Barbara on-line webcams for YOU!

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30 thoughts on “Barbara on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. I think it's alright as long as you're not committed and are doing it safely. I would disclose that yo your sex partners though just in case they're uncomfortable with the idea.

  2. I’m not trying to justify his actions here but I’m trying to make sure I think things through properly.. he’s always had more female friends then men and has recently said he wants to grow his friend group and get more social. But the high number of women and almost no chat record with them makes me worry..

  3. 2+ years And he started following you several years before You are… 23… Hmmmmm….

    Op did your (hopefully soon to be) ex want to have sex with you when you were still a teenager ??

  4. Rape 🙁 Please report him, and stay away from him going forward – change locks of the house, if you’re changing kids across to each other for visits/shared custody, meet in a public space to hand the kids over etc. like a McDonalds car park. Thing is, you don’t want this behaviour to escalate. Maybe chat to the police about the best steps you should take now to keep yourself safe.

  5. Jesus. Why didn't you drop all this info in the post to begin with?

    Why the hell are you even with this person? Dating them sounds like being in hell. I'm not trying to be rude at all when I say this: Time to grow a pair and dump her. Don't you have any self-respect? You deserve better than this.

  6. If he is suggesting sleeping with other people, that's an open relationship. If you don't want it, tell him that. If he doesn't agree, then its time to break up, you aren't compatible. Which, if he's not paying attention to you, you should probably do anyway. Sleeping with others won't fix it.

  7. It’s good you are getting therapy.

    You could compromise.

    Tell him this issue about lingerie but also ask him if he could get you something he thinks you would like. To show he understands you.

    Consider visiting a fun sexual store together and pick out something together. Work off mutual interest.

  8. She wants the baby and she loves you, but she doesn’t want to get an abortion or be with someone who wants her to get an abortion.

    She’s absolutely right that you could make it work, and from her perspective you’re not flexible at all. She’ll also spend the entire life if the child is born convinced it is a child you didn’t want and is afraid you will treat said child that way.

    There basically is no right answer here my friend. You either want the baby or you don’t.

  9. My maternal Grandpa was gay. It was the '50s and gay men could lose their careers and their lives if the wrong people found out. He married my Grandma and had 2 kids with her, while he kept his male lover on the side, secretly. He had 2 kids with my Grandma and eventually he cracked and told her. They divorced and she literally went insane. She turned into a crazy cat hoarder who lost her kids to foster care more than once because she lived in squalor and animal waste, with cockroaches and fleas everywhere. The thing is, she was a member of Mensa. A literal genius, in spite of her insanity.

    Anyhow, the point is, I've known this since I was about 12. And I've never had the fear that someone I dated was secretly gay and going to abandon me.

    Your girlfriend's trauma is bullshit.

  10. Send the neighbor two 23 and me kits anonymously and wait a few months and have your husband do one see what links up …

  11. Am I really being stupid here?

    On a scale of 1-10 (10 being supremely confident and assured), where would you put your level of self-worth? Do you really think you can't find a companion without this much baggage?

  12. 3 kids from 3 different guys and she doesn't even have reliable employment?

    Yeah, you're being stupid. Do you have a self esteem issue?

  13. You're a door mat for her, nothing more. Tell her to kick rocks, find some semblance of pride in yourself as a human being, and be on the lookout for someone who's actually interested in you and not what you can provide.

  14. Im confused. Are you saying you went on a blind date with him and it wasn't good? Im not sure why you're even still talking to him them.

  15. Can confirm, I have green eyes and have bad photosensitivity. Light can be such an enemy. The rest of my lucky brown-eyed family have no such problems.

  16. You should have seen him after work that day and you probably would be the one in the relationship right now. Cancelled dates never end up well when people have other options. You were kept on the back burner but his relationship with the 19-year-old developed too much to the point where he could not keep contact with you anymore especially after it got found out. That's where the guilt part was coming in as well.

  17. all day everyday from the same spammer…same advice as always : go get a therapist for whatever OCD problem you have.

  18. Just tell your friend you are not interested but you could get together for Sunday dinner after he finishes up at church. I always ask friends if they want to go to church with me, and I respect their answer. It isn’t a big deal. I won’t get upset if they say no. I also let them know it is an open invitation if they change their mind. Then we talk about something else.


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