SeleneEvans online webcams for YOU!

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35 thoughts on “SeleneEvans online webcams for YOU!

  1. Okay, I think you just have to understand or at least respect that your bf just feels uncomfy whenever you make these jokes about other people. If one doesn't like those jokes, then don't do it on their faces. He just doesn't want to hear any more of it at all and maybe wants to set boundaries for himself as a normal human being, that's why he blocks you. I think you just have to respect it. He did clearly stated, “If you will have to make fun of anyone ease do not bring it to me.”, he did not tell you to stop doing it but just don't do it in front of his face at all. I think he just is just so soft and have alot of feelings for other people, which is okay. However, I cannot judge or assume entirely about other people and relationships since I don't personally know but I suggest respecting his decision for now and assess the situation by yourself. There are also other things that we probably don't know about on why he blocked you also. Up to you.

  2. It doesn’t matter. I think it’s complacency and a lack of empathy to not tell someone they’re being cheated on when you have evidence. She will react as she does- but that isn’t OP’s problem. If you’re a good human being- you tell someone when they are in danger. Especially when it comes to relationships and someone could end up in a marriage with such a person; which is difficult to get out of; especially in some countries.

  3. Are you a woman? Or is is he gay if you’re not?

    Yeah it could be perceived as flirting, but tone is really important for that. And if you’re being mean, it’s not like you’re going to make it sound flirty.

  4. Are you an emotionless sex doll? Are you a prostitute? Does he pay you? No? Then get rid of him, he sounds like a 14yr old whose just discovered sex, his expectations are beyond immature and just plain demanding and very controlling. If he wants sex on tap and acts like you say, leave him to his porn and right hand. This is NOT a healthy relationship and could escalate in time

  5. Just ignoring all the age businees for a moment. They are recently divorced. Going to a happy family place for ..a week? Staying in the same hotel room. The kid will be happy mom and dad are together. Shane will be non stop hitting her with all the happy memories every waking minute……then lets cuddle in the bed….”I'm so sorry, it just kind of happened”. Prepare yourself for her coming back saying they want to try R. Sorry but the story writes itself.

  6. Lol you are a clown!! You don’t NEED a 23k car. Finance something you can afford and go to work lol these are not real problems

  7. Yeah that's the one, it keeps popping up in all my feeds and it stuck in my head. I don't know much about her or her music but I like the message in this particular song :).

  8. Yeah that's the one, it keeps popping up in all my feeds and it stuck in my head. I don't know much about her or her music but I like the message in this particular song :).

  9. Sounds like she’s gone a little too deep down the “I hate men, fuck the patriarchy, men are trash” rabbit hole.

    I think it’s ok for you to leave her to keep your self respect and dignity in tact. Women are capable of being the abuser and that is exactly what she is to you.

  10. You do understand. You are scared.

    Step up to the plate.

    “You miss 100% of the shots you don't take” – Wayne Gretzky

    – Michael Scott

  11. That he lied to you and then BLAMED you for lying is a gigantic red flag. It's the same language of abusers: “look what you make me do” while they are beating someone so badly that they send the person to the hospital. It would be one thing if he said “I lost my job and I was insecure and didn't know how to tell you” but it's not what happened… he blamed YOU for being insecure. Perhaps you could tell him that, that you are upset that he is blaming YOU for his bad behavior. And carefully observe his reaction.

  12. You are being reasonable. It's not realistic for her to expect you to give up your space with zero plan to either move in full time and contribute or stay over indefinitely. She can't have it both ways. If she wants to move in and not pay rent make her verbalize that. You can stay if you want but you deserve to know what your significant others intentions are.

  13. He was playing the field , he was allowed too. I think you gave him the impression , this is best it’s going to get. Fwb nothing else , guys read what woman says. We are like robots , so he had that in his mind.

    Good night

  14. Tell her the truth. Especially if you're not staying with her anyway. She may want to be there for you OP, even if just as a friend.

  15. Yeah…what do you expect?…she was young when you took need another adult woman who is at the same life stage as you, not young girls who hasnt seen the world, so to speak.

    Choose better for your next gf.

  16. I have a lot of separation anxiety and feel like he doesn't prioritize me. His friends always invite him last minute and he just goes along with them.

    -It is NOT his job to fix your separation anxiety. That is a you problem and he's a person, not a prescription. His friends invite him once or twice a week, and you think 2 days is not prioritizing you, when it's a relationship of months and you guys are in college? You're needy and need to find something else to occupy your time. It's college, there's plenty.

    Tonight he left to go clubbing even though we were at a frat party. I'm upset because he left a place we could both be to go somewhere I can't.

    -Eh, kind of a dick move. Were these plans you made to specifically do this one thing tonight together? If yes then I stand by my first comment-dick move. If this wasn't a planned though, and you happened to be at this party and his friends called him while there, still sucks but he didn't do anything wrong. You're also upset he's going places that your age restricts you from. It's unfortunate, but something you have to deal with when dating a few years older.

    It's also our “monthaversary” tonight so l am extra sad because I assumed he was going to be with me the entire night.

    -No. Just no. Please don't do this, it's ridiculous and bf will only get annoyed at being made to remember this each month.

  17. Why though? I just got divorced from an abusive spouse and the lawyers didn't really care why I wanted a divorce. They were pretty much like combine your assets, split it in half and off you go. Never once I was asked formally why am I getting divorced.

  18. Supposedly he doesn’t do anything distance wise. Not sure if that’s just a excuse because he’s not attracted to me

    She does. He met her through his roommates

  19. Yes that sounds final and like yall have had a lot of issues over the years. And probably do need to do some self work to get yourself into a healthy place

  20. Dude if you open your relationship she isn't going to find out what love really is ….. What she will find however is Dick

    So you either want to sleep with other women or you are one of those guys that doesn't mind watching his girl getting boned by other dudes

    Up to you

  21. Before I decided to stop having sex with her, we were sharing a room/bed. We now sleep in separate rooms. We were seriously living like a married couple.

    We've talked about her moving out. I told her she can move out whenever she'd like and she said it's better if she does it sooner if this is how things will end. Fine by me.

  22. I'm sorry then, I'm not sure there are any words that are going to make him change his mind if you have already tried.

    You can try counseling if you and he are receptive or he or you will do what everyone else here suggests and get a divorce.

    Either way I do wish you the best.

  23. that's a great gift but i'd be wary of the reasons why she is doing it.

    you didn't ask for it, you weren't in need of it, she didn't even have a plan for why she's sending it (such as, she thought you're going to need to cover your purchase of a trip the two of you are doing).

    the reason to be wary is that she might have insecurities where she thinks that she needs to buy people's love and affection for her. it's easy for her to do when she makes that kind of money where she can part with $5000 and not even feel a pinch.

    it's not only that you may feel uncomfortable with it but she shouldn't go through life thinking that's the only way she can get people to like her. now if that's not the case and she legit just wants to share a bonus with you and in other aspects of her life, she isn't gifting excessively to you or others, then consider this a 1-off and do like some of the other suggestions said that you like the idea of how to use the money for the both of you

  24. He's supposed to be bringing up your self esteem, instead he's just breaking it down.

    People aren't robots. Just because something is true, doesn't mean people wanna hear it or its a good thing to say. That's like if I had a dead relative and my SO kept being like “yo, your grandma's dead. Don't get upset with me, I'm only stating a fact.” Like wtf? That's not being honest, that's being a hurtful dick.

  25. Idk. Both OP and her Bf have seriously warped ideas on “traditional” gender roles. Between her “masculine” hobbies and what makes bf feminine (he’s emotional unstable and irresponsible at times ?) and bf feeling his manhood threatened by all this nonsense. Lol this is a disaster all around

  26. She has fun doing this and I don't mind

    Well, don't send any mixed messages here. You do mind. It's even more important that you get specific with her. She's not going to intuitively figure it out on her own so that needs to be part of the convo.

    I feel your pain, because I dated a guy like this and it was horrible. But I take most of the blame because I was never specific about it.

  27. He’s never going to buy a house with you – or marry you or have kids with you. If you want all this – you need to move on


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