Camila-harper live! sex cams for YOU!

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37 thoughts on “Camila-harper live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. This is the only time he got caught.

    Put your pink glasses off and send him packing. He's gay who's doesn't have courage to come out of the closet. You are there just for public appearance.

  2. I don't care if someone has a degree. If they are in a good financial situation and are good with money. Moreover, if they are a good person then it shouldn't matter.

  3. I was turned away from him and when I cry tbh I cry in absolute silence sometimes (childhood issues) so I can see why he didn't know on that part.

  4. I know 4 women who had similar problems. It's not so uncommon but people don't talk much about it and even doctors are more often than not, not very aware. For one of them, it was just dryness and good quality lubricant is the only option and it worked for her. Another one has been diagnosed with vestibulitis. After years of physiotherapy and medication and creams, they told her the only option was a surgery, which she was hesitant about and in the mean time her boyfriend left her.

    They had been together more than 10 years and her problem had developed in the last 5 years. She had been told it was physiological by specialists, but believe it or not when she found another guy after the breakup everything was perfectly fine like the problem had never even existed. For some women there is a strong psychological aspect to it. Her ex wasn't very kind to her and didn't care much about her well being, he did not care about foreplay or making himself desirable. He was mean to her and clearly didn't loved he anymore..

    I don't have much details about the 2 other women except that one of them is also dating a very very bad man and to me it's no wonder her vagina shuts down as an automatic reflex! lol I'm just sharing this so you can have a personal reflection on how this man makes you feel deep down. never know, it might be the key (or not)

  5. Sounds like the beginning of a life of financial abuse and wanting to spend beyond your means. Does she give ultimatums like this often?

  6. You may not want him in 6 years and vice versa. You’re at the age where you’re still discovering yourselves and building who you are. You will be different people in a different stage in life. Don’t rush the marriage thing especially if you are not wanting kids in the next 6 years. It would be a mistake to commit to marriage with someone that doesn’t even know themself and you don’t know who you are committing to.

  7. Currently you're a victim of an abuser. If you'll stay you'll be a murder victim. Do you aspire to become it?

  8. He is betting on you staying because you have nothing, and then he will get worse. MUCH worse. If you think you have nothing, wait until he ramps this up even more.

    Work friends are great. Hobby clubs are a good place to start for more friends. But that should be an afterthought. Right now your choices are “no friends plus a lifetime of ever-worsening abuse that probably results in being murdered” or simply “no friends”. Pick the later!!

  9. “It’s not about you though? Valentine’s Day is about getting a gift I would like and I’ve told you what I would like. How would you like it if you wanted a video game and I told you no, because I think they’re stupid?”

    Have you reasoned with him like this?

  10. your 10yr older boyfriend is acting immature with a girl even younger than you, which sounds about right for a man who dates girls who are to young for them

  11. Hint like crazy. Make sure to relieve a bit of pressure maybe he just wants it to be perfect and is over thinking.

  12. Mmm sounds like you're a bit incompatible really. If you don't see this relationship going anywhere long term then end it now so you don't waste her or your time any further.

  13. Oh she’s pissed? Ok quit your job and start sleeping in, tell her she should be the one to go get a job and pay all the bills

  14. He doing what he wants now. And his GF is posting on r/relationship_advice. Sounds like him begrudgingly attending was the better move.

    Is his role at these dinners, just as arm candy? -Here's my boyfriend, look at him.-

    You kept inviting him to family dinner, even though it was obvious he very much disliked it, you noticed, your family likely noticed. What he wanted was what you wanted. And he did do it. Just not to the degree that you required.

    For your next BF, try choosing from someone who works in Sales. They usually can reach inside of themselves and pull out fake enthusiasm and interest for anyone.

  15. Um, he FOLDS the living room blankets. That’s a lot!!! The corners totally crease right and that’s very hot work

  16. Yeah, this is going to need more context.

    You know that your wife doesn't wear lingerie. Why do you think that would suddenly change? Did you express that you wanted someone to spice things up? Did you send it with a passive aggressive note to “finally” wear something? Has she already told you in no uncertain terms she would not be wearing lingerie for you?

  17. Didn’t need to read past the title, adult pushing 30 is dating an immature, inexperienced (no offense) (and most likely illegal at the time of grooming) teenager. And there’s mainly one reason why; so he can pull off bs that he wouldn’t be able to do if he dated someone in his age range.

    Leave now, it’ll only get worse.

  18. My question is OP so interested in being controlled?

    Why quit a medication that was working?

    Why have a sleepover the night before a big exam?

    This guy is an asshole, obviously, but unless OP makes some personal changes she’s just going to find another terrible guy to date… she didn’t even stand up for herself here, she sent a passive aggressive text that isn’t going to change anything ??‍♀️

  19. Dude….this sounds like she's already got someone in mind, and plans to turn this around on you right after you conceed. There's absolutely no reason to push this on your partner, despite their clear discomfort, if you dont.

    Also, what a stupid suggestion. Obviously counselling is the solution, not whatever the hell this is.

  20. You're hilarious doll! Thank you for the entertainment. For the love of whatever, learn English. Your language skills really detracted from this trolling. Stick to SIMS. I'm sorry you struggle in your relationships and choose to attack others to compensate. I truly hope this isn't your main account and your people don't get to see how you attack the idea of long-term relationships. It will affect your ability to have them. But, you do say you think they're boring so you don't likely want one anyway. I'm out. You bore me. ? As I said before, good luck.


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