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43 thoughts on “Shopiagarcia live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. Actions have consequences and she CHOSE to break your heart and trust. She also betrayed you at your lowest point. I’m not saying two wrongs make it right but she deserves NOTHING FROM YOU!

    Be honest and upfront that you can’t be friends with her and she should try moving on and living her best life as a more truthful person.

  2. I see a 15k learning lesson. Expensive but do you really want to have moved in and then find out he wants out. Making it more expensive?

  3. The difference between other comments and yours is an acute understanding of mental health issues, and how they can trigger and change thought patterns.

  4. Why are you uncomfortable?

    Are you afraid he’s going to cheat, get too drunk, do you feel left alone because he didn’t invite you?

    The reason to why you don’t feel comfortable will be a huge part in how to feel okay with him going out

  5. I’m sorry that this situation is happening but in reality you are not responsible for another persons happiness.

    My advice would be to stay at your bfs and then go home Christmas to visit her etc. you need to on-line your own life !

    Maybe she needs therapy

  6. Yes, if she’s a SAHM, that includes laundry, cleaning, shopping (food, clothing, etc), cooking and other domestic duties. You can help clean up with dinner, take care of the outside landscaping. But if she’s home all day, she should be doing those things, else find a job.

  7. Think about the flip side. It’s your birthday.. And you are completely free to do whatever you feel. Be a bit irresponsible. Have a blast. Fine a one night stand and get a little wild. Happy birthday dude.

  8. Hello /u/Denji_pochitaa,

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  10. I agree, it is silly but I have a bit of the 'tism myself and overthinking things in media is something I do to pretty much everything I'm required to remember for more than 20 minutes, which is why I don't watch movies often.

    We usually get along exceptionally well and squash arguments before they get to this point. We know we've been taught bad and even toxic communication patterns by our families, so we're very conscious and active on trying not to make the same mistakes. I guess this post was a result of me overthinking then lol thank you for your words of reason.

  11. Ooo sorry by no means did I imply that you might've been dressed inappropriately. But after what you said I'm sure you did nothing wrong and you have nothing to worry about.

  12. He has no respect for you. Stay, and you will be hit again. And if you’re lucky, that would be all he does. Leave yesterday

  13. OP claimed their GF’s only reason is she finds the sister “annoying”

    Also this is the OPs stated interpretation of the gfs feelings. There is no way to know if it’s actually at all accurate. Maybe there is someth8ng legitimate the gf has said but op chooses to interpret it as “annoying” as part of dismissing the gfs feelings.

  14. Why do so many folks ask this? You know damn well you should tell her. You instinctively know the answer.

    So, step up and do the right thing.

  15. As worded. You’re correct it doesn’t sound insecure. From her perspective.

    I’ve wanked with condoms. (Not my thing) I’ve thrown out condoms from my underwear drawer that we only got when the wife was off birth control for a bit. There are reasons.

    This person also has an exact count and continuously notices them. Maybe that’s completely normal observation, maybe that’s constantly checking in for something to be wrong…

    I’m just saying we have a one sided retelling. Insecure people rarely understand their own insecurities and weave very simple tales that often are not. Similarly my wife could weave a good story about her insecurities being completely healthy and based in reality. But after almost nine years of context…

    So once again, not saying she is. But I am saying there are more reasons for a husband to respond awkwardly to a woman knowing the exact count of condoms in his drawer that she constantly checks on…

  16. well done! proud of him for distancing himself from the MOH & telling her.

    too many posted here cheating with MOH, best man etc

    Bride to be is most probably super embarrassed/feel humiliated by her friend action to her husband to be so ended up angry – overwhelmed is definitely the main feeling

  17. I’ve worked in family law courts (in CA) and I’ve heard judges make custody orders that include “neither parent will consume alcohol or drugs in front of the child nor allow others to do so in front of the child”. You’re doing the right thing by attempting to keep the peace with your ex. Girlfriend is misunderstanding your motives and causing drama imo

  18. 2 years in is kinda early for a lot of people.

    Is your issue about having children? What's the purpose of the quicker timetable?

  19. I understand he can make his own choices. And it's not even the smoking that bothers me, it's the lies and sneaking about that does. Oh I have tried being direct too, which is fronted with more lies which when you hear him talk you are thinking, 'its obvious you have, why are you still trying to lie?' I say to him it's your choice, but if you make any promises I want you to keep them and if you don't intend to keep them, just don't make them. He says 'no I've quit, I only smoke at work.' when I have found it not to be true. His behaviour confuses me. I don't ask anything else of him, I try to make him happy, I do everything for him and don't expect him to do anything else. I'm just not sure if this lying will stretch to other lies.

  20. Maybe you want a friend first who then can become your boyfriend. It's not weird to be weirded out by guys who hit on you just because of your looks – perfectly understandable that you want something more meaningful.

    I'm 34 and have dated a few people. Believe me, it's not worth lowering your standards for a poor relationship with no connection. Instead, you can put yourself out to places where you'll meet like-minded people.

    At the same time, you might want to form your own support circle (think family, friends). Even when you have a boyfriend, it's healthier to have more than one person you can rely on. At the same time, you don't need a boyfriend specifically to have a good company and be happy.

    One last thing, but I feel like it's something many people don't realize: you don't find someone to make you happy – you find yourself, and when you're happy with yourself, you can find a person you want to share this happiness with.

  21. Not quite an update yet as I still haven’t spoken to my boyfriend. Had a lot of comments and I appreciate all of them, mixed opinions but I can see both sides and value each perspective. I know deep in my bones that what happened to me was wrong and malicious and I did not choose it but I do need to accept some responsibility for my actions. I put myself in an unsafe situation in a foreign country and put too much trust in people I’d just met, I was trying to make friends as like I said I’m alone in a new country and was excited to meet new people. I still don’t know what happened but the consequences were severe and I’m not denying that I am partly responsible. Regarding my problematic drinking, I’m also not denying that this is a thing. I’ve had issues with alcohol in the past and it’s been a few years now that I’ve been able to enjoy alcohol in moderation and drink in a ‘normal’ way, but I know it’s naive to think that people who have had drinking problems are able to drink in a ‘normal’ way.

    I think I am going to give up alcohol for good and keep to myself for the year that I’m here. I feel like I need to stay because I’ll probably never have an experience like this again and I’ve planned it for so long and I will regret it for the rest of my life if I come back early. I needed to do this alone as I needed to get some headspace and experience some good things in life and travel is very important to me. My boyfriend is a bit older and he has a good job and a house and more of an attachment to home than I do. He would never have wanted to move abroad for a year and I figured it would be better for me to do this now when I’m young before we’ve settled down and moved in together instead of not doing it at all. People do long distance relationships all the time and they can work (although clearly it’s not working for us so far but I really couldn’t see that coming). Having said that I’ll stay, it depends on what my boyfriend says. If he decides to stay with me but can’t trust me long distance anymore then I will come home as he is more important to me than seeing the world. And to all those saying that there’s something missing from the story, I don’t know what to say. I’ve told you all I know about what happened and everything I’ve written is the truth. Yes I’ve had quite a sketchy past and made some bad decisions in life, which my partner knows about, but I don’t think that makes me a villain. The things I’ve done have been an unhealthy reaction to what happened to me in the past. It was years ago and I have since straightened up and regained control of my life. I’ve made mistakes and done things that were bad for me, but I would never knowingly hurt a soul let alone someone I love.

    I don’t have a lot of good things to say about myself but I’m a deeply caring and compassionate person and the mistakes I’ve made in the past have been detrimental only to myself, until now of course. I’ve never done anything like this before and again I did not choose this. All I can do now is take accountability for my actions and pray to god that my boyfriend can read the situation and find it in himself to forgive me, because if I lose him because of this I have no idea what I’ll do with myself. Thanks again for all the responses, even the harsh ones have been helpful. Will update when I’ve spoken to him.

    I am going to get tested and get plan b. I’ve decided not to contact the police as like I’ve said this is largely my responsibility.

  22. No, looking back, our communication is actually not that great. I confused mature conversations about wanting to change as the same thing as actually putting in the effort to change.

    But also, I think I'm valid for faking orgasms so his confidence is boosted and bringing up my fantasies because they made me uncomfortable and I wanted his help. At the end of the day, he probably hasn't wanted me for a while and I'll have to come to terms with this trip being his out.

  23. So first it’s not cutting his nose onto spite his face.

    How would you feel if you had to be the one to always initiate….. yes that is right, you would start to resent the other person, because it would feel like they are not putting any effort into the relationship.

    So talk to your doctor, see about therapy, and set a literal fucking alarm in your calendar to pop up and say “I should have sex today if i want to”

  24. Your sexual preference is completely valid. It's been said in this thread already, but you would be justified if you wanted to end the relationship right here. the fact that your boyfriend waited so long to tell you is a gigantic red flag, and if this happened in any other context, it could potentially be seen as sexual assault. That is information that should be given right from the beginning.

    Strap ons are a decent suggestion, but they are imitations of the real thing and they are not necessarily substitutes for what you prefer. Not every romantic relationship has sex as part of the relationship, but for the vast majority of couples it is extremely important. Take a minute and think about what you really want, and what you will or will not tolerate. Regardless of what decision you make, you will need to let him know that he needs to be upfront with that kind of stuff. He may have wasted a whole year of your time. At best, this is deceptive.

  25. Why wait? He told you that you are less valuable, and he is threatening to cheat if you don’t do it. The first part alone is grounds for dumping his pathetic ass to the curb.

    Toss him back and move on. He’s showing you who he really is. Believe him, and don’t hang around waiting for the relationship you hope to have with him because that’s how you waste some of the best years of your life.

    Go love yourself and be happy. Believe me, you will look back on this and be thankful you didn’t put up with shit from a shit boyfriend.

  26. Yep.. no problem here. He can Hug her, take her out for dinner without me..

    I am confident and well.. we have been married for 25 years

  27. People say this but it's coming up to a year and I feel no different, sure I can cope with it a bit better but no where near where I thought it would be at this stage

  28. I know that people don't like how I said it, but it needed to be said. I've had relationship ups and downs like anyone else. I've gotten older and fatter, and I've had and resolved the issues she's asking about. I could have taken more time in the first post, but her response was “he works out.” I worked out all the time while I was low T.


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