Carol Cruz on-line webcams for YOU!

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21 thoughts on “Carol Cruz on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. It feels off for sure, I guess it’s the undeniable love she has for me and her desire to grow to meet me in the middle pulls me back, but her inability to even attempt to integrate into my life separate of her kills it

  2. I think it's pretty horrible that she's making you choose between her and your sister. If your sister was able to support herself and be independent that would be one thing but for right now she does need some guidance and some help. That your girlfriend has no empathy or understanding for the situation or for the fact that your sister needs to get away from her ex is not good. I honestly would pick your sister. Cuz your girlfriend doesn't seem like she cares about anyone but herself.

  3. I'm talking about the clinical definition. The term is used way too loosely on Reddit by people who don't know what it means. Being with a woman 1 day before her 18th birthday is not pedophilia. It's used so flippantly that here now she's being called one over a 20 year old.

  4. Of course, you feel hurt and betrayed. Revenge won't change that or make it feel better. You at 19 don't waste time on bitterness. Move on. Do not invest any further in this relationship, just to get revenge. If you see no future and no possibility of forgiveness, move on. Appreciate the good times and accept that it didn't work out. At 19 love and relationships should not be nude work. That is to say, not that you shouldn't work nude at them, but they shouldn't be traumatic and unhappy. You already know what you are thinking is wrong.

  5. Dont go. If she’s always like this, I don’t understand why you would keep on letting her control you and treat you like a child.

    Tell her you’ve thought about it and decided that your responsibility is to your puppy at this time so you are pulling out of the trip.

    Then you can make decisions going forward as to whether you want to go on any holidays with her.

    You don’t have to go you know.

  6. One thing for sure: you might try to stop referring to your dad's daughter, your half sister, as a bastard. She did nothing wrong, and she grew up without the benefit of having her father involved in her life.

    Your father has no right to expect you to keep his secrets, and my heart goes out to you, your mom, AND your half sister. Navigating this situation sounds like a of hell that no one deserves, except your father who created the situation by cheating.

  7. From your comments about him saying but HE isn't seeing other people or wants to, I'm wondering is he with you because he really wants to be with you or because you're the only one who has started or been willing to start seeing him.

    I also don't think you're toxic for stating your wants. You don't need his permission to have your feelings or act how you wish, just as he is entitled to his feelings and act how he wishes.

    I don't like how he jumped to toxic. Has he escalated in other ways?

  8. Nope. If he gets a play pal then you're allowed one too. What if he's off on a date and you suddenly have free time, is he going to leave the date to spend time with you since that's his issue? I bet not. This is a double standard. If he really was missing out on time with you, then he'd make suggestions or changes to be able to see you more. Like if he has time, come to your work and bring you lunch, boom lunch date and time spent together. No he wants you waiting at home as a stable partner while he runs around doing who knows what and then the possibility of STI. Do you really want to be in a one sided relationship where only his wants and needs are valid?

  9. Butt or bra is different from abs. You want to do a side by side comparison then keep it that way. What if OPs husband’s friend sent an ab picture because she was bragging about finally getting a six pack. I feel like this is no big deal and everyone is freaking out over nothing.

  10. Yeh to be fair her husband sounds like an idiot

    If it's not sexual then I guess he won't mind her doing favors for other guys. ?

  11. It's messy, but if I were the guy I'd want to know that I was cheated on, regardless if we weren't close friends. Tell him.

  12. Syphilis can remain dormant or asymptotic for years, it's possible she's had it for a long time and didn't know. It's also possible it's a false positive. Another possibility is that you are an asymptomatic carrier that passed it to her, if you hadn't been tested prior to the relationship. Regardless, the concern right now is that you both need to be healthy and this could have significant impacts on the baby. See what the results of her second test are, refrain from any sexual contact prior till there a negative result. If it is positive, you need to get yourself tested and, again refrain from sexual contact till you are both in the clear.

  13. YOUR issues. You are both facing issues. They belong to BOTH of you because you are in a ReLaTiOnShIp.

  14. Because it's free, it's fun, some people enjoy the feeling of staying in a hotel as it's linked to good feelings while travelling, you don't really have to clean up after yourself, she can drink and have fun and stumble right to bed without travelling back to the suburbs (I hate late night drunk Uber rides just saying), it's a changeup of everyday routine, a mini vacation (does not mean she doesn't love you), a night alone can be recharging for one's individuality and independence. It's gonna sound like I'm a total dick but I for some reason don't believe there is a guy coworker pestering her. I also think she has no plans to cheat on you in any way. I do think she really wants to go do this thing with all the trimmings.

  15. I don’t feel this way at all. I just want to be able to talk to her about it. I have full faith and confidence in our marriage. I just want to be able to talk about it.

  16. Right? She's emotionally cheating in you with a fictional character. I'm assuming she's getting off by pretending the character is doing it to her, and she has little out loud conversatio talking to pictures of them and I'm betting has pictures of them all around and looks at them like you'd look at a pic of your wife on your office desk when you're having a rough day.

    Tell her to see some therapy and ask if this fictional character is worth losing you over. Plus it sounds like she actually cheated on you before so you should also get some couples therapy.

    Best of luck to him but I'd bounce before kids got involved. Naruto running kids is one thing, but Naruto running kids saying Naruto is their moms boyfriend is whack


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