Elianabortt shows her charms for you

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17 thoughts on “Elianabortt shows her charms for you

  1. Yes in a perfect world everyone hold themselves accountable to give an honest explanation or any(!) to the other person in such situation. But she blocked everywhere which means i dont want to give any reason. I understand your logical point of view about accuracy. but i like to explore the usual suspects.

  2. So let me get this straight: she spent a whole day cooking for your party but when you pushed hard for a date she balked and you got aggressive and cold with her to which she said “ok bye then” and you continued to push her and she blocked you.

    You wonder why she blocked you?

    She blocked you because she wasn’t interested in you and you got mean and aggressive about it. And then kept texting her demanding a date.

    Leave her alone. She’s no longer interested in having any contact with you.

    Also: you sound like an asshole. Shape up or women will start warming each other about you.

  3. You went on 2 dates. As you said yourself you fucked up, there's probably no way to solve this and if there is, the question is if it's really worth the struggle, as you both dont know each other well.

    If you'd be in a relationship I'd suggest you try to figure things out, but you only been on 2 dates. So just move on and accept that she wants no contact anymore

  4. Consider it a blessing in disguise. That man is red-flag central. He’s a grown ass man that can control his own emotions. His anger isn’t your fault

  5. Can I ask how long you've been together? I ask because if he's been alone a long time before you, he might be a bit set in his ways and change is'nt always easy, even if its for the better.

  6. Can I ask how long you've been together? I ask because if he's been alone a long time before you, he might be a bit set in his ways and change is'nt always easy, even if its for the better.

  7. Can I ask how long you've been together? I ask because if he's been alone a long time before you, he might be a bit set in his ways and change is'nt always easy, even if its for the better.

  8. First you call the bank and dispute the charge. It isn’t yours. Then you change your account number. Then you change your bf. Tell him to take a flying leap and block him.

  9. Thank you. These people are out here acting like tipping 40% is normal in the first place especially going through a hard time financially. I didn’t mind paying but he took the bill out of my hands and made the tip huge, even though our service was kind of not the best. She was chatty and joking with him about beer, so that’s probably why he tipped so high, because there was no other reason he would have possibly tipped 40% for basic service.

  10. You’re allowed to feel what you’re going to feel, but in relationships there needs to be give and take. When you ask criticize someone or ask them to hold space for you, you’re “taking” from them. Some amount of that is normal and expected when they’ve done something to upset you. But when you’re doing taking constantly, especially over small things that wouldn’t upset most people, that gets exhausting and is unfair. You’re taking way more than you’re giving.

    No wonder your gf sometimes gets defensive and upset – you’re constantly criticizing her and insisting she hold space for feelings you won’t deal with or process on your own. It sounds like you aren’t easily made to feel better, either: you expect her to sit there and repent for your hurt feelings for long periods of time.

    As someone who has been in your gf’s position, this is frustrating and unsustainable. It’s a great way to make someone feel unloved.

    You have a few different options:

    — I suggest first and foremost therapy for emotional regulation.

    — Start trying to let more things go and process them on your own. Instead of bringing them up right away, let them go and think on them later (except in extreme cases), and only bring them to her if they’re still really bothering you hours later and you can’t think your way out of it. In other words, choose your battles.

    — Don’t make her manage your feelings for inordinate amounts of time- once she’s said she’s sorry (and is sincere), let it go. If it’s still really bothering you the next day, you can bring it up again then if you’re polite and careful.

    — If you can’t reduce how often you’re getting upset at her (or how long you’re making her deal with it), then just accept that you will need to comfort her sometimes, and that her feelings of upset are no more or less valid than yours. Accept that you can’t “take” from her over and over without having “give” something in return, by sometimes putting her first or holding space for her when she feels overly criticized.

  11. To be fair, a lot of people who post on this sub have bafflingly terrible relationships, and absolutely should break up.

  12. This is pretty much what I would have said OP.

    I will add that as I get older, I find it’s important in a relationship to be able to get upset with each other. Not fight, be upset and deal with it. How we handle conflict in a relationship is in many ways more important than what the good times are like.

  13. request 50/50 and if he says no then dump him. he is never going to start his “start up”, and if he does it’ll fail within a month. the vast majority of businesses fail. he’s mooching off of you as long as he can until you notice

  14. I think it’s the severity that makes it not normal. It’s understandable feelings, but OP is very distressed by it. He keeps asking questions that only hurt him to know the answers, and he is obsessing


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