Thea-sweet live! sex chats for YOU!

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73 thoughts on “Thea-sweet live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. Well given the fact that you're 100% assuming he's cheating on you, maybe its time for you to gather some facts? Stop acting like this is a difficult thing fmto do, you're literally allowing yourself to feel this way.

  2. Girl okay- firstly he’s old enough to be your dad. Secondly he got mad at you for saying you’re not into something. Third- as a first relationship you are giving yourself a terrible preview of what a relationship should be because this is not it. And fourth… HE HAS AN AGE PLAY KINK and you’re literally young enough to be his child. How do you not see the red flags.

  3. Girl okay- firstly he’s old enough to be your dad. Secondly he got mad at you for saying you’re not into something. Third- as a first relationship you are giving yourself a terrible preview of what a relationship should be because this is not it. And fourth… HE HAS AN AGE PLAY KINK and you’re literally young enough to be his child. How do you not see the red flags.

  4. Girl okay- firstly he’s old enough to be your dad. Secondly he got mad at you for saying you’re not into something. Third- as a first relationship you are giving yourself a terrible preview of what a relationship should be because this is not it. And fourth… HE HAS AN AGE PLAY KINK and you’re literally young enough to be his child. How do you not see the red flags.

  5. Communicate about EVERYTHING. Things will just build up and one day during an argument you will explode will all those things you wish you mentioned, have an honest conversation

  6. If she is worried then don’t do it. You are not comfortable if it were a man so why do you think she would be? Maybe She changed her mind so i would suggest not to do it or to do it with another girl that you both don’t know. But tbh it doesn’t sound like your girlfriend really want’s a threesome. You will regret it, just don’t do it.

  7. Thank you so much for understanding, my parents aren’t horrible people but this behaviour is triggered by something I guess

  8. The only person you should be mad at is your husband. I never understood people who get mad at the person their partner cheated with. She didn’t know he was married and definitely didn’t know you were his wife until she was dating your friend. She’s not the one you’re in a relationship with. Your husband is and he’s the one who cheated and lied to you and your friend. It’s his fault not theirs.

  9. You cannot 'salvage' this. You are incompatible. You want very different things in life and those things can't be reconciled. You need to break up.

    This is a very common happening, with young sweethearts who outgrow each other. You got involved when you were, what, 13 or 14? You are (both) completely different people now than you were then. And that's okay! in fact it's good – at 26 you SHOULD be completely different than you were as a child.

    But this relationship has run its course. No one is wrong, no one is at fault.

    When you break up, be kind, be direct. Yes it will hurt. Don't stay in touch for a good long time – maybe you can be friends in the future (and you probably will be) but you both need to get over this and lick your wounds.

    Good luck OP.

  10. I'm so sorry this happened to you. You definitely did not deserve this at all. Kids at your age are such assholes and deserve to get in trouble for this. I have to tell you tho… as rough as it feels right now in highschool.. It gets SO much better when highschool ends! When these bullies grow up they will look back at what they did to you and regret it. Once you hit your mid twenties, early thirties.. You look back at some of the stuff you did as a kid and realize what an idiot you were and be ashamed of yourself. These kids will realize this too. This post breaks my heart.

    This is absolutely disgusting behaviour and this girl does NOT deserve this. I hope some of the girls on here message he just to let her know you're there to help her get through this? I'd do it myself but I'm a male in my mid thirties and no matter how good and above board my intentions are… I'm not about to message 15 year old girl lol

  11. Do you know how uncommon UTIs are among men?

    What are the odds that he'd also have one? From what?

    And–AND–you usually need antibiotics to completely clear them (ask me how I know!), which means going to a doctor and giving a urine sample and then getting a prescription. Are you telling me this asshat went and did all that?

    No, you're not, because he didn't have one because that's absolute horseshit.

    You're young, and he's a selfish jackass; you can do better. You don't need to “test” him on this next time, though it would be entertaining to catch him; the problem is that even contemplating it means you have serious issues with even trusting him at this point (and for good reason).

    I'd dump him; he can pretend to be sick by himself.

  12. Hello /u/Clean_Bumblebee9795,

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  13. He doesn’t make much money. He is a student. He makes some money doing DoorDash. I make a lot of money with my career.

  14. Look everyone's opinion is valid. You don't know what this new neighbors like. I'd just forgetbit but be mindful. Never do anything w/o proof but be mindful.

  15. You're not responsible for how he turned out. Continue with therapy. I'm sure there are therapists that specialize in this.

  16. I don’t think so. It doesn’t actually seem like she’s given you any reason to be suspicious about her behavior. Does she normally make friends that fast? Does she have the other neighbors phone numbers? I can also be very jealous so I understand where you are coming from. I personally think you shouldn’t be skeptical about her behavior unless she really gives you reason to be.

  17. Yep I’m 23 and can’t imagine getting married anytime soon. I’m not nearly ready and couples who get married too young typically don’t last very long

  18. ok… a couple of drinks wont make u an alcoholic…. that being said he's trying to look out for you in his own kind of way… im not saying thats right or wrong but i feel thats what he's intending… that being said ive been married to my wife for 21 years…. although i do ocassionally drink as does she i can honestly say i do not like when she drinks. (which is the reason i do my best NOT to drink bc i dont want to give her an excuse to do so regularly)

    My wife has a tendency to over do it and quite honestly i find her obnoxious when she is drunk (she calls it her bieng “funny” when drunk) so i try to not allow her to get too crazy. maybe he isnt attracted to the person you become when you drink? people can act completely different without even knowing theyre doing it…

  19. It happened two years ago according to some comment I saw. But may be the woman has children from a previous marriage. Idk. He does seem to hide the affair and even justified it in some comments.

  20. Sounds like you have a commitment problem. You should know after 6months if you can see yourself marrying or being with her for indefinite time.

    You do not have to marry them immediately but if you are not sure and do not see them as a long term partner then you should he honest with them and let them know.

    Talking about marriage in the early stages of your relationship is actually a good thing.

  21. Now you’re just taking the piss

    This is either a fake story or you’ve got some serious insecurity issues that you really need to sit down and talk about with a professional

    You need a therapist not a shitty abusive girlfriend (assuming this is real)

  22. The most time you spend with them is the weekends, which you dread.

    It won't change. Say you have children, every weekend you might take them out of the house so they don't have to experience that and so that they don't interrupt daddies game and get shouted at.

    He will be checked out of whatever you are doing because he will be watching the game and the children will know they come second to him being on his phone.

    For half of every year.

    Sure you could wear headphones and avoid him as much as possible 3 days in the week, but you could also not be around him and not have to do that.

    Sure you could try to desensitise yourself to loud noises, yelling and banging, but does he have to explode as loud as he does? He is saying suck it up because he isn't changing, making the problem all yours.

    Are you okay with that?

  23. Just ask. Besides, lemme tell ya right now that whole “not sure if I trust going over to your place” thing is absolute bullshit. If she likes you she'll say yes, but if she keeps making excuses to flake then she's probably just too shy, non-confrontational, or indecisive to properly reject you. Either way, ask her out, but make that it. You need time away from this girl & experience with other options. Don't be her texting buddy, don't be her “pal”. If she wants nothing from you romantically or won't see you face-to-face then move on with your life.

  24. Thanks. I’ll try again today (at a normal hour not 5:30 haha) and hope that part of their response was the drinks and that we can talk about it. We weren’t drunk drunk but maybe it affected things on both sides.

  25. I owe it to him to let him try to figure it out with someone else.

    This. If he ends up single in the future then shoot your shot. But it would be incredibly disrespectful to him and his relationship to introduce that uncertainty. It sucks but it's the right thing to do.

  26. Well you can't google everything.. some things experience is the only thing that can teach you. When I was 23 I really didn't understand psychology.. I just thought “love” was enough to date/marry someone just like parenting.. oh wow I was so stupid and young in my 20's lol…

  27. Wasn’t checking up on him was honestly curious on if I was right to think it was odd. I really could not care less about him and Vice versa. Not into being the girl someone cheats on their gf with.

  28. I've been in my share of toxic relationships and they're appealing because of the roller coaster feelings. You keep chasing that dopamine high, things go sideways, and you crash and burn. It's crazy passionate and also just batshit crazy. It's exciting until it's traffic, like high speed driving that ends in a 4 car pileup. It's exciting and passionate because it is dangerous.

    My current partner and I… this is totally different and I might describe the feeling as safe and secure, but it's the kind of safe and secure that you feel soaking in a hard bubble bath while drinking very hot chocolate after playing in the snow all day. It's the gentle sense of awe and wonder you get when the sun rises over the foggy mountain passes on a chilly morning. It's a feeling you never forget and always return to because it's beautiful.

    Safe doesn't have to mean boring and bland. The kind of safe I'm talking about is the way you feel about “home”. You don't settle for it. You settle into comfort and security and warmth and love.

  29. It's even worse, she just tole him she will make porn for others if she wants to and he needs to accept that (even though she no real plan to).

    He said, OK but were done.

  30. Yeah, this sums it up for me. Personally, getting married at 20 seems a bit rushed. #1 made me cringe. Point #3 is very critical.

  31. You say this guy is in the US? Do you know his location, name and address? Not hard to run a registered offender check, over her. Every State has one. If you feel comfortable in doing so, DM me his information and I can check him out.

    But I will tell you this… as a Father I would advise my daughter that this is a TERRIBLE idea. This has so many red flags going on. My advice is to block him and forget about him.

  32. I wasted EIGHT YEARS of my one and only precious life on a lying, cheating f-wit. Get out now and go live! your best life (and btw, you don't need a man to do that) xx

  33. Unless you're seeing a therapist that specializes in sexual deviance, then it’s not gonna do any good. What he’s doing is violating other people it’s the same thing as voyeurism. It’s violating consent. It’s one step away from actually hurting someone in my opinion. That shit is not normal. That is not OK to film people without their consent. You need to leave. There’s no amount of love in the world that can make up for him violating other women. He needs to get professional therapy from someone who specializes in sexual deviance is and you need to leave and be done with this.

  34. Just so you know, the red flag didn’t start with the video. It started by you having to tell him in advance who’s going to where you are going. If you do that for him to have a “mental list”, not just like “hey i’m going to meet my work friends”, it is already bad and controlling. If you are afraid of him getting mad because you told him you are meeting your friend X but forgot to mention her boyfriend, that’s a red flag. If he has to keep track of who you meet ITS A RED FLAG. The best you could do for yourself is dumping him.

  35. This is complicated for sure… on one end you are completely valid in how you feel… but on the other, he didn't do those things to you and deserves a “normal/healthy” relationship… if you weren't ready for that you shouldn't be in one yet…

    Get some help because if you keep going like this, you will just push everyone away that doesn't deserve it…

  36. It’s honestly not that weird to not want your partner to list after other people, some people are more reserved with their sexuality and that’s not necessarily a bad thing outright

  37. You’re focusing too much on the masseuse because you’re focused on your own feelings about this rather than hers. And yes I’ve read all your comments about how you’ve treated her with respect but kept your jealousy inside.

    You’re attributing some magic-like skill to a masseuse for no good reason. You said she gets massages all the time, and this was a weird incident. Bodies are weird. Sometimes they do weird things. This might never happen again. This might be a thing that can be triggered all the time now.

    But the thing here to focus on is that her body did something weird and potentially humiliating in a pseudo public setting. With how women are expected to comport themselves in public—in part because male partners assume they own a woman’s sexuality and bodily functions—she could be feeling betrayed by her body, uneasy, and afraid.

    Maybe focus on that instead of some random masseuse who isn’t even a bit player in either of your lives? Unless you feel every erection you get somehow diminishes your devotion to your fiancé or her sexual prowess. Which may mean you have other issues.

  38. You shouldn't even be in this relationship let alone marry this girl. She is serial cheater what makes you think she would change? I swear so many guys are so naive

  39. of course! and i’m plus size so i also feel worried that he won’t like me like this either idk it’s hard and confusing i don’t know what to do

  40. How recently are we talking?

    tbh it's weird to just show up to a place where nobody knows you and start prowling for hookups

    keep showing up to things and getting to know people and making friends and who knows what sorts of relationships would develop, but right now they're getting creeped out because you're acting creepy

  41. You should literally just move on and accept that no wrongdoing took place. The friend isn’t an active part of your life, so just move on.

  42. Not at the time

    The answer is no. Not your girlfriend, then she owes you absolutely nothing.

    Come on, man. Chill with the melodrama

  43. Is she a danger to herself? Does she need to be in in-patient care?

    Mandated reporters do so because they have to. And they state that up front.

    If she truly can't function, and won't agree to any help, you must accept that you can't save her. You have to protect yourself.

    You can let her know that she is loved and you are there when she wants to get help, but that you need your space to be happy.

  44. OH and if you wanna talk about wasted degrees some more, you paid for a CS degree when everyone and their mom can code now. CE would’ve been more valuable to you. God I can’t stand people like you.

  45. Remembering the experience again and again in a safe environment and therefore beginning to recognize that you aren’t in that experience anymore and that you are safe is part of the point! You’re practicing relaxation techniques while writing and systematically desensitizing yourself to that event’s mood ruining power. Chat with a therapist about it if you can afford it

  46. Her post wasn't really specific on what advice she wanted, just that the problem needed solving. So I offered words that may prompt her into thinking about how to solve it, I probably would have posted nothing if OP had said that she wants to want sex again. From the tone of the post I was under the impression that her partner wanted sex and she did not, and that she was okay with not wanting sex

  47. You are both equally responsible for your sex life. I understand that sex isn’t something that crosses your mind on accident, but that doesn’t mean all of the work should fall on your husband.

    If it doesn’t cross your mind, then you need to make time to think about it. You need to get yourself in the mood. It shouldn’t be on him to handle all the heavy lifting in that area of your relationship just because it’s more difficult for you now.

    If you continue to treat y’all’s sex life this way, you will end up divorced because he will end up resenting you. I would suggest finding a sex therapist to help y’all’s relationship.

  48. I would block him again. If he wants to see the kids then he can obtain a lawyer and seek custody. The likelihood that he will put this much effort into it is low.

    If he does seek legal custody, then speak to a lawyer.

    You don’t owe him anything and since he didn’t want anything to do with you guys before, he can show effort by going the legal route. Don’t worry yourself before that time.

  49. Live! your best life please OP and dip when your morals are confronted. He’s a racist & a sex crime apologist. There was already more than enough reason to dump him before this.

  50. Talking is a form of communication, but if you had some who insisted with conversing with you face to face constantly, it would send you insane. .

    Young adults may text a lot, but this is someone who needs 24/7 active attention. It must be like having a baby that won't settle. (I've had one of those, and it was naked, but it was a baby doing it,). This is a 21 year old, still checking 'you're there'.

    At 28 you should be mature enough to be seeking someone who you actually get along with, and wouldn't m OK nd living with. . This woman's personality and emotional needs don't fit what you want in a partner.

  51. The dinner is tonight. I'm just wondering if we should wait for the bruising to darken some before getting any makeup. Do you still think it's worth it if my eye is swollen shut by tonight? And what do you think the chances are that I can get the swelling down enough to be able to see by tonight?

  52. Block and move on. Also tell the people around you that you will not have a conversation about him. They bring him up without you asking, then you leave the conversation. He is now dead to you.

  53. Yeah even if the phones are the same model there’s still differences on peoples phones that you can see

  54. Spending 1-2 nights a week with friends means she has 5-6 nights for him. How is that barely having time for him?

  55. If i were you parents i’d be pissed that you’re letting someone live! in a space I was paying for while they were doing absolutely nothing to contribute. How is that ok?

    You can’t technically contribute for real reasons but what’s his excuse for getting the luxury of having everything done for him AND paid for . And you’re lazy? Ok.

  56. Not often, but each time it's a fight. It's probably quarterly or when there's a holiday or if my finances dad/stepmom are visiting, which is again in June. I'm purposely planning to travel when they are visiting to avoid the next fight. It's just this time it was sprang up on me for Easter, he didn't give me any info like the location, I originally thought they were hosting at their condo nearby just the immediate family then found out last night it's an hour away plus all the brothers gfs parents friends.

  57. I’m afraid so. I bet she calls you jealous and controlling when she wants to sleep in bed with other men walk away buddy.

  58. She sounds like quite the idiot if she didn’t know there was risk to skateboarding. I wouldn’t consider her much of a friend anymore. Or even want to talk to her if she wants to blame you bc she fell down and got an owie and wasn’t smart enough to go to the doctor when the pain lasted more than 2 days

  59. You do realize the fault is with your BF not her. He’s in a relationship and didn’t have to allow her over. He likely cheated in some capacity


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