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31 thoughts on “Charlotte-15 live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. My parents went from sleeping in the same room to 2 separate bedrooms. They just had better sleep quality that way, they still would have sleepovers with each other, but I guess it’s just nice to have alone time in your own space. Or some thing could be wrong but honestly who knows you’ll have to talk to him yourself.

  2. Sorry to hear this, I am going to ask you to do something most people will never do.

    First, don't let anyone tell you how to grieve. Pain is personal, not a bar we all share. Don't let anyone compare your pain to theirs. Don't linger in it or let it become a excuse.

    Second, nurture wisdom from all your experiences find ways to reproduce ones that fulfill you, and hone those abilities to detect ones you never hope to repeat.

    Third, find acceptance in love you cannot have or pain you didn't ask for. Then learn to be responsible for your actions or lack of it. Understand the difference between the truth and honesty. Know that every choice you make is always a good one by your own measure of risk verse reward. Bad choices don't exist as those are only choices that failed to turn out as we hoped.

    Fourth, be ok to dream too much or believe in those we dream about more then they believe in themselves. In your failures learn to make better choices as only those who master choice will have finally mastered their life. The master of choice isn't one who removes risk. It is those who use knowledge to replace it.

    Fifth, Never allow anger dictate actions. Love someone for who they are. Know that love is never used to fill anything we don't have. Those we love add to those things we already possess. It is shared when supplies get low but no one can be the sole provider.

    Lastly, learn that nobody is an “I don't need a man/woman ” mechanic. Those statements come from broken people. I don't need Grey Poupon mustard either, but I'm not walking down the condiment isle shouting it out to all the jars. Don't let excuses of anyone condone the very actions they perform. Being blunt or an asshole even if they are telling the truth. It is a sign to run not a badge worn with honor.

  3. My mom lost her dad at 35 and still feels like that was too young and she didn’t have enough time with him. (Is it ever enough time with someone who loves you and you admire?) 25 is just so damn young. Love and condolences to you.

  4. I think she needs to realize too that a contract isn't going to hold up in court. If it's for peace of mind/to have it on the record, that's different. But I don't know how prosecution could work

  5. THANK YOU!!!! I just exited a relationship where I was dealing with this. I cannot tell you how much I needed to hear this while I was dealing with it. Your body is not an apology and no one is entitled to it.

  6. Oh my god she’s 19 and she doesn’t know that stimulating your clitoris is masturbation?

    I feel so sorry for her that’s awful. I can’t imagine how scary and strange that would be for her.

    You didn’t do anything “wrong” but you also probably shouldn’t have pushed it so hot. It seems like you guys might be slightly incompatible tbh.

  7. It's just difficult because he's my friend. If it were some rando I would've just ghosted him. But he's with my friends and at my house all of the time.

    And none of you know if he has a girlfriend? Seems odd.

  8. Ughhh I’m about to finally meet his parents though. And he was up front and honest about them hanging out. Maybe he doesn’t think anything of her texting late??

  9. O no, it happens in the US all the time. However there are anti bullying laws that tie bullying reporting to federal funding. So if the school doesn't deal with it, they could lose funding, the principal could be disciplined or lose their job, etc. It is a process you have to go through to file the complaint. Most parents and students do not know what their rights are, so it goes unreported most of the time.

  10. So understanding that an abortion would traumatize me forever and cause me to mentally spiral and we would be financially and physically capable of raising a baby isn't looking at the situation with reality and common sense? My boyfriend being convinced that simply because he has adhd he'd be a bad parent and me having an abortion that would physically and mentally destroy me is reality and common sense?

  11. He's calling you a liar and a cheater and somehow that's not awkward? I understand that as a mom you're putting your child over your own needs, but how come there aren't many or any feelings of yours in this post? Aren't you tired, offended, hurt?…

  12. There was a story in the news recently where a guy drove his family off a cliff or something on purpose. They actually loved, but purposely driving like an ass while drunk to scream you could get you killed. To say nothing of the grabbing your face during a fight. Abusers only get worse. Get out now.

  13. Don't bring it up again. If you are that concerned, get a vasectomy. Yes I read the post. In case this doesnt' work out you can have kids with someone else. Guess what she can have babies until her late 40's. So why is it her that needs to have her tubes tied?

  14. So, then that was him saying he’s perfectly fine with it, and he wasn’t attracted or interested?

  15. You don't gift your SO exercise equipment for their birthday unless they specifically asked for it. She didn't ask for it and told him what she wanted. He deliberately ignored her and got her what he wanted. What kind of person deliberately ignores what their SO wants for their birthday and gets them what they want? Is his name Homer Simpson?

  16. She is detached from you and at the very least, is choosing to invest energy in finding a way to scratch her itch. The fact that she kept bringing this topic up is that she is testing your limits.

    Whether or not she has done the full deed, I don't know. But do you want someone who treats you this way anyway?


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