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4 thoughts on “Denisewolfe live sex chats for YOU!

  1. I have always felt that men having friends of all genders is such a “green flag” in their favour. And I still feel that way with my boyfriend now. To me it just signifies that that man respects women, he thinks they are interesting, he sees them as humans worthy of so many things other than just sex and romance. Women and men are amazing and have so much value to add to your life, and to me, its such a weird red flag if someone doesn't recognize that?

    I hang out with my boyfriend's female friends, he hangs out with them, they hang out in other groups together. We are planning for one to be a groomsmaid at our wedding! I adore them.

  2. Like drugs? C’mon you didn’t know about that till afterwards did you or think she would take them?

    Don’t ignore the flags when they wave at you, I am not saying she’s a cheat or anything, but it’s clear she isn’t always straight with you either or that you always know how she will behave in a given situation.

  3. At 23 I didn’t have shit in common with people who were in high school or had recently graduated because they’re wildly different stages of life and maturity.

    That says far more about you than anyone else. I'm friends with a psychology prof and we literally laughed about this the other day “What is wrong with people [at any age] that they are incapable of having a conversation with a younger person. In fact, I can't think of any age which I couldn't have a conversation with”.

    I can find common ground and talk to absolutely anyone for hours. Are you proposing that this is unusual and that people should be chastised and shunned for it? That's fucking wild.

  4. I disagree. OP should stop doing anyone’s hair for free, it’s how she is making a living. It was okay to practice on them for a while but if they value her work they should pay for it.


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