Beatzie live sex chats for YOU!

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19 thoughts on “Beatzie live sex chats for YOU!

  1. Hi, man here, USE LUBE lol. Like, seriously, the more scared you get, the more dry you will get. If you can relax and enjoy, you will eventually start lubricating yourself, and the only way you will get there, appart from connection, good foreplay and a lover who gives a shit, is lube. Many men are insecure loosers who feel like artificial aids are somehow the enemy apparently? Good lovers know that it's getting there, not how you get there that matters, there is nothing wrong with using lube and other aidsbif you need/want it, people need to chill and have fun.

  2. It kind of boggles me you’re still even asking what is fair for them!! This person sounds like a load of bs that is 1- using “mental health” as a crutch to be lazy and 2- had you pay for their cosmetics. They used YOU as a piggy bank and then kicked you out of your own home!! I didn’t read where he agreed in anyway shape or form to pay you back, you said you were happy to help them so I really don’t see this holding up in court unless you have emails and texts of an admission of an amount owed otherwise you paid a price for a life long lesson. I say this respectfully I think you misconceive your feelings of having a giving and kind heart for naive one, this person flat out used you. USED you. And played the mental illness card at that to sit home and get cosmetic surgeries. Just no. Stay away from them and if you can, sue the pants off them.

  3. They just try and convince and sway me. That they'll help and I'm only a short drive away. I also don't want to sit at home by ourselves. My husband's solution was me to drive to my family, but that's even further away.

  4. Hello /u/ThrowRACarRadio2022,

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  5. Exactly! Not sure why I got downvoted so much. Dental health is a huuuuge deal for me. Hygiene overall but I love to kiss and I couldn’t be with anyone who doesn’t brush regularly or who has stinky breath.

  6. Never been in a relationship that wasn’t dv to be perfectly honest with you. Both of my long term relationships were physically abusive towards me. Also I have a small obsession with murder true crime shows and never one fucking time was there not a motive when it was a husband wife /boyfriend girlfriend relationship. The only people who kill just for the fuck of it are serial killers or people who are completely mentally insane. So my statement was USUALLY there is a motive or an ongoing issue. All of this is neither here nor there. What the comment was is men who choke women are 750% more likely to kill them. Which the statistic doesn’t apply here, at all.

  7. (Aside from you already being in a relationship..)

    People can change, not all, but some.

    Take a big step back and really reflect on who you are, what you want, and ask yourself a stack of questions.

    Let's say you gave it another shot, what has changed so you don't end up in the same place again?

    Have you both put in personal growth work? Have you both recognised your part in the relationship not working out?

    Does she know why she did what she did? Has she sorted those issues?

    Are you able to have those difficult, sometimes confrontational, conversations?

    Your ex is 32, does she want to settle down, what is her stance on children given women have a smaller window than men. Do you have similar values?

    Can you actually let go of the hurt and move forward?

  8. I haven't got the expertise to answer your question. However, I do know that your present financial agreement, i.e. paying all your gf expenses, has set the base for an unequal relationship. I suggest you correct this before things start slipping out of control

  9. That's fair. I just felt the rest of your comment focuses on the wrong thing. OP's problem is her husband. Acting like the young woman is obviously trying to seduce him/use him for job advancement (especially when the only thing we know about her is that she has a friendly text relationship with a former supervisor who helped get her a better job) spreads the blame that should fall just on the husband.

  10. I paid for everything for a long time with one of my exes, he had no job no money, once we both worked we split everything, but when I was in need he would make me feel like shit if he had to pay for stuff, not equal, fucking lame.

    I'm no longer with him, but more so because he was a raging alcoholic. So that's different. Lol.

  11. Agreed. OP their's nothing wrong with what you're feeling. She seems to be understanding in that. But generally if you're getting emotionally involved with someone you're not doing you or them right by being sexually involved with someone else. So despite the technicalities she did a not healthy thing and it's effecting you.

  12. A is the best person I know and is extremely sensitive, kind and caring towards me, that also comes along with him being extremely jealous and protective.

    OP, that is a non-sequitur.

    “Extremely sensitive, kind and caring” DOES NOT EQUAL “extremely jealous & protective”.

    that is some toxic manipulative lie he has told you, led you to belive or you have made up yourself. Your phrasing reads as he is posessive and controlling. That is NOT a good thing or mitigated by him being 'sensitive'.

    On to the actual issue of him abusing his sister when she was 8 and he was 12. That is also quite fucking terrifying.

    It is also very logical that she is as you say “very sexual” now – as being hyper sexual is a trauma response common to victims of childhood abuse.

    Her brother sexualised and raped her when she was 8!!! of course it is reasonable that she processes it by acting hyper sexual to protect herself. I would hazard she hasn't forgotten it – this is just one way of dealing with the trauma.

    Not sure what else to tell you, but your statements in this seems far too innocent and naive which makes me scared that he will hurt you too.

    iT is NOT normal to rape little sisters.

    NONE of these are signs of sensitivity, kindness or caring.

    Please be safe op. Please look at this guy differently and realise all his secual and relationship patterns are non-normal, some are criminal (he would get placed in prison or juvenile detention for his acts on his sister in many western jurisdictions) . He sound like a fucking scary guy.


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