Anges-helsing on-line sex chats for YOU!

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4 thoughts on “Anges-helsing on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. Do you bitch about your period with complete strangers? Cause that's what OP's sister's girlfriend is to OP. A complete stranger who just happens to be dating her sister.

  2. First, do not actually talk about all this “I need oral” stuff. Never associate sex acts with a negative conversation. Now oral sex is just a medicine she's supposed to dispense to make you happy. No. That's unsexy and … no. Just no.

    Stop initiating when you aren't already 80+% sure the answer will be yes. Build anticipation with zero-expectations flirting all the time and learn from what is working and what isn't.

    That's common sense: Do shit that works. Stop doing shit that doesn't work.

    But this isn't about oral. That's not the issue.

    Here's the issue: She is no longer passionate about your relationship.

    That's it. That's the conversation.

    If she was passionate about it she would be sucking you off and you'd be in there like Lickitung.

    This is nothing more than a, “Hey, the spark seems to be gone, what do you think is up?” situation.

    – Is she someone who constantly loses interest in her relationships?

    – Is she historically someone whose libido falls off a cliff after the first 3-6 months?

    Ask her. Don't be sad or upset, but ask these questions, be interested in her answers, and don't be desperate to keep the relationship alive if it needs to die. No pouting or begging or moaning or lamenting.

    Also, never say this “otherwise it's great!” shit again. It's not. Your relationship is dying. What's “great” is what… that you both like Stranger Things and mushrooms on your pizza? You agree on politics? You met at an Eagles tailgate?

    The central defining feature of your relationship with her vs all her other relationships is physical intimacy. She can watch Stranger Things while eating mushroom pizza wearing a Philadelphia Eagles hat with anyone.

  3. At first it was a normal phone call, like wyd and stuff… I was able to hear her friends voice there, I asked what he was doing there (it was our flat which we both were sharing…), Then I asked her to tell him to leave, then she just confessed everything what's going on… I blocked her.


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