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25 thoughts on “Blurrydesire online webcams for YOU!

  1. That’s not going to happen, it’s unreasonable to expect her to just get over it when they’re literally still freely chillin with you and your family. You have your reasons for not wanting to do anything about it, that’s your prerogative, she doesn’t have the same desire to protect them or your parents’ feelings when you’re the only victim here — you, being the person she cares most about.

    She is allowed to set boundaries when it comes to them, including not having them at the wedding. That would just be cruel to her.

  2. I would try to move on. Oh, and stop following Instagram models. Not for her, but for you and whomever you date on the future.

  3. All I want is to fix my marriage and trust her again

    That’s great but she has to want to do it too. Wether she wants to admit it or not she was engaged in emotional cheating and flirting with the physical option. This is unacceptable and her dismissing this and not engaging with your feelings, covering it up by deleting messages only show she does not care that much about your relationship. She should be doing everything she can to regain your trust, this should be driven by her. Further covering things up is the opposite of that. Address this directly with her, stop sneaking around and looking at her phone. Inform her that her actions are unacceptable and if she cares at all about your relationship SHE will put in some sort of work to build it back up. Bluntly, you don’t sound like an equal here.

  4. File for divorce. Make sure you take half the house.

    Cut your sister off, but before you do tell her that abuse comes in many ways, and that as she doesn’t have any empathy towards your situation because it doesn’t match hers, that you hope she ends up in a similar situation to what you have now so she can realise her mistake for the rest of her life.

  5. She clearly doesn't want to accept you as you dress and behave. So the question becomes: are you willing to change and loose your identity for this woman?

  6. Jesus fucking christ man, just walk away from this clusterfuck of a human. You’re fine, she’s just… not fine. I wish you love and happiness with someone who doesn’t feel the need to break you to be happy.

  7. Is it possible you’re actually taking longer pauses than you think? My husband absolutely does, and he was super annoyed with me for interrupting in the first three years of our relationship because I’d think he’s done and he wasn’t. Ended up recording some of our conversations because he didn’t believe me when I told him he takes really long pauses. The pauses aren’t always in logical places either; sometimes he’d get stuck on a thought mid-sentence and want to consider his words before finishing it, leaving me wondering if he was planning on finishing the sentence at all. Now when he takes long pauses, I’ll ask him if he’s finished before I start talking.

    Maybe try recording your conversations as well? It’ll show that either you really do take long pauses or that your wife is interrupting you. Sometimes people just need hot proof before they recognize something about themselves.

  8. I hear you, I really do. I’m awfully nervous with break ups. But it doesn’t need to be a long dragged out conversation. “I’m not happy in this relationship, I haven’t been for awhile, and I don’t think it’s going to get better anytime soon. So I think we should break up. I’m sorry it didn’t work out between us, but it’s time we both focus on ourselves right now.“. That’s all you really need to say.

    I think something we all forget is this; breaking up isn’t a debate. It’s not up for review. If you don’t want to be in the relationship, then it’s over. There’s no hearing him out if you don’t want to. There’s no “you’re being unfair”. You don’t owe him anything but honesty. And if you’re honestly hoping he’d pull the trigger first, then there’s no reason to stay together.

  9. Then take every asset in exchange. How much is your silence worth to him? I’d sign the agreement, but only after playing really hot ball.

  10. Free music recitals at your schools, free concerts listed in your local free paper. Street fairs. Free art exhibitions. Museums sometimes also offer free events. Public buildings with great architecture.

  11. Those are not your friends. I hate to be too “after school special” about it, but if people don't want to be around you because you're sober and encourage you to drink when you have quit…you should not hang out with those people.

    If sobriety is important to you, you honestly may need a new circle of friends – or at the very least, only hang out with those friends in settings where alcohol is not required. A coffee shop or lunch date for example. But truly…you need to be stern about this and they need to respect it, or they're not good friends. Why would someone encourage you to drink when you have chosen to quit? That's really uncool.

  12. Some people don't like moles. Some people think freckles are ugly. Other people would never date someone with a nose ring because they think it's hideous. And on, and on, and on. Your boyfriend finds you most attractive when you don't have fake stuff going on. It's pretty simple. Humans are visual creatures. We like what we like and don't like what we don't like. You want lashes and to wear makeup? Go for it. Body autonomy for the win. That doesn't mean your partner can't have his opinion on such things.

  13. Fiance's feelings are hurt right now, so give him some time to cool off. Then sincerely apologize for how you said it. It doesn't seem like this should be a deal breaker.

    Ask him how he feels about his mother's situation and just listen and be there for him. I'm sure he feels pressured by his mom and doesn't want to feel pressure from your side.

  14. As a wife. Girlfriend ….we do feel threatened when spouse gets a opposite sex assistant or helper.

    Your spending a lot of time with them.

    If you notice marcie dressing different or asking to go after work..needs a ride ..

    That bad… She is interested in sleeping with you. So many stories here on reddit are about cheating..

    Advice get your wife to bring you lunch

    Call her and flirt with her..

    Have her bring lunch on Friday so ahe can see its work talk.

    Pay more attention at home cuddling.

    Text lil hearts tell her I miss you.

    Those are security signs..were ok nothing to worry about..

  15. That's why you both need to have a conversation to get on the same page about what constitutes cheating. Hot to hold people accountable when there are two rule books. Make your rule book together.

  16. Where does it say he is controlling her? No one does it say he is stopping her, just that he doesn't like them. It is her body and her choice but that doesn't mean he has to like it. If he truly finds it unattractive, it could affect his attraction to her and by extension her relationship.

  17. I’m of two minds because my dad was adopted and didn’t know anything about his bio family. My husband knows his bio dad was a jerk and lied about having two families. He obviously sides with his mom. I feel like such a jerk for googling his dad a few weeks ago.


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