Elektravergara live sex chats for YOU!

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50 thoughts on “Elektravergara live sex chats for YOU!

  1. Could stress play a factor in all of this? She has been under a huge pile of stress due to our exams and her parents being restrictive.

  2. He doesn’t love you and doesn’t respect you.

    Plain and simple. He knows wtf he’s doing; I’m tired of men convincing women they’re clueless or dumb when it suits them to get out of having to provide comfort or be put in uncomfortable situations.

    No one in their right mind thinks about initiating sex when someone they love, respect and care for has been emotionally distraught and crying. No one just ignores someone they love when they’re going through that.

    That’s a turn off for decent people, except for to sickos.

  3. It's a tough spot, but your career and future first before anything. You're young and I'm sure it hurts now, but trust me it'll be better in future.

  4. Please do not split your lovely cats up, if he actually loves you he’d defy all odds to be with you. Not flirting with another woman and demanding you get rid of your animals

  5. He does not care for you the way you care for him. It sounds like he has years of growing up to do before he can contribute to a romantic relationship in a healthy/sustainable way. If you truly believe he’s worth it, try having a conversation with him and setting some abundantly clear boundaries: it really hurts me when you do X. I won’t tolerate X happening so, if you choose to do X again, I will respond by ending the relationship. But, I think you know in your heart you deserve better than what he can offer right now, and I hope you end it.

  6. Fair comment. However, just to be clear, our kids know their grandparents very well. They spent 4 weeks here in April and we spent two weeks with them this summer. It’s not all that dire. I am depressed and I am lashing out. My feelings feel undermined and not understood.

  7. Thank you for this perspective, I guess I’d always been used to phone calls in relationships and he’s always been fine with just texting. We definitely need to find a healthy balance.

  8. Possibly not abusive but clearly a huge gross douchebag move. Geezus.

    Is he only looking for hookup,

    Uh huh

    Why to put do much efforts in texting, cooking and other dates if he just wanted sex?

    Because it gets him what he wants.

  9. You're getting some mixed views here and I think that's because you are leaving out some key details. You say you were in a toxic relationship for 4 years and I suspect there was a minimal gap between this one and your previous one and you also married pretty young.

    You say he's bringing up past arguments? Were they ever resolved? What were they about?

    he told you to leave him alone and then proceeded to follow him to keep asking questions about going to your parents (why would he want to do that when he's said to leave him alone)

    You forgot to pay the bills – is that a one off or does it happen more often?

    'I don’t think this is grounds for divorce.' if he wants to leave then it's grounds for divorce. I don't see in your post any real reflection about him and how he feels.

    You are both v young and I suspect not particularly mature. A separation might not be such a bad thing and I do believe that when he calms down he will say he's sorry for getting so angry but he meant what he said

  10. Wait. She was “too busy” to let you see her and her attached-to-you son for several weeks; her son hasn’t seen you at all for the past 4 weeks because she essentially stopped answering you (from your other comment); and now suddenly he’s started crying about missing you?

    I hate to say something this harsh with no evidence, but it feels like she deliberately provoked him into being upset about you so she could make that manipulative video. Another commenter suggested she had a side-guy who’s just left her, which would explain why she’s suddenly back in touch. Even if that’s not the reason, it’s still sh!tty of her to use her kid as a tool.

  11. It's not about throwing 10 years it's about being alive tomorrow. Your fiancee is in bad place and he needs help beyond what you can do. He is not the person you fell in love with and heaven knows if he ever will be that person again. He put a shotgun to your head. Even in closet, the gunshot splatter would have done damage to you.

    Contact a women's shelter or domestic violence hotline and get some advice on how to stay safe. Move your money into accounts he doesn't have access to. Get your important documents into a safety deposit box. Change all your passwords, pins, and security questions.

  12. I’d tell too. As you are the one who has to live! with yourself knowing and it being against your personal beliefs.

    He may already has his suspicions, but it might not be that she is having an affair. Could be he just thinks she’s unhappy. It would suck to feel somewhat blindsided. Especially when you actively tried to find the truth.

  13. You need to be honest or you will lose your connection with your brother.

    She violated a big boundary and continued to film you after you respectfully asked her to not do it.

    She is loud, obnoxious, and it's okay that her personality doesn't match with yours BUT you need to grow up and have these kinds of conversations. Or, again, lose your connection with your brother.

  14. Totally agree, it’s super weird. If I was the girlfriend I’d be finding other accomodation for me and my daughter because the dude is either a creep, or, he’s so arrogant he doesn’t give a shit about his partners wishes or his partners daughters comfort levels in the home. Red flags alllll over.

  15. I mean, he posted a link to the boxers he wore and that is definitely underwear where I’m from. I wouldn’t call him a sex offender but I would look at him a little funny if I would pass him on the street.

  16. Have you asked why it's clearly different to her sharing a room with another man?

    She obviously has trust issues which doesn't bode well for the future, even if you find a solution to this particular problem

    I am surprised by the uni not providing separate accomodation and it might be worth following up

    You have a decision to make, whether you accept your GFs unreasonable demand or you go.

    Personally I would go and tell her that if she isn't able to trust you, when you've given her the same level of trust, then there is no future in this relationship

  17. Can you get a separate hotel room and pay for it yourself (or better still, have her pay for it)?

    Else, just go. She can die mad about it. She’s being ridiculous.

  18. As a man I can’t imagine what it’s like from the woman’s perspective but I’d just like to say that, respectfully, if it’s just a ride, you don’t need to ask permission from your partner to do that. If it starts becoming a regular thing, MAYBE it warrants letting your SO know. But if I have to look another grown up in the eye after they’ve asked me to do something nice for them and have to say “I have to ask my wife first” is pointless. Especially if it’s happening between midnight and 6am. There’s no reason to exert that level of control onto someone unless you don’t trust them, and then that’s an entirely different story. People need to get their relationship priorities straight nowadays, most of you don’t know any background on OP and immediately assume he’s cheating on his wife/has been unfaithful in the past/there are other reasons his SO should be suspicious. SO MANY OF YOU ARE DOING THIS. Let’s wait for clarification from OP before we keep diving into Man is bad mentality

  19. You may be overthinking. She can be proudly with you in public without wanting to post it on social media. There is more to love than that.

    If it’s just this one thing bothering you, then take her for her word: she may feel insecure about her appearance and not want to post on social media.

  20. Sell the ring when you get it back from her when you dump her. Itll cover something as least

    And talk to a lawyer

  21. He's allowed to not like it.

    You're allowed to like it.

    He's allowed to make this a dealbreaker.

    You're allowed to make this a dealbreaker.

    He sounds controlling. I would do what makes you happy and not listen to him wanting you to not have friends. A partner should be trusted until they give a reason to not be trusted anymore.

    Maybe try to talk it out and say you don't plan to quit this, but if he has issue with it maybe you two should go separate ways.

  22. Obviously you have not been exposed to all of the stories people have about their family using their SSN to open credit card accounts and utilities accounts while they were still minors.

  23. I think you're missing where they are trying to patch things up. He lied to her repeatedly about the concert and the previous plans they made. Now he springs them as he kept them but didn't communicate with her properly, which probably made this marriage issue happen in the first place.

  24. Hi OP. I work with people post sexual assault, both supporting them through a forensic exam (aka a rape kit), and with counselling afterwards. Please don’t minimise what happened to you because you think others have ‘been through worse’. This is rape.

    You also said you were choked – this needs to be medically looked at asap, even if you didn’t lose consciousness. The risk of stoke or death even days later is higher than people realise, and the risk of being killed by an intimate partner increased tenfold post one incident of choking.

    Please don’t allow people to make you feel like you have to go to police if you don’t want to. I would recommend you attend hospital, get medically reviewed and request a forensic examination. The way we do things is we complete the examination (take swabs etc) and the victim can agree for it to be released to police or if they’re not sure if they want police involved we’ll do a ‘just in case’, meaning the rape kit will be done but stored in case you decide to pursue it legally afterwards.

    If you have any questions or need some support feel free to hit me up.

  25. I agree with you my friend, however I rely on him for everything and I’m not financially stable. I have no family I can move in with expect for across the country- which is not impossible, but I am in college with scholarship in the state I live! in.

    I wish it were easier

  26. Then he shouldn't date her. He shouldn't get her to change. That will make her self conscious and she won't enjoy it anymore. I imagine someone criticizing your O face. I bet you wouldn't like it.

  27. You’re not going to like me saying this, but I can see a lot of legitimate reasons why your family might not like him. Are you sure they were being unfair to him? Or were they telling you that he treats you poorly?

    Because admittedly this is a tiny window into your lives together, but in it he treats you very poorly indeed, in multiple ways.

  28. Oooooohhhhh girl….your families is one big family now…. what you said right now is another huge red flag!!! Girl you are bringing the red flags like crazy!!! He was bonding with your family but because it wasn't the way that you wanted it then it is his family and your family ooofff!!! Yes not only you are a controlling person but it was a discussion between them, that your uncle and spouse chose to keep talking with him too.

  29. Of course, but my point was singling out hpv not being super pertinent, because it's everywhere anyway. Extremely contagious/skin to skin contact vs the much lower risk of transmission of, say HIV during intercourse.

    Sex workers are at a higher risk for STD transmission in general (obvs) that's day one stuff I'd like to think,being as frequency of any activity, will of course increase ones personal odds of being a victim of said activities particular dangers.

    It's just hpv isn't the best example being as we literally all have had or have it damn near anyway.

    It's like saying you work in a hospital and “better watch out for getting the common cold” you're at higher risk! Of course you are going to be more likely to get loads of things. You are in closer proximity much more frequently than the average individual.

    As a healthcare worker,id be much more concerned with say,contracting TB or getting stuck with a dirty needle,than a cold that everyone gets. Both happened to my mom during her 35 yr career in healthcare. She also got many other colds/flu at work that her immune system cleared.

    As a sex worker, I'd be much more concerned with things like herpes,which there is no cure for/a life long gift and can be transmitted during asymptomatic shedding and or take yrs to become symptomatic for you.

    That was my only point.

  30. You wouldn’t be wrong, per se, to offer another date or set of dates. If she blows that off too, she’s definitely not interested. (Or is playing very hot to get, in which case you don’t need high maintenance in your life.)

    It might feel a little off to reach out again after saying “I’ll leave it at that,” but I don’t think that would come across too stalkerish if you leave a decent interval before initiating.

    Oh, and offer dates a little farther out on the calendar. It should be obvious that “this Wednesday” leaves no time for planning, and is more likely to be full than three weeks from now. Heck, she might have said No just because she doesn’t like being rushed into it. Have some awareness that she has a life.

  31. Dude, you guys are already in a relationship you just aren't fucking. So, make it official, get in shape, and have fun.

    No way should you be covering bills for Zoe Jen you're not in a relationship with. And, even then you shouldn't cover bills unless you're married. You're giving me very thing and not getting anything in return. She has a pretty sweet thing going with you.

  32. This is why trust is essential for relationships to last. She seems to need therapy or some deep soul searching to change her behavior. You've been patient, but not being trusted comes off as disrespect, even with her past and emotional fragility. You know your friends notice after 11 times, though they're being cool about it. She needs to understand that even you (like us all) will break in time over this.

  33. S is JELLY!

    Like if she were anymore jealous, she would turn into the hulk and smash you in the face real quick.

    She is acting very immature, but it comes with the territory when someone is that insecure.

    All jealous boils down to is a need not being met.

    S’s needs are not being met. Which means she needs to figure out how to stop hurting you and work on her needs.

    Op, in the meantime don’t hang out with these two for awhile cause it’s slowly hurting your self esteem to the point you will be at S’s insecure level soon if you don’t take some space right now.

  34. You know he hates her, and wants nothing to do with her.

    That is why you lied to him and said it was a family party, not her family’s party.

    I bet he still doesn’t know that part and only thinks she was there.

    So how about you start with telling him the truth.

    Then when he dumps you for lying to him, you won’t have to worry about whether or not he is controlling, or insecure etc (which he is btw, possibly more insecure than controlling, but still both) but seeing as you are quite happy to excuse your bff, and lie to your bf when you see her, you are not completely innocent in this situation either.

  35. He’s the perfect boyfriend because you’re in an LDR. It’s easy to be a perfect mate when you can do whatever you want and your partner isn’t around to find out about it.

    You’re 28. Do you really believe the lies he’s telling you? C’mon now.

  36. Sorry but your feeling here really aren’t the point.

    You are upset because why? Because your dad is finding happiness? Because the two important men in your life tried to protect you from having this exact reaction?

    You’re making this all about you. It’s not. No one betrayed you. No one betrayed anyone. You’re in your feelings and that is your responsibility alone. Coming here and getting defensive doesn’t seem to be helping.

    Take a deep breath, call your therapist, take a walk, do something constructive. Because you’re spiraling right now and projecting your feelings onto the people who love you. That’s not fair or right.

  37. Lol what the fuck “it isn't a contest to see who has it worse” this is a literal life and death situation for OP. He's already shown that he can and will murder her.


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