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15 thoughts on “ZoeMichelson live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. Based on your post history and your previous admission that he has a savior fetish it sounds like he thought he was going to act out one of his stories and got his ass kicked and now he feels defeated. The entire situation seemed overblown, but now that I see all of your posts it makes sense why it hit him (no pun) this nude. Maybe you need to talk to him about the weird fetish, but overall the entire relationship sounds a bit gross to me overall.

  2. why should he delete it, it doesn't hurt him, he barely uses it as it is. his girlfriend should get over whatever trivial insecurities she has.

  3. Let me help you here my man. She went on a vacation with someone or met someone on vacation and they had a sexual relationship that developed into something emotional and now she wants to keep her relationship with you and the benifits it affords her while still having sex with this other person without having to go through the trouble of hiding it.

    An open relationship takes a certain type of trust that she's already shattered. It also takes a certain type of person to be in it. I'm not that type of person and couldn't do it so you need to decide if you're that type of person. There's nothing wrong with consenting adults having whatever type of relationship they're most happy with as long as everyone is ok with it.

    That being said you're both still young and maybe you're not meant for each other. I don't believe in soul mates but mostly because I don't believe in souls but I digress. I believe that MOST people have someone in the world that they could have a long,healthy, and happy relationship with but sadly not everyone finds that person and you have to make due.

    Sometimes people think they've found that person at a young age and then 10/20/30 years later they find out they didn't. That's a risk we all take when we commit to a relationship. People change over time and sometimes the person you were completely compatible with 10+ years ago isn't who you're compatible with now, its sad but it happens.

    You need to decide if the person you got with 3 years ago is still compatible with you. An open relationship isn't something that a couple tries out and generally recovers from when they find out it doesn't work for them. Goodluck man

  4. If you trust her, then you believe her and understand that she really did not notice or care about someone sitting next to her.

    If you don’t trust her, then you doubt her excuse and you have a problem.

    But the problem is not that the situation happened or not. It did. You saw it with your own two eyes. The problem is whether you trust her enough to tell you the truth or not.

  5. Hi, OP. Old guy dad, here. If she were my daughter, I would try to draw a clear picture for why she needs to walk away from you. If the two of you at your respective ages are not able to settle arguments rationally to the extent that she leaves to go stay with a friend (was that the 1st time this happened?) and you wear your insecurities about her ex-husband on your sleeve, then this relationship is likely toxic for both of you. The dad in me wonders if she didn't bring the dog back to you because she's afraid of you. I certainly hope that's not the case.

    If she dumps you and ends up back in some kind of relationship with her ex-husband, I think you can look at how you handled this situation for an explanation why.

  6. Is this a hill to die on? Is this worth the stress of an argument? Your throwing the party to make him happy. He feels happiest when he is prepared for surprises. Does this harm you in any way? Or does him knowing contribute to his peace of mind and thus accomplish his happiness which was your ultimate goal?

  7. A) If they will cheat with you, they will cheat on you.

    B) If he was even a tiny part of him which was a decent human being, he would have left her BEFORE he came to see you, and not kept her on the back burner until you gave him an answer.

    C) You both deserve each other, so do whatever you like and I hope it ends up as badly as you deserve.

  8. This also throws age and waning libido into the mix. OP has 0 drive. She doesn't even care to have sex and from the sounds of it, she sees it as a chore she can put up with if she has to do so. She offered to have sex with him on the spot which seems to me like she can do it but it's not something she feels the need to do. You and your wife, having been married for 25 years or more; the two of you firstly have a heck of a lot more of a foundation to fall back on and from the sounds of it, you're not waiting for months to have sex once. It's just less than you'd like. As the two of you age, both of your libidos will probably decrease somewhat and if OPs ex were to continue with her and marry her; he would have decreasing libido to look forward to.

  9. Psh what? Why are you sorry?! Your husband and his colleague literally orchestrated what was not a 4some but a chance to fuck each other. If it had truly been a 4some both of them would have equally been involved from the beginning with both you and the colleagues husband. Its only when they both saw you two having fun that they realized they didnt want that! Thats fucked up. Its fucked up his colleague is texting you shit because she got jealous. Its fucked up your husband isnt defending you and pissed off by that. Its fucked up you think you’re at fault. You know how you said you always felt you were an “awesome wife”? Yea, no you desire to being seen as chill has allowed you to be walked all over and used. Worse part: your husband knows this better than anyone and used it against you. If anyone should be pissed it should be you!

  10. okay but it still happens? all i’m saying is that it is possible to conceive despite using condoms.


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