HANNA-CASTILLO1 online sex cams for YOU!

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2 thoughts on “HANNA-CASTILLO1 online sex cams for YOU!

  1. He doesn’t have depression, he’s a lazy POS. He’s treating you like garbage and that’s why you’re “having trouble being forgiving” Everyone is telling you he’s no good. They love you, he clearly does not. You can’t build a life with someone who sets said life on fire at random. You can’t love him through it. You can’t be “the responsible one”.

    In all seriousness. Sit down and make a list of positives and negatives about this guy. Not the lovey things he USED to do when you met, the things he does now…let’s say past 90 days. Dont list excuses (like he’s just depressed), but facts (like he did not pay rent and now I may end up evicted). Then take that list to a trusted friend and discuss. Also, if you had a sister or dear friend and you were watching her being out through something like this, what would you advise her??

  2. Thank you for your comment. I do agree that it's ok to have different beliefs and still be friends. But the issue is not that we enjoy or are interested in different things. I find it troubling that my friend often sees men as inherently better than women. And this subtle sexism is not really a matter that I can simply be more accepting of.

    I suppose anger is an emotion that comes most easily to me, and I appreciate you pointing it out.


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