DenisseKey live! sex chats for YOU!

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28 thoughts on “DenisseKey live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. Dude just do it. Will it eventually go up in flames? Probably. But I thing isn’t beautiful because it lasts. You can always move out if it gets weird. Until then have some fun! And hey, what if it doesn’t get weird? It could end up being an amazing experience. You’ll never know if you don’t try.

  2. Yes, my friend is aware. She's the one that told me. I'm assuming she'll dump him, because she doesn't tend to put up with bullshit, and I'll stand by her choice

  3. Y'all are not dating, she is free to see/talk to whoever she wants. I'm not sure why you want to be involved with someone that essentially told you she is not interested in pursuing a relationship.

  4. Yes, your wife is a cheater, at the very least emotionally. It doesn’t matter if she’s never actually slept with any of these other women; what she’s done is just as bad.

    She’s also extremely selfish if she insists she gets a pass for sharing very hot photos of herself and sending inappropriate messages to them. Just because she never got to explore that side of herself doesn’t make it any less hurtful to you.

    Frankly, you should speak to a lawyer about filing divorce papers if she continues her behavior. There may not be any other way to make her see how despicable she is acting.

  5. You tell your wife, cut off your neighbour and let your wife decide if she wants to be with someone who cheats, them tries to minimise it.

  6. They’re vividly there for me now, I guess half of this was just to get this off my chest and see how others healed from similar experiences.

  7. Progress is progress. Even if it’s small.

    When you call it off is when the effort you put in, does not yield any results.

  8. Divorce him, now! I’m sorry. This is heartbreaking. Please let us know what happens when you do finally choose to pull that trigger. Take care.

  9. I didn’t read through all of the comments, but don’t worry about the kids. The better lesson is getting out of an emotionally abusive and loveless marriage. Staying “for the kids” is self-abuse and teaches them that they should put themselves aside for others. Not a good lesson.

    Put yourself first, file for divorce first…and get yourself and the kids into counseling.

  10. If you worry about devorce this early in a relationship then your relationship is doomed.

    You both need to focus on a future set plans and goals. You xan not look at others who got devorce or split up Many times it is poor communication…

    kids you get so wrapped up in work.. sports school and everything around your children you forget who you are..and you forget date night… flirting talking…

    Your at work a co worker flirts and you start talking .. Your not getting the attention at home next thing you know your cheating.

    It takes work to keep a marriage going. Communication

    Your girlfriend wants marriage it is a tradition. And for many familys they frown on you just living together..

    How does the court look at if something happens to you..say you bought things together home ect.

    Your not will. Will your family force her out……

    You both need to talk. And stop worrying about devorce And focus on tomorrow.

    Set goals Home date nights

    Thats what keeps you two going.

  11. yeah she cried and apologized because she got caught this sounds like, she wasn't crying about it before she realized you caught her.

  12. In a lot of cultures, they'd find it far more “wild” that you can permanently end the life of some dumb 14 year old who's stealing pennies out of your change bowl. They'd say that retributive justice is a far more wild, “law of the jungle” approach than the criminology traditions of Enlightenment thinkers like Bemtham or Voltaire. (These are the same thinkers who laid the foundations of modern democracy, based on the same humanist ideas of natural rights, and the like.)

    The beauty of the democracy that these thinkers created is that local laws reflect different cultural norms of different places.

  13. Or this is proof of parallel universes and she's switched with an alter.

    I'm not being serious. Well, maybe a little.

  14. You're not leaving her with nothing, you're leaving her with 10k less debt… Assuming you don't have a prenup

  15. Avoiding childish humor, if he didn’t know before you told him he’s being a hypocrite. But, to preserve your dignity, tell him you love and prefer men who aren’t idiots and leave the “Build-a-Bitch” song on repeat while he watches your ass walk out the door and never come back.

    In my opinion it’s not worth trying to change his mind, the damage he’s done to his own psyche over his “that’s not the package I thought I was getting with my car” isn’t something you fix with a quick education. Only the regret of loss has the chance to fix things but that’s with the next person. Find someone who isn’t trying to “shop for a woman” and you’ll be doing much better.

    I know I use a lot of “air quotes”. Good luck.

  16. Honestly you've already gone above and beyond what a good employee should do when they're quitting so I would just quit and not even think twice about it. You gave them two months notice where as the standard amount of time is two weeks so you have have nothing to be ashamed of, move on with your life because they will move on with theirs and be just fine.

  17. Too many small variables that are very hot to convey on Reddit, that has already decided she’s cheating because she’s a single mom.

    If you only decided to care about going after she hyped it up, she’s probably annoyed that you didn’t want to go with them originally and spend quality time. That would be my guess. Nobody knows exactly how your conversations went, but if you acted like it wouldn’t be fun or you didn’t want to go at first, I’d be annoyed if you could suddenly go cause you heard about a jet ski or something.

  18. It’s either an enthusiastic yes, or it’s a no. You are not enthusiastic about marrying this woman after 5 years. It’s a no. Stop stringing her along, she knows what she wants and you don’t.

  19. I celebrate birthdays to the fullest. I’m not shy about reminding my husband and family it’s my birthday. I know I am way better at planning parties or special things to do. For my husband’s birthday the last 2 years we took a trip- I planned and made all the arrangements etc.. I enjoy it and I’m good at it. For my birthday if I don’t plan what I want, not much would happen. It’s not that my husband doesn’t care- he’s incredibly romantic and sweet and treats me like a queen, it’s he’s not good an executing plans. I don’t like presents, I prefer doing something. When I (48f) was your age, I wasn’t so forthcoming about my wants/needs. I’m ok with being the one to make the plans, he (and my kids) just need to make themselves available! This year we went to Vegas. I made all the arrangements and we had a great time!

    I should mention by bff since we were 15 is awesome and remembering my birthday and always makes sure I have a good day.

    Don’t let your bf off the hook. You told him it was your birthday and he didn’t mark the occasion. He didn’t make time for you. He’s in the doghouse and he owes you a HUGE apology and make up date. You are not stupid for being sad, and please please please call him on it.

    In case he doesn’t say it, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! ??


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