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25 thoughts on “AriaFliirt live sex chats for YOU!

  1. Yeah, thing is I don’t want to leave her. I like her. She’s caring and sweet 90% of the time. This just bothers me and I don’t know how to get it across that it’s a massive double standard. She doesn’t seem to want to get it.

  2. oh damn sorry it was to know if someone hides you or not.

    It is just a wild guess, but she used to view my story, but after she hid me, she never view my story again so I guess she mutes me as well.

  3. Yeah like, what if he went further and just said this because he was afraid it'd get back to her? Has he “almost” (i put that in quotes because that's bs) cheated before and not said anything?

  4. Thank you, I think I know at heart that he is really messing me up but I’m just trying to gain the strength to leave and it’s not really working for me yet. I even stopped showing up to my work and am on a “sick” leave because of how mean he would get because there are men working at the company I work at.. I stopped going to the gym for the same reason but he always says he was never like this in previous relationships and that I made him like this. I don’t know, it’s just making me doubt every day if I am crazy and narcissistic but I don’t feel like I am and I try to not react but it does make me beak down and cry all the time and then it’s turned on me as I’m just selfish and using crocodile tears to mess up his day. Like you know it in your conscious that this is not okay but at the same time you start doubting yourself and I guess that is the main goal that they have in the end isn’t it? Isolating you completely

  5. He was following some thirst trap girls on social so i asked him to delete then. He did but now hes very distant.

  6. Please go and get therapy and accept that you treat Julia badly. You blamed her and still do. None of this was her fault but you found an outlet in her. You still blame her.

    Your new family gave you the chance to start anew. You continued to blame Julia.

    Until you begin to get therapy you will never effectively be able to reach out to Julia. The best thing you can do for her is start therapy and come to terms with your demons.

    And don’t even think about blaming Julia for you needing therapy.

  7. He is love bombing you. People don't switch from not wanting kids/marriage/etc to being ok in a few days.

    The problem is that it took till you two were broken up for him to listen to you. Based on the information received I am not sure if this is an issue with communication throughout the relationship on both sides or just him not listening but regardless do you want to get back together just for him to change his mind again?

    This is the problem about these big life altering decisions. These are usually deal breakers and if you do have kids with him what kind of father will he be?

    You feel bad and confused because breaking up is tough. You do care for him but it doesn't mean you two are going to be a good fit for marriage.

    You stated that you feel like there could be someone out there better suited for you. This is not a good mindset to re-enter a relationship either.

  8. I'll give you an option. Food for thought. A choice, NOT a moral imperative.

    I understand Reconciliation after wrongdoing. It's not an event. It's is a rough road, with a failure rate, and in this case, a severe challenge, as the email is full of excuses and self-pity.

    So I understand the choice of keeping NC. But if you feel that this self-doubt is about not even giving Reconciliation a try, then I suggest you try the path of Restorative Justice.

    You are wise to avoid direct contact early on. Lingering bitterness on both sides. A deep divide. A careless word, and Reconciliation dies.

    So I suggest you begin by finding an intermediary – one that George respects; perhaps your own therapist, if you have one – who will go to him on your behalf, and propose to work out a reconciliation program with him and his therapist.

    It's likely that your brother's therapist will only offer what (s)he thinks is sufficient for him to offload his guilt. Your person will see to it that you receive what is sufficient for you to offload your pain and doubt, and ultimately be willing to forgive.

  9. Let it go. He was drunk. You guys need to drink less.

    There really is no need to binge drink at your ages, that's something that people in their teens or very early 20s do.

  10. At least talk to him first. I’m sure there are annoyances he has with you as well. Just talk

  11. Leave. She’s a liar. She’s been taking advantage of you. You saw something strange and she decided to continue to lie and gaslight you about it. How can you ever trust her again? For me this would be over.

  12. In no way should you move in with him. Definitely get your own place. Absolutely do not rely on this man financially or for anything else you need to survive like shelter, food, whatever.

    The reason a man his age dates someone your age isn't for you. It's for him. Because he's trying to deny his age and that he's getting older. His ego is stroked by you, a young beautiful woman being interested in him. He dates you for how you make him feel, not bc he wants to improve or be a part of your life and what he can do for you. That's not love. That's selfishness. If he won't have pda with you unless someone's looking, pretty good indicator you're just there to be at his service and make him feel good about himself.

  13. Is she in therapy? Can you get her a gift sub or something to talk space or better help? Does she need help gettimg a psychiatrist?

  14. OP you're not, insecure, you have a valid issue with something and are free to express it. This culture especially if you are residing in the west nowadays wants people to just accept anything even if it is clearly damaging the relationship for fear of being “controlling or judgemental”.

    If you don't like this dynamic tell her, and if she doesn't want to cut him off, then the decision falls on you to either leave or stay. You're barely a year in OP, and she is still this close with him and already hiding things from you, imagine 5 years….

  15. This isn’t about your boobs, or your sister’s boobs. It’s the fact that this guy thinks someone else’s boobs make him cool. This is ‘11 year old giggling over National Geographic’ territory.

    I’m a stranger on Reddit and I feel too closely associated with this guy.

  16. I think it’s ageism. I noticed, as you got older younger people act as if you don’t know anything when actually you have a vast reservoir of experience and knowledge.

  17. I’m sorry but this is the highest form of emotional abuse – he sounds sociopathic if not psychopathic – just living a full on lie very successfully and no one would even suspect a thing with no empathy or remorse. I’m so pleased that you found out now, you’re still so young. This guy is calculating so I completely get why you are doubting yourself – I was with someone very similar to this – he’d rely on making me doubt my own mind, sure enough in himself that as long as there was enough doubt I wouldn’t go anywhere. I could have watched his penis going in tbh and he’d still find a technicality that would make it a reasonable action far removed from cheating. The facade they put on is so likeable and carefully constructed it’s almost impossible to align what you’ve found with the person you love. I’m so so sorry you are going through this I appreciate how traumatising it feels to have the world upended and your reality turned on it’s head. You won’t want to leave but this is only the tip of the iceberg with ppl like this, staying just makes them more abusive as they lose more respect for you and become more self assured they can get away with anything. You deserve and are worth far more than this nutter can offer. You deserve real love, care and respect. This guys actions are the opposite of that.

    Don’t be me, I wasted 4 more years after finding out and I had more discoveries than one person should have to endure. Words mean nothing, they’ll say whatever combination of meaningless babble they need to to keep you there.

  18. Despite what you think of her, your brother can get married whenever he wants. As long as it isn't the same day, you don't control the weeks before your wedding!

  19. Literally just stop talking to her and block her everywhere. She is just mad her meal ticket is gone.

  20. I really don't think it's morally right to use the embrios without his consent. If you want to divorce him and so IVF on your own, do it with a sperm donor.


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