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39 thoughts on “Mia-hall1 online sex chats for YOU!

  1. Communicate,. Its what relationships require especially if its a LDR. He should be offended if he didn't answer. And if he wont answer that is your answer.

  2. Okay, here's the real talk: when it comes to picking a partner, love doesn't matter.

    Let's pretend relationships are loaves of bread. Flour is fundamental to bread, you have to have it but it's not what makes the bread taste good. The stuff that makes bread taste good is salt and other possible additions. Flour is just basic, it's required for the bread to exist but it's not something you take into account when choosing a yummy loaf.

    In this metaphor, flour is love. Love is a fundamental part of relationships. Love will always be a part of your relationships. Love is not what makes the relationship good. Communication, care, willingness to compromise, etc…THAT is what makes a relationship good.

    Love is a stupid reason to stay with someone. You will also love the next person. It's a basic requirement. so, choose your relationships based on that stuff that matters.

  3. Yes, you are being childish. Yes, you are being self-sabotaging. It’s completely unfair to not give the evening a chance when he went through the effort of planning it and trying to execute it.

    Wishing you a happy birthday and making you breakfast and lunch isn’t doing nothing, those are acts of love and care. You wouldn’t make breakfast and lunch for someone you don’t care about, would you?

  4. Hello /u/Small_Bug2154,

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  6. This comment section is ridiculous. Has no one actually read his post? OP is not asking IF he should break up with her, he's asking HOW he should start this incredibly difficult conversation with someone he doesn't want to marry but still cares a lot about.

    Everyone is just shitting on OP and telling him he's a bad person for not wanting to break up with her or have the hot conversation when that's exactly what here's here getting advice to do. Get some reading comprehension, Jesus fucking Christ.

    Anyway OP regarding your original question, there is absolutely no easy way around it. There are going to be tears and she is going to be hurt, but if you explain it to her that really it's in both of your best interest to separate hopefully she will take it well. Ultimately, she probably doesn't want to marry someone who's only begrudgingly marrying her. She probably wants to marry someone who's excited about their future together, and that's not you. It takes a lot of bravery to do the right thing and not coast along. It's a good thing that you're doing for the both of you and even if she doesn't see it during the conversation, she will see it with time. Best of luck and dm me if you need anymore advice, you're doing the right thing!

  7. I hope I'm wrong, but i have a feeling you will regret ending things with her. You can't expect to have a partner who has everything you wish for, there's gotta be some differences. Have you tried telling her you want her to get out of her comfort zone?

  8. Keeps referring to him as “my son” and not “our son”. Won’t answer any questions about why they can’t settle it with a second independent test.

    This is either fake or he isn’t your husbands kid. Which one is it? Because if I was in your situation and I was innocent I’d be doing a second independent test immediately

  9. I’m so sorry but she does care about herself. She just doesn’t care about you or the things you want to do with her. Please get help to deal with this. That’s why you wrote to Reddit in the first place so take everyone’s advice and accept it. Again, it hurts and you can’t make the hurt go away but you can realize it is futile to keep trying to second guess her motives. She has been honest with you and is not going to change just because you want her to. I wish you the best of luck but stop making excuses.

  10. I hear you but the difference is if she states facts (e.g. the no friends example) – that's TOTALLY fine. I'm willing to listen and have a calm discussion about it regardless of whether I feel offended. I'm not going to blow up, yell, swear, accuse, etc.

    If I bring up something (which is simply info. I have no intention of being negative or stubborn about it), she'll usually immediately get defensive or stonewall, yell, etc.

    Here's an example – she used to have a friend who would always talk shit behind people's backs. I warned her that her 'friend' could very well do that to her and to be careful. She immediately got defensive and yelled about how they were friends for almost 15 years, she'd never talk shit about her, starting screaming that i was talking shit about her friends, etc. I was simply pointing out a factual and intuitive observation without any exaggerations. She could have been calm about it, but nope. She had to make a scene.

    Then guess what happened? That same 'friend,' a few months later, texted me and talked shit about my gf. I showed my gf the text, my gf got livid and my gf ended her friendship.

    That's a prime example of me bringing up info in a calm manner, that could potentially be 'offensive' or 'negative' but is based in reality. If she weren't so emotional, she would have also analyzed what i was saying and seriously considered it, but she didn't.

    I'm 100% prefer to be with a partner who brings up rational points that could possibly be offensive, but is mature about communicating it and is open to discussing a rational plan of action (what to do next, etc.)

    I can have other discussions with people with whom we can share facts/logic that could possibly be offensive, but we discuss it calmly and rationally (and eventually reach a point of consensus) without raising our voices or getting emotional about it.

  11. Possibly but just talk about this.

    Western culture of surprising people with this kind of thing is stupid. Because it almost always results in miscommunication and mistakes.

  12. You’re right. I’m trying really hot and I’m reading the road code and I’ve made great strides. Just afraid to drive so far alone. I get that. He refuses to help me in the kitchen too. If I ask him to he gets extremely upset.

  13. Take pictures of everything she sent him, including any convos.

    Do not confront her about this at her parents house. Pack your bags, tell them what happened and leave.

  14. This is probably the fifth post I've read within an hour with a large age gap problem. It's always the same problem, and OP doesn't want to listen.

  15. You don't even have to take it like that! Its within (iirc) 3 days of unprotected sex, so at most every 3 days, and I don't know for sure but I would think it unlikely you would get pregmant the day after taking it. Plus, last I checked it was like $35 or $40 per pill!!

  16. People rarely eat themselves to unhealthy weights willy nilly. There's a reason and that's what you need to focus on. And if he's using food as a coping mechanism (which is common for overweight folks) then he needs a new one before you take this one.

  17. What you do is break up. He clearly values his relationship with Kiara more than you. Whether they get sexual I'm sure depends on whether Kiara wants him, or just wants his orbiter attention to continue without sex.

  18. You could’ve kept your comment to yourself If your going to be negative. ??‍♀️ it’s that simple. People have disagreements everyday. & his car is in the shop.

  19. In my country dogs are destroyed after one biting incident. I don't necessarily think that's right but that is how seriously a dog biting needs to be taken. This dog has bitten your partner 3 times already. It's not appropriate, the dog should be rehomed with someone who can handle and train it correctly. Perhaps get a smaller, more gentle natured dog when you feel ready. Your human life partner ought to be more important to you than a pet.

  20. Ok so your boundary doesn't mean you get to dictate what she does.

    Boundary: I don't date people who smoke. Break up with her.

    Controlling Toxic Behaviour: I don't date people who smoke so you can't smoke.

    Break up with her. The relationship is done.

  21. Don't contact your ex, you did her a favor by leaving her. You're just having a pity party and want her to take you back, you're being selfish af OP. I hope if anything you learned something from this and you grow up.

  22. This friend is unlikely to come around and doesn’t sound like he’s worth the time and effort? Is he in a relationship?

  23. I don’t want to be rude but I just think we are in different environments and you just don’t understand how the people around me behalf. Nothing is happening other than some guy being petty it doesn’t call for this type of aggression. Also, any lack of firm conviction in my end isn’t a substitute for you to insinuate I’m not taking action or I’m not going to HR.

    If you’ve said what you needed then there’s nothing more to add thank you.

  24. Dude, you're like barely starting to go bald.

    I would just not worry about it. Maybe mention it if for some reason hair-loss comes up? Or confide in her your insecurity about it if you feel close or comfortable enough for that.

  25. It’s a bad idea. You’ve dated such a short period of time that you don’t really know each other. The problem is that if everything goes to hell, you’re stuck/trapped. Smart money is on waiting another year.

  26. Pretend for a second that your best friend told you this story. Or sister. Or cousin. Any close female in your life. Pretend she recounted this very same story. What would your advice be to her? That is exactly the advice you should be following yourself.

    This is not a man. This is an abuser. He has no regard for you, your feelings, your obligations, your comfort. Please leave him.

  27. I think the consensus is that your boyfriend doesn't actually enjoy those activities. If you aren't getting him in front of a psychiatrist and you are staying with him, keep a list of when it does and doesn't happen. Or scratch that, if you are staying with him, whether or not you are immediately getting him in front of a psychiatrist.There's definitely something going on. He's probably got one mental/emotional/social disorder, but he's likely got a couple. And that includes if he's just being a big baby about things he doesn't want to do. There's some reason this has become an acceptable way of handling this for him.

  28. I think there was some stubbornness possibly from his side so I kept trying to get through to him.

    If someone doesn't want to talk to you, don't talk to them.

    If someone doesn't want to “express care” to you, leave them alone.

    He didn't want to deal with you, so your job was to leave him alone. And if that means he's a bad boyfriend it's your job to leave him and find one who will help you manage your emotions. He doesn't want to.

    And you'll find that, the older you get, the less partners will want to coddle someone who chases arguments in tears.


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