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24 thoughts on “Katypetite live sex chats for YOU!

  1. Well if my BF told me there are no feelings on his side I can trust him and I would be okay with it!

    I told him about meeting up with Adrian and he has no problem with it either.

    Adrian also told me he's been seeing someone, so everything went well.

    Thanks so much for your advice anyway!

  2. Don’t play games. Talk to him. Tell him that you don’t think he’s invested in the relationship and you can’t be with him if that’s the attitude he’s going to have. If he doesn’t change, break up with him.

  3. She says in one of her posts that she doesn’t have a job because they had to move for her husband’s military career. Military spouses are already very isolated; she probably has no one to turn to. Her husband is supposed to be her support, but he’s contributing to the abuse she’s suffering. It sounds like she has no one. “Just leave” is easy enough to say, but without resources there are a lot of risks.

    OP, I highly recommend finding a source of income (NOT an MLM, which target mil spouses) and creating an exit plan. Even if you don’t end up divorcing, having something of your own is crucial. You are dependent on him and he’s clearly not deserving of your trust. When you get married, your spouse becomes your #1 priority. He’s not treating you like you’re his #1. You are 2nd place to his family, and that’s unacceptable. You need to put yourself first if he won’t.

    Meet with a lawyer if you can, even just to talk about your options. You need to find out about the potential for alimony. Get your ducks in a row. Even if you work things out, preparing for the worst can’t hurt.

    I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Your life sounds like kind of a nightmare. I wish you all the best. Please put yourself first (and DON’T have a baby with this man!!!!!)

  4. Its going to be awkward, but I suppose you would phrase things in the same way you did this post. You've moved on from that relationship, but you want to know about the diary to provide a bit of extra closure.

    If he's not part of your life anymore you dont have to care what he thinks about you pinging him to ask about it.

  5. Your fiancée is telling you very clearly that she doesn't care what you want, or what her ex wants – the only thing that matters is what she wants. Literally everyone thinks this is a bad idea except her, but she doesn't care.

    Her ex's reaction is very telling. He sounds like he'd do anything to avoid a dispute with her, particularly given that this isn't a small request.

    If you do get married, it sounds like you will need follow in his footsteps and concede to her on everything that she has an opinion on, or be ready to fight about everything for the rest of your life.

  6. When and only when, he makes a comment, ask he would like your opinion…and then offer whatever solution you have heard of or treatment- and suggests if he wants to try, you would help him find it, or alternatively, he can just let the hair do what the hair will do as you love him and the entirety of his head.

  7. One supposes you could call the police in her area and direct them to do a wellness check on the household. But that presumes you actually know where she lives, which in a LDR penpal situation is usually not the case.

  8. Im really sorry for your pain, that was SUCH a shitty thing for her to do.

    She already showed you who she is, unfortunately. Now it's time to move forward, have an in-person girlfriend, and be happy.

  9. People are allowed their own level of risk tolerance, of course, but I wasn't replying to OP with those statistics; my question (and it was just a question, originally) was in response to this:

    It's very disingenuous to compare outliers to the systemic issues women face.

    So annoying how whenever a widespread issue is broached someone has to chime in with mEn ArE vIcTiMs ToO.

    Yes, at a rate that is orders of magnitude lower.

    which is an objective claim about the rates of violent victimisation by strangers, not about OPs subjective experience or opinions. Lots of people believe that claim and repeat it, but whenever I dig into it to try and learn more the stats just don't work out.

    If people have better info on the issue I'd like to know so I can be better informed.

    If people are instead mistaken then they're doing a disservice to the important work of solving violence by spreading false information, nevermind inculcating unjustified fear and anxiety in themselves and those around them. We should care about preventing that kind of thing.

  10. Why are you downvoting me, I’m just asking a question about potential abilities to see each other. Why ask for advice then downvote people for trying to help?

  11. I am so sorry for you guys!! My mom had a rare, aggressive uterine cancer as well. I'm sorry your wife wasn't listened to bathroom docs.

  12. There aren’t any original ideas. Everything’s been done before. So just because YOU saw this joke on TikTok doesn’t mean that he did, you don’t even know for sure if he’s lying, you’re just assuming.

    For all we know this could be a legitimate story from his life, its not like it hasn’t happened to 1000 other people before including tiktok comedians.

  13. My heart goes out for you.

    The factor for you that isn't true for everyone else is that you still were dealing with all the hormonal backlash from the pregnancy/stillbirth and your fiance never had to deal with the physical pregnancy or the after effects on your body.

    He needs to understand this.

  14. As someone who has had to deal with his anger issues, and who used to blame everyone else for them, let me assure you that he’s full of shit.

    When I finally accepted that I was the only problem, I was able to start making the necessary changes in myself to become a better person. Even after many years, I still have a temper sometimes. But I have developed ways to keep from being abusive to others, and I continue to learn both why I am how I am, and how to keep getting myself better.

    But your partner has not yet reached the point of being at all safe for you. And it’s not going to just happen; he needs to figure out that he needs to change, and then get help with working on it. You are not obligated to stick around hoping that this will happen.


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