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27 thoughts on “Kate-Tay1or live sex cams for YOU!

  1. Adhd IS the issue if you don’t identify coping mechanisms and strategies. You aren’t going to change your life overnight, you need small actionable changes.

  2. The police won't escort him out. If he doesn't leave by the specified time then it has to go through the courts.

  3. Did you read the same post as me? OP is the one giving him the silent treatment:

    “I became angry and wouldn’t speak to him the rest of the day til that evening.” “tired to be playful with me and get my attention when I would bluntly ignore him.”

    Her claim that he was ignoring her is false by her own accounting – it's pure projection. Boyfriend is, as far as I can tell from what's here, doing what he can to ignore yet another a pointless fight with an emotionally abusive partner. There's nothing for him to address because the only problem is OP's utterly unjustified, extreme reaction to absolutely nothing – him not texting when she knew he was busy – which is something only she can solve, with professionam help. She's not well; she needs psychotherapy and probably meds.

  4. OP, you've received advice on this exact situation multiple times already. If this is real, I suggest you seek therapy for whatever is making you obsess over this non-issue.

  5. This is a precursor to every argument you will have in the future. Her way or the highway. No respectful discussion and negotiation.

    You are not choosing. She is choosing.

    Is it your house? She can choose to help figure it out or she can move out.

  6. The way to get stronger is by trying to be stronger. It’s like any other type of exercise. Your marriage will limp along to an early grave if you can’t find the strength to be honest.

  7. Asking for a paternity test is telling your partner that you think she might have cheated on you.

    If you don't understand that this most likely a death sentence for the relationship, I don't know what to tell you

  8. Why would you add “that I pay for” in reference of shopping? Why would that need to be clarified. Obviously the 8yr isn’t buying

  9. To everyone commenting here, it doesn't sound like poop is the issue per say. Minimal amount at least. But not necessarily a WHOLE ASS LOG. And on top of that, she did it intentionally to SUCK THE POOP OFF HIS DICK. I would not even have made it to the bathroom to vomit tbh.

  10. Dude his “market rate” for a single renter is more than my mortgage. Like. A mortgage I have split between three people. He’s saying he wants $1500 a month for you to just online with him? Without him paying anything? Do you guys online in a high cost of living area or what? He’s off his rocker.

  11. In my experience when someone says “I’m NEVER the jealous type”…they usually are. He literally recounts all the times he’s “let” her do things with people. Non-jealous people don’t keep track of all the non-jealous things they do lol

  12. 5″ in diameter is ~16″ in circumference; for reference a full-term newborn's head is between 13-14″


  13. Not sure about where you are, you would have to check, but I didn't qualify as a 1st time buyer because my (now) husband owned a house and we counted as common law spouses prior to marriage. So unless this plan is going to happen before you reach common law status, it likely would not work. When I first moved into the house he owned, we split payments based on income. At that time he made more, so he paid more. When I started making more, I paid my share accordingly. We didn't have a lease or anything, but we were also planning on being together long term, so I didn't worry about it. If you are concerned, I would either sign on the mortgage, or get a legal contract so if anything happens to the relationship, you get your share of the house, minus whatever he put down for a down payment. The fact you are even questioning it says to me you really should get something in writing so you don't pay in and he gets the entire benefit of your money if you do split.

  14. Yes, these are enough red flags. You said it yourself, you have been dating to get to know each other. Now you know that she is not someone you are interested in a long term relationship with. You don't need any excuses at this point.

  15. You'd even be more able to give yourself what you need if you weren't wasting your love and emotional energy on this bottomless pit.


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