Pocahontaspower online sex chats for YOU!

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20 thoughts on “Pocahontaspower online sex chats for YOU!

  1. It honestly sounds like he is going to be spiteful towards you because you were “given everything” and he has had to work nude his whole life. Even though you have stated you’ve worked very hot, in his eyes, it is not the same and technically he isn’t wrong lol.

    I would just be very careful in the future that your money doesn’t turn into our money, if you know what I mean.

    You can’t really help the situation you are in.

  2. I woke up one day and he told me he was attracted to her. A couple days before he asked me if i would learn Swedish because he’s Swedish and he would like the mother of his children to speak his language for when we visit his country. I don’t like calling him a cheater but maybe that’s what he is I don’t know.

  3. Let’s put the elephant in the room (gapping age difference) to the side. Firstly, do not overstep your boundary and introduce yourself behind his back. That would end horribly. Also ultimatums do not work. You say despite that, everything else is great. But I’m reality you’re with a man who’s living two lives – one trying to be a great partner to you and the other trying to be a great dad to his kids. His reluctance to combine the two is concerning. He wants the uncomplicated perks of each world while avoiding the complications of allowing you and his kid’s 100% access to his internal life. In doing so he’s straddling two realities and not truly and fully there in either. To be honest, he sounds selfish and cowardly. What you can do is decide how much longer you will be patient. Set a boundary. Inform him of it and stick to it. Speak to him using first person (ie “I understand your reluctance but I need to be in a relationship where I’m not kept secret. I understand if you are incapable of doing this but I do need to step back and reassess my future if that’s the case.”). Do not be defensive, don’t make ultimatums, don’t threaten, don’t go behind his back. Just be honest about what you need. Then stick to your word. Step back, actually reassess how you want your future to look. If and when he decides to stop hiding you then you can rethink him possibly being in your life. But right now, as long as you accept his cowardliness and reluctance, he has no reason to change his situation. So, tell him what you need and that, until you find it, you’re stepping away. Then be true to your word.

  4. I told my bf he said no that sounds painful lol. I asked him the same question and he just said it feels great idk how to explain it. then he asked me how it felt and I’m like well shit I can’t explain it too ?I guess it’s just one of those things ya know

  5. It's for sure different if the cat is still growing and maturing. Adult cats tend to be more stable in their attitudes.

  6. You know, her family, from what I’ve seen and heard are very controlling. I didn’t allow the control. I mean her mom asked me why I went to my parents so much and told me maybe I shouldn’t and I told her because I’m an adult who pays for my own car, gas and insurance. But who knows for sure.

  7. I can not imagine being this disgusting and horrific to someone I called a partner. You should truly be ashamed of yourself. Coward.

  8. He's 27, I am sure he can evaluate and see if he enjoys staying with you. I am not sure why you think you have to make that choice for him.

  9. I mean.. this seems like the simplest thing, I'm not sure if she's cheating, but she definitely doesn't respect you.

    It's definitely suspicious that she gets so jealous but deflects when she wants to spend time with a guy, I imagine she might have a crush or just wants the validation of another man's attention , even if it's platonic on his end.

  10. I'm trying to imagine how I would feel if one of my friends slept with my brother, and my reaction would likely be close to M's parents. This is one of those problems that I legitimately need explained to me. Is the step-brother being frozen out too? Why is this any of M's business?

  11. She’s not only in touch with an ex, but TWO exes, admitting that she still has feelings for one, and if all that wasn’t enough, she’s tryna book massages with them.

    Bro, you should be out of that relationship so fast your coat will have to catch the next bus.

  12. Depending on your financial spending habits the lump sum tends to be the better option 9/10 times as you would get a higher rate of return through investments vs the low 1-2% that thr monthly payments give. With that in mind other investments are also good to throw money at would be education, anything that you can leverage into making you more money, once your in the habit of saving 20-40% of your check you'll find that a lot of worries dissappear. As far as your friend goes, don't give money to addicts if you need to get them anything make it a possession or an experience i.e go on a trip, otherwise you'll feed there habits, and if they treat you like garbage over it, then it's best to cut the rope

  13. Because the due date was pushed back after the baby measured smaller than where the doctor thought it should be. But he’s thinking it could just be a small baby since he’s smaller himself.

  14. Do you pay towards rent and if not for how long. You are 30 and still living at home and your bf of less than a year called her names in her house. When you live! under someone elses roof you unfortunately have to put up with their bs and if you can't then move out and stop complaining about it.


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