour these feelings any further as I’ve had the confirmation I need- it was an overreaction on my part and I’ve already moved forward since making the post. It’s been a good opportunity for self reflection. I also said I don’t expect the parents to say thanks or give any compensation so i think you’re confused. Thanks again though.

  67. Liquor can remove my filter, and my identity is honesty. Generally, I would dodge this question in a business environment or relationship, but I had my guard down. I need to alter my identity to avoid this in the future.

    Thanks for your time and feedback. I need to slow down and think before I speak, even under the influence.

  68. Liquor can remove my filter, and my identity is honesty. Generally, I would dodge this question in a business environment or relationship, but I had my guard down. I need to alter my identity to avoid this in the future.

    Thanks for your time and feedback. I need to slow down and think before I speak, even under the influence.

  69. It's clear he resents it because he's presenting it as some sort of sacrifice – it's not. It's not even the bare minimum. And he's not pleasing her though. If he were pleasing her, he'd be getting her off or at least trying to.

    How is it a reach? She's literally doing all the work with it while he pounds away. Ah yes, the “type” that is nearly all women. How kind of him to be “cool” with that.

    Imagine this: when a woman is in the mood, she kisses and gropes her boyfriend a few times before humping his leg, using his body to get off. She's really generous and “cool” with the idea that he probably isn't going to orgasm like that, because he's the type of man who requires penile stimulation, so she allows him to masturbate at the same time, even though it's kinda inconvenient to her position and speed. Then, she goes on the internet and complains that her boyfriend wants her to turn him on before using his body to satisfy her needs, and that he's not doing more for her because by humping his leg she's already doing all the work.

    That is exactly how this post sounds.

  70. Yep. There’s nothing wrong with being young and inexperienced. But she’s operating with a totally different set of emotional and communication tools than you. You guys are basically trying to play the same “game” but with different rules.

  71. Yeah I often wonder how I'm supposed to act on crushes now. As a guy. When I was younger I'd just go up to a girl I liked and simply ask them if they wanted to date. As I've gotten older I've seemed to develop a little voice in my head that every time I try to ask someone I have an interest in it says “too soon” and I back down.

    So I'm wondering if there like a age appropriate way to flirt now? A way that doesn't seem inappropriate or rude. I.e making sexual joke towards the person is not the way to go at all. But giving them a stuffed animal might be to childish. Is there the ability for two people who aren't dating to just hang out together. And if so how expensive, nice, and relaxing. can said hangout get before it's seen as a date and scares the other person away.

    There's way to many variables…


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