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6 thoughts on “Zoe-12 on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. Pedo vibes, which is exactly why the mother is saying to stop. Grow up and get clue. A 14yo girl is going through puberty and dealing with massive physical and emotional changes. She will never be honest with you on this and you going directly to her after her mother (your gf!!!) asked you to stop is even bigger of an issue and almost validates the whole pedo vibe concern. It almost sounds like you like it. So are you trying to give that impression? Because that’s the impression your are giving! And a 14yo girl will have all sorts of feelings about that especially since she knows you went to her privately and put her on the spot. You are gross ?

  2. Microdick. He will not like that one, not at all.

    He can see how the other half lives. Frankly this lack of respect might be a dealbreaker for me.

  3. B “says things how they are” and “has no filter” and how she’s from NY and “has a NY attitude” and how she “doesn’t take shit from anyone.”

    I’m mentioning this to bring up the point that it’s a bit questionable (at least to me) that she gets hit by her husband. It looks almost like she “wears the pants” in the relationship,

    Many abuse victims are skilled at hiding their abuse. Couples that are abusive often look completely normal on the outside. What happens behind closed doors is when the truth comes out. You can't judge a book by its cover.

    As far as her talking to your boyfriend, maybe she feels comfortable, because she's known him for so long. It is strange to ask him to talk to her husband, but maybe she trusts your bf.

    You may not like being interrupted when you were holding hands at a family dinner, but you could have interjected and participated in the conversation. It does not sound like she was trying to exclude you. It sounds like you got jealous and offended and excluded yourself.

    If you want to tell your bf that you are uncomfortable with her, go for it. However, you might want to start by asking him what's up with her? Ask if she and he were ever really close friends, or if there's a reason why she trusts him so much?

  4. Why not ask her directly? “Hey, I can't help but notice our conversation dropped quite a bit since we had our date, is everything alright?” Don't assume that it's about you -she might have other things on her plate-, but give her the opportunity to confess if she isn't feeling the spark.

  5. 1 month is not nearly long enough to sacrifice anything for this guy.

    If your BF loves you he will want what's best for you. How long have you been job searching? I mean you might have already exhausted local possibilities. It sounds like that's a great job offer, the company is willing to invest in your relocation. They love you more than your BF apparently.


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