Emma Mejia on-line sex cams for YOU!

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23 thoughts on “Emma Mejia on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. Only because, as he said, he was pretty sure she wouldn't have had her lunch yet at the time he was yanking her out of her workplace. Even told her to grab her lunch along with her other stuff (so she could quickly stuff her face in the car on the way to the spa presumably). It sounds like all the inconveniences were on her end and he's pissed because of 'all the trouble' he went to.

  2. He acted perfect at the beginning, so that later he could act like an asshole and you would tell yourself, “I can't leave him, he's perfect!”

    He's just an asshole. You're the one choosing to be with an asshole. Just leave.

  3. It sounds like OP's husband made the best decision for their children at the expense of OP.

    It doesn't sound like that at all.

    If OP's children are happier with their step mom then this seems like a good thing and OP just needs to focus on being a better mom

    What on earth is wrong with you?

  4. “He mentioned that he wants to talk to more women and that his definition of it could be anything from actually talking to fucking”

    You kinda buried the lede here. You don't need introversion to be fixed, you need to date someone who respects you.

  5. No

    You should probably reword this so it doesn’t violate the AITA rule on this sub. You could also post this to r/AITA.

    Regardless of where you post this/how you reword this, most sensible people are going to give the same answer no. It’s your body, your choice!

  6. I honestly wonder if he isn't gay given his response. You have to figure the gf was doing the heavy lifting when it came to foreplay. He may have only been doing penetration part of it. The fact that he was so excited for threesomes but lost interest in regular straight sex pretty fast makes me wonder. It's real easy to pretend it's not a woman's orifice if you aren't touch or kissing it.

  7. There isn’t a good answer here.

    If you are ready to go NC then invite your chosen family to your graduation and build a fulfilling life. You have made an amazing accomplishment and that should be celebrated.

    However, if you are relying on your family for anything or if you are emotionally dependent on them still, then the wedding will be an event that they would never forgive you for missing.

    Missing your graduation won’t diminish your accomplishment. To many people, walking through graduation is a chore.

    You need to set clear boundaries whichever you decide.

    Even if you go to this wedding, every single accomplishment you make will be downplayed, ignored, and even belittled. Boundaries in the way of scheduling and expectations need to be established.

    If your family had any class they would add your graduation to the wedding celebration. But it doesn’t sound like they have that kind of class and you shouldn’t expect any acknowledgment.

    Good luck whatever you decide Op

  8. That's like getting mad at someone for jaywalking when they crossed the street to stop a robbery.

  9. If your family won't support your decision to stop contact with your brother, then (sadly) they are not safe people for you to have a relationship with either. I get the impulse to hold on to anyone who isn't “as bad”, but that's not actually healthy.

    Ask yourself what you need to do to feel safe again. Do you need to put your family on an information diet? Maybe not talk to them for a few months? Or do you think you can clearly state you won't see your brother and have them respect it?

    Basically, stop focusing on trying to improve their reactions. Instead, focus on what you need and what you can control.

  10. Look, it's making you uncomfortable he should at least respect you enough to stop going or at the very least give you valid reasons for continuing.

    Considering it's not actually free and $50 costs way more than a typical men's haircut, it is pretty odd that he'd keep going back. Usually, my BF's cuts cost $25 maybe $30 pand I on-line in a city with a 10% higher cost of living than average. He goes to a salon, so it's pricier than the barber shop. Shit I've even recently seen some barbers that still offer those “6 bucks cuts” around here.

    Doesn't make sense to me to pay more for a haircut from someone you used to bang. Like if it's a really good haircut, maybe, but it's got to have him looking like he should be on the cover of GQ kind of good.

  11. Three years? Really? My only advice is to get used to it. You pointedly say you’re not going to leave him, but he’s showing you who he is. You also knew how he was BEFORE you moved in with him, he proved to be the person you thought he was, and now you’re upset he’s being the person you always knew he was. So yeah, if you’re not ready to leave the gross dude then just get used to it. I can’t imagine living with an intimate partner who didn’t brush his teeth or shower, if I ever had to tell my husband to do those things I think I’d have a naked time being sexually attracted to him, but we’re all different.

  12. I believe what you say is partially true, but not completely. While I would not expect a victim to re-live trauma they cannot handle, I do think if they feel they are somewhat able to manage the risks for themselves, I think it is best they do as much as they can to warn other potential victims. But I do realize not every victim can do this, and I know it's not fair to demand someone endanger themselves beyond what they feel is reasonable.

  13. This guy didn’t manipulate you into getting married. You jumped in headfirst with both eyes closed after he gave you one tiny crumb of what you were looking for.

    “Be financially responsible” is not a fair thing to ask of someone. It has no definition and no benchmarks. It means nothing. So your partner decided to just say “Okay, I declare myself Financially Responsible, and if it seemed like I wasn’t this whole time, it’s your fault!” And you just said “Okay, great! Let’s immediately get married!!!” Sounds to me like you equally manipulated each other into getting married.

    If you want to save this relationship, you’ll need to acknowledge your own mistakes as well as his and start talking to each other about your collective finances using actual numbers and realistic goals—no more vague b.s.

  14. This is the kind of thing where this guy might turn to Jordan Peterson and that whole slippery slope.

  15. thank you for your advice! i’ll definitely find some books to help me out:) i hope you have a good day 🙂


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