KiraAries live! webcams for YOU!

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39 thoughts on “KiraAries live! webcams for YOU!

  1. You are completely right, this will become a good learning point in my life. I hope that I never end up in a situation like this in the future. I really appreciate it, thank you

  2. She sent it to you because she is crazy, and willing to sacrifice the mental well being of her child to manipulate others. Stay far far away from her.

  3. Because she's a manipulative pos. Use your head and block her on everything if she's gonna pull bullshit like that.

  4. She sounds like a person oneshould not commit to. Whenever you were trying to move on from her she would pull you only to then give cold shoulder. You have been an option and probably should have cut contact being led on the first time. You didn't, but you are young so it's understandable mistake.

    If you get together with her it won't be relationship meant to last. Still you might have some fun with her. However deep in your mind you shouldn't treat it seriously until long time passes and she proves her commitment. Be vigilant and when she starts playing you like her ex you should just pack your bags and ignore any gaslighting from her

  5. He’s been bouncing around my boundaries like a pin ball. I just need to go and do what I know is best for me. He’s going to have issues with it and I have no clue how to deal with his reactions. But at least I’ll be able to do what I want for once . Thanks

  6. You couldn’t say “excuse me, I need to get ready” and move past them?

    Seems more to me like you’re jealous that she’s met someone. If she’s lying to him about having another adult living there or if she’s skipping work to talk to him, that’s irresponsible on her part.

    But you’re 24. So seems to me it’s time to go rent a room somewhere and move out.

  7. This is what it feels like to date someone who does not like you or want to be with you.

    He’s an asshole for not just ending it. I hope you can see that. No decent person would treat you like this.

    What actually is the point of a relationship that makes your life worse?

  8. Man people are weird. “My partner is horrible, does nothing but cause me stress, actively puts my children in danger and is generally a burden to not just me but all of society. Is it ok if I break up with him”?

    Ya… it’s fucking ok for you to break up with this guy. Do it already.

  9. Sounds like he is looking for an old school wife type material. Where you stay at home, cook, clean, take care of the house and kids, and he goes out and provides.

    What is alarming about this is this action:

    he told me I should be home more and started stopping by my house

    To actually go and check up on you, the monitoring of your behavior.

  10. When you watch porn, do you imagine yourself having sex with the actress ?

    When you watch a movie about a serial killer, do you imagine yourself as the killer or as the victim of the killer ?

    When you watch Harry Potter, do you identify with Voldemort, Snape, Hermione, or any other character and insert yourself into the story ?

    No ?

    Because the same goes for reading literally any book in existence.

  11. Considering the age gap, I doubt he will care. Unless he’s a creep for 19 year olds who are virgins then maybe tell him

  12. Get a therapist, and be thankful you're rid of this mess of a relationship. She's nowhere near healthy enough to be dating, and given your difficulty in walking away, this could easily have turned into a long-term toxic relationship that would have shredded your self esteem and sanity if she hadn't pulled the plug. Talk to a therapist about managing your feelings of loss and moving on, and do not under any circumsrances get back together with this woman.

  13. I don’t think I’ll have time. It’s a work trip and it’s quick

    Honestly, I want to sleep with him but I highly doubt I’ll have any time to myself

  14. My grandpa is 75+ and I have an aunt with the same disability who is 50+ now. She has been taken care of by my grandparents, both of them, but since my gandma died my grandpa was left with her. Yes, there are other family members visiting and helping if needed, but other than that he has been doing it alone for years now… Your girlfriend is young, thankfully she might not have met such circumstances yet, so if you decide to break up with her, then at least just tell her your side of the story. Everyone needs to learn somewhere and yes, it is not your job to teach her, but at least there might be a chance to change her view and help her out. We all have had our fair share of “red flag” views and most of us learned, now it's her time to get a bit more mature on a very sensitive and extremely hot topic.

  15. Well, you already know you screwed up from the beginning by getting involved with her. But that’s a little too late now…

    These are all issues you’re going to have to bring up to her. But there’s no easy way to do it because she is no doubt going to take offense to what you have to say. For the sake of your child, try and work these things out over the next nine months.

  16. The word you’re looking for here isn’t “confront.” It’s “confess.” He deserves to know who he married.

    So you crave stability but you feel driven to break it. You’ve broken your marriage for the sake of your inner three year old screaming “you’re not the boss of me.” Your husband didn’t like you acting sketchy and complained about it, and you responded “Oh yeah? You want to see sketchy? I’ll show you sketchy!”

    Apparently the age difference here is like the TARDIS: it’s bIgger on the inside.

  17. Yeah, have to agree here. Their behavior this past week shows they're very much together too. Wish him the best and cut him loose. He's got ugly baggage and the way he's responding is a big No. You're better off putting your first relationship down as a dud due to man hoe.

  18. Dude – she’s not really into you. You’re a “safe” boyfriend that let’s her get away with this kind of nonsense… And your enabling it. Is this the type of relationship you really want in life. Grow a pair, put your foot down, and, if she doesn’t want to be in a real relationship with you, cut her loose.

  19. Consent. Look it up. If your girlfriend consents to sleep with you once, does that mean you can demand sex whenever you want? Of course not. It's the same with social media. She has the right to consent to where her image is used. Her account, for her purposes is her choice.

    Your insistence of needing to post pictures of the two of you together or her image on your profile because she's attractive makes it seem that you want the photos there to brag about your hot GF or show your prior tinder matches that you landed someone “better” than them. It reeks of insecurity and a need to prove yourself. She doesn't have that need.

    She isn't telling you that you can't follow whoever you want, just that she doesn't want to be associated with it. She's not insecure, she just knows what she wants.

  20. That’s what I thought too since meeting him 5 years ago.. but after about 3 years of regularly dreaming about him with little to no contact, I’m starting to wonder if it will ever stop?!

  21. Why do you want to marry him? He's a bigot. What if you have a daughter? He's obviously not a very good person.

  22. Humans are all neurotic about something.

    Do you know that most fights in long-term relationships after a while are repeat topics? They’re about whatever relates to people’s differences and are not really “fixable”. Couples week last learn to respond better over time; the issues don’t necessarily disappear. They learn to live with each other and work around difference and quirks to build a life they otherwise like.

    The conversation OP doesn’t like happens ~3-4x in a year. It likely just happened, so it’s on his mind. But if he chose to never do anything about this at all, and she never stopped, and they stay married 20 more years before menopause, he can budget for having this silly conversation on ~80 days of the next 7300, a whopping 1% of his marriage.

  23. Fuck. I didn’t want that. I just figured I wouldn’t recognize a neighbour driving by who I haven’t talked too, so why would I recognize him driving by. Ugh ?

  24. i think it’s something you should do because that way he can know how you feel about him about the whole situation because he doesn’t know that’s probably why he thinks it’s okay to continue doing what he’s doing

  25. Okay OP ima come at u as a woman myself.

    We love clothes. Lol basically we love dressing up. Some women are very into fashion and posting outfits. It's a thing we do.

    Corsets and braletts are a definite in rn so wearing them isn't weird its not for men's attention it's a fashion statement!

    Im married if i wear a nice dress/ outfit out without my husband his first instinct is

    “ooh i can't wait till u get back”


    “ooh ur not really going out like tht are u?”

    Men who think women dress up like tht is disrespectful and shit are honestly seen as insecure little boys by most women who actually love themselves. And controlling by those who has self esteem issues enough to allow themselves to be told what to wear or post.

    Thats alot different from my other experience:

    On the flip side there are also honestly lines. I've dated girls who were very much into posting live cool. Post away. But one i dated loved posting barely there, underwear no bra, kinda very hot, lingerie type pics tht my family and friends saw and that kinda made me uncomfortable. Very much OF content.

    We weren't compatible. So tht stopped after like a month. She was a cool girl i just wasn't okay with my guy friends constantly recognizing my gf tht way and she understood. We are literally still friends today lol.

    So yall have been on one date. It's not tht deep. Dont be scrutinizing her outfits live! because it sounds very weird tht ur first thought it tht she cldnt very well just have been going out with friends “dressed like tht”

    Yes she can she's a grown ass woman! And even if she didn't yall aint exclusive or dating yet.

    If you don't want to date someone for any reason ur free to step back and be like okay we arent into the same things or we dont see things the same way. We move on.

    But don't get into your head tht she has to dress a certain way around specific ppl. She's not walking around very hot my dude. Thoughts like tht stop a relationship before it even starts! Just chill and enjoy your next date!

  26. Did they plan this with him or without him and now with everything bought or rented he would feel obligated to go along with it now? Like say they planned it way before you came to the agreement to have them on the same day. Now he’d be stuck between either having it when they planned it or not at all.


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