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69 thoughts on “WELCOME TO HELL live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. You opened the door to this by talking about possibly wanting a boob job.

    So long as he doesn't bring it up again, I'd recommend just brushing this under the. rug.

  2. That was the first time I’d been to her new place so I never knew her roommate before that. I was catching up with her and her boyfriend that I’d been friends with for years so we were talking about the new stuff in our lives. I’d shown them pictures of my bf and told them about him before we’d even started drinking. And no, before my boyfriend I didn’t really care for guys all that much outside of platonic friendships and I was crazy about the new bf, didn’t have any other intentions to go there other than catching up and having some drinks

  3. That was the first time I’d been to her new place so I never knew her roommate before that. I was catching up with her and her boyfriend that I’d been friends with for years so we were talking about the new stuff in our lives. I’d shown them pictures of my bf and told them about him before we’d even started drinking. And no, before my boyfriend I didn’t really care for guys all that much outside of platonic friendships and I was crazy about the new bf, didn’t have any other intentions to go there other than catching up and having some drinks

  4. Do you also blame women for sexual assault if they wear a short skirt around a man they “know are animals”


    Question: if a white man goes to the hood and starts screaming the N word at black men, and he gets shot. Is it victim blaming to say he shouldn't have done that?

  5. Sounds to me like he’s doing the right things so you gotta give it a try since you both love each other.Also you should have probably included those in the main post so we can just give our opinions right away hahaha

  6. You are not saving the relationship. You are trying to preserve her meal ticket, and that meal ticket is you. Adding a child will make you the ultimate meal ticket. She clearly needs to learn how to be an adult. You need to jettison this person out your life with the quickness. Think rationally and logical with your real head; the one with the brain. Realize she is truly dead weight and is holding you down.

  7. I really just want to make one small comment and then block her.

    I was too young to really understand things back then. My stepdad threw me out on the street when I wasn't ready-my life was a living hell for years after that. My mom's best friend then tricked me to take the plates off my car and acted like a bi*ch to me and my girlfriend while she was tricking me and living in my mom's house.

    I never said anything about it..I just took it and I regret that.

  8. I want it to work because I gave up on it before and regret it. I’ve gotten another chance and now it’s just hard to want to give up on it. And I went through a lot of pain, I just don’t want to drop it all and let it all go again.

  9. It's opened up the reality that he is technically an uncle. This is something he never thought he could or would be.

    If the only or even main reason he wants contact with her is because she has a child, you need to leave her alone.

  10. You are overreacting. Your BF isnt a doctor, you prefer he stress over something he has no control over to just make you feel better? Really?

    If it bothers you so much just directly tell him what bother you. Don't be indirect about or expect him to read your mind. Just bluntly tell him “I dont feel like you care and I'd like you to show it like this xyz”

    Cause from what you wrote it sounds like you just expect him to read your mind. He can't unless you tell him.

  11. If he outright told you this time, think of all the other times he didn't tell you. Get yourself tested and celebrate being able to move on to a better life without him. You don't need someone who thinks this behavior is ok without any kind of discussion BEFORE he decided to put the relationship in jeopardy.

    Dude is ?.

  12. As someone with an abusive mom, when I cut her off my husband did too.

    A good caring partner would do the same and have your back.

    Your gf isn't one. What will she do when your mom does the same to your kids as she did to you? Because that is a possibility.

    Is she going to cut her off after it's to late?

    Your mom gave you drugs. That alone would make me not want my children around her. Your gf has issues, you need to file for sole custody and kick the gf out

  13. Ay, when I picture my future with the ex that I'm talking about, I see the perfect relationship between the both of us but also the pressure and stress that came with my family.

  14. Especially since she's getting advice in both directions. She's heard the case for being honest and for being a liar and made the affirmative decision to be a liar.

  15. OP-think about a few things-You go out of town, he cheats. Are you going to be around to babysit 24/7 so it doesn't happen again? Or, the next time have to you go out of town, are you going to be able to not worry that he is cheating again? Thing about cheaters and liars, after the first time, it just gets easier for them. Personally, I wouldn't burn any more daylight on him-He has proven he is not your guy. Good Luck OP.

  16. Leave. Adults don't need to be told not to hit people in the face. She said it herself, she thinks it's funny. You've told her how it makes you feel and she still does it. Pretty wild to abuse you in public but some people just don't care who sees. The fact that this behavior has just started recently indicates to me that she was waiting until she felt like you were invested to test these boundaries. If she'd hit you on the first or second date, would you have continued the relationship?

    This kind of thing almost always escalates. She has never hit you at home yet. If there have been three instances, there will be a fourth. If you are not ready to leave her yet, you may have one more very serious conversation telling her clearly that if she ever hits you again the relationship is done. Be prepared to follow through with that.

  17. Four times a day, every day, is a problem. That’s not something to satisfy, that’s something he needs to see a someone about.

    And I sure as hell wouldn’t be putting up with that if I was sore. Like what person still wants to have sex even if their partner is in pain? Yikes. He needs to get a grip and you need to set some boundaries for your own sake.

  18. Reading between the lines here, I think he's not liking your body count. Also, gay men don't talk much about wife material. You don't need to be a slave, you just have to be someone a good man wants to be with. Stay out of night clubs, don't use sex as an ice-breaker, and contribute equally to the relationship. The rest is individual details.

  19. Again extrapolating events that have not been expressed. You can read that as an emotional affair but you can also read that as she wanted to resolve a conflict of interest at work. Having an adult and reasoned conversation with a professional acquaintance about personal emotions that might interfere with their personal lives and professional ones is not emotional cheating. If OP had said “they started chatting more and he became a fixture in her friend group he’d come over when I was away for dinners,” that’s clear evidence of boundaries being blurred and crossed. That’s an emotional affair.

    Textbook emotional affair is not acknowledging a mutual feeling. It is a pattern of behavior that crosses the lines of emotion intimacy established by being in a relationship. If what you say is emotional cheating than we would have to assume that anyone who starts having a feelings would be committed an affair, particularly if the other person reciprocates.

  20. You let a guy with excessive speeding tickets “being a general dumbass on the road” take your car out in the snow?! You just paid a huge Idiot Tax.

  21. So I'm going to get downvoted to hell, but here goes:

    I don't think this is impossible; we are living in a modern society, families are evolving, what to some might seem insane doesn't seem that out of the question to most any more.

    If someone I knew told me they lived like this, I would refrain from judging them, and as 32 year old male, I'm not sure I would object to a romantic relationship with a female living in this arrangement (if I didn't already have a spouse and a child). I could even see many of my friends not having any severe issue with having a long term relationship with someone living like this.

    And therefore if your relationship is great I don't think you should leave your best friend just because you aren't sexually attracted to eachother. No one really has the right to dictate what is and what isn't okay in your marriage.

    Modern life is just so wonderfully odd and varied. It rarely matters how people choose to live!, and if you are happy with what you have I think you should look for someone who's happy with it as well. I'd think that would improve all of your qualities of life.

    That being said the “protocol” that is a classic family structure does come with the “strength” that other people have a standard to which your relationship can be judged, which is really a blessing and a curse, because your relationship will be harder to relate to. It will be harder ask for advice from your parents or friends (or even strangers on Reddit) on what to do. However as you are charting your own course for your life, no one can really judge you.

    Since you complained that forming real relationships is hard post COVID, I don't think that's necessarily only caused by your relationship status. A lot of people in their mid twenties have these problems because they are looking for different things, and that's okay.

    So here's to hoping you stay with your best friend and chart your own course for what a romantic relationship means for you.

  22. Yeah it's abusive. Not because you didn't make them a meal but because you specifically didn't make them a meal to punish them. It's the punishment aspect that is abusive and very toxic.

  23. Lol classic.

    I'm 36, and I can tell you my friend group is filled with single people who thought they wanted to “play the field” and “date around” who are now single or divorced. Just remember women are attracted to men in relationships because they see them as relationship worthy. The minute you're single, you're just another single guy in the field of 5 billion single men.

    Don't be a moron, if this woman is wifey material, you might not get another Chance.

  24. I know I’m gonna move on and I’ll heal and so will he, but it just felt like it was meant to be. But maybe that’s just my 22 year old girly dreams talking. The part of me that always seemed like an inconvenience

  25. I guess he feels like he bought her love so now he can treat her as a non-family member when taking everyone else in the family… I'm sure that makes it ok. I fear for some of y'alls families.

  26. You make a post, reply to two responses that are helpful. Sorry women aren't flinging theirselves at your front door, must be rough. Yes either it is too late for you forever or you have agency in your life. Not sure which applies but all the best.

  27. What is the next stage for you? You've been on date type things but what's the next level. It'll be different for him if he's never dated so he won't be skipping steps.

  28. topless fine whatever but boxers around a little child who is not yours .. I see why the mom (gf) is having an issue with this. wear the shorts.

  29. Eventually we talked my wife into it and we did it.

    So you and this friend talked about a threesome behind your wife's back? You did this while she was already sleeping in the same bed? Neither of you ever considered any worst case scenarios? Did you at least all get tested for STDs before sleepign together?

    fter ward she said she wouldn’t want to do it again said she has issues sharing me.

    Couple's counseling. Your wife is extremely young, and this experience could ultimately lead to resentment further down the road.

    Friend should sleep on the sofa/move out immediately, and you should get couple's counseling.

  30. It isn't our place to tell you where to draw your boundaries.

    Your girlfriend has not only ignored your right to privacy but feels she was justified enough to that she was fine to bring it up casually. She clearly considers it acceptable behaviour, and feels that suspicion gives a right to intrude regardless of whether or not it is unfounded.

    Do you agree with her? Are you okay with that in a relationship? Is it a dealbreaker for you?

    Personally, I draw a big line when it comes to invasion of privacy. If my partner said “I have these concerns, and I'd like to check your chats” then I may be amenable to letting her look, but if she just did it then I'd be gone. Beyond invading my privacy, she'd have intruded on the personal information sent by my friends without their consent, and I can't stand by that.

    You just need to decide what your boundaries are, why you feel that way, and then enforce them.

  31. but what if you achieve your full potential and it's still not enough for him? what if your best version still isnt the one he wants to fuck? how many books and journals and courses will he sign you up for to be the fuckable version? will you ever be fuckable? your love and his “love” arent the same.

  32. I'm heart broken by her decision to do this

    How ironic. She's heart broken by your decision to chest. You've made your bed, now lie in it. You'll have to wait until she decides whether or not she's willing to give you a second chance. If she's smart, she won't.

  33. This sounds more like you don’t know how to tell if a behavior is a problem or not, unsure if it’s you’re insecurity or a legit issue. For that, google how to tell if someone is trustworthy and how to tell if they’re emotionally available. If they’re not your relationship isn’t going work long term. Those are issues the other person needs to fix, you can’t. Then read some articles from reputable sources and put together a list that makes sense to you. Just keep in mind no one’s perfect so people aren’t going to get everything right and if you expect these things from others you need to do them as well.

    Then once you have the list, it can do three things for you. One, help you better identify behaviors of yours, of others or both that are untrustworthy or undermine trust from the get go, so you can work on those issues directly or end things before you get in too deep. Two, it can help reassure you or others or both where you can trust each other by highlighting already present trustworthy behaviors. And three, the more you use and refine the list, the more the information will become second nature, such that in time you won’t need it. I also have a generic list (compiled from various psychology sources on trust) that could help get you started. If that interests you, let me know and I’ll send it your way.

  34. He’s being completely inappropriate. OP, I beg you to choose your daughter. Just from the few comments you shared with us, it’s easy to see how wrong he is. She needs to know you believe her & pick her over some creep. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been together. There are other men out there. Choose your daughter.

  35. This is abuse. Choking/strangling is the biggest indicator of someone killing their partner. This isn't a safe situation for you and you need to leave now.

  36. By the middle of the third paragraph I wanted to break up with him myself. Why do you keep doing this to yourself??

    He's almost 30 and still pulling this shit? Nope. Throw him back and let him ripen.

  37. Just end it and be done. It sounds like you’re already checked out. This isn’t the first time he’s behaved like this, you know it won’t be the last

  38. op, I am so sorry. I don't have alot of advice. I would be scared if I was your gf too but I understand your dilemma. Maybe it would help to talk with a professional either individually or together. It might help you to know why you lost control and blacked out. Good luck to both of you. I'm sure this is very painful.

  39. Don't surprise someone with a pet. That should be something you guys do together. Half the fun of getting a new pet is picking one out.

  40. Find a messaging app just for the two of you specifically and see if she still hides her status. Hopefully she meant it when she said she didn't want to have to keep replying to her friends

  41. In sickness and in health though right

    They are not sick they are not putting in the effort you require. You are not abandoning a guy who cant.

    I appreciate them making an effort

    Doesn't sound like you do

  42. Yet no empathy for the woman who was pregnant and was told she 1. Would Get an abortion 2. Had cheated 3. Was the only one who wanted them.

    All she did was block him on FACEBOOK.

  43. Think about the absurdity of this. Let's say he looks particularly handsome in graphic tees. Would you tell him he isn't allowed to wear graphic tees anymore because you think that will make women be too attracted to him? What do you think his response would be to such a demand?


    Make new male friends and set your intentions up front. The ones you have now see your sexual openness as an indicator that if they wait long enough, you’ll be with them.

  45. You are attempting to self sabotage right now. Stop it. You did nothing wrong!

    Just enjoy what you have.

  46. Should have had this conversation before marriage.

    But my guess he won’t compromise. And you don’t want to be with a man who won’t compromise.

    I suggest he gets therapy and see if his desire to have a sahm because that’s something he longed for while being in the foster care system. He needs to see you are not his mother and that you won’t be a bad mother just because you work.

    My guess he’s trying to fix his childhood through you and living by proxy. But you are not his mother and you are not his therapist.

    Therapy and marriage counselling. Stay on birth control and make sure you hide it so he can’t tamper with it, just in case he using a baby to control you.

  47. Time to end it. If he gets this worked up over a toilet roll do you really want to find out what happens if you do something worse then this?

  48. Girl yea he felt remorse after he basically was about to get some nudes. Maybe next time, he will feel remorse after meeting another girl in person. Then the next time it will be after a make-out session, then after that after having sex but he won't tell you. That's why he hasn't said anything about this.

  49. I’m curious- does your inability to express yourself extend to work and other personal relationships too?

    Do you tell your kid you love them?

    Do you tell coworkers when they’ve done a great job?

    Do you let your friends know you appreciate them?

    If the answer is no to all of the above then I guess you’re on the right track already.

    But I kinda suspect your answer to these is no.

  50. I’m just nervous he would freak out and go to the school and say you’re touching kids tbh? i agree that he’s doing too much though. tbh i wouldnt be w anyone that accuses me of being into a freakin teenager lmao like that’s so delusional and preposterous i wouldn’t even entertain this


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