Vanellope69 on-line sex chats for YOU!

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43 thoughts on “Vanellope69 on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. 20 is too young to be unhappy. You have been with the same person for your formative young adult years. Sounds like you need to breakaway and find out who you really are outside of this unit.

  2. I’m refusing cuz I already thought all these options through. Like I said, they wouldn’t work. I’m just looking for an option that would actually work.

  3. If you guys are pretty set in wanting to marry each other one day, then why does it matter when you get the ring? Is it not enough to know that it will happen one day, just not right away? As long as he assures you it will happen, then why does it matter when it happens?

    He's being completely reasonable here, if you break up now because you won't get engaged fast enough then you're throwing away a good thing because you're being impatient.

  4. Hockey locker rooms don't have gender assignments, but team assignments. Sonetimes there is a small separate women's room but that is only just becoming common and many rinks still don't have a women's room.

  5. Just popping in to say some ppl with vaginismus also respond very well to pelvic floor physiotherapy. If you haven't tried that yet then I would recommend booking an appointment.

    Still go to your OB/GYN as well. There are medications that can help too.

  6. Dude this isn’t some tv show, no one cares about how decent of a person you are. Just end it and move on.

  7. You’re saying it’s gotten better and the arguments are less and less frequent. That’s good! However… It will never be perfect and the arguments will never be zero. (Adjust your expectations.)

    You might be at the point where you have to accept him for who he is and really appreciate all of the improvement he’s made and the effort he’s put in. A lot of guys wouldn’t do that.

    Sometimes my husband will do (or not do) something that I’ve talked to him about multiple times. Instead of me getting super mad, I just kindly point it out and go about my day. An argument isn’t going to fix it and I try not to get too hung up on it anymore. I think of the bigger picture and it helps me to choose my battles so-to-speak. This might be a good tactic for you to consider.

  8. Maybe I've just been here observing the drama for too long, but I'm fairly sure this place gets a post like this at least every couple of weeks, and I probably end up getting to read like 5% of what's posted here lol

  9. I usually don't suspect it, but this one seems a bit “off” if you know what I mean. The lack of response also is a red flag.

  10. Well stop being a clown for their entertainment, he just uses you to feel flattered. If it's not an enthusiastic YES, it's a no.

  11. I’m not sure what you’re asking here. You have taken a teenager under your wing and want to “set her up for success”?

    I guess the real answer would be pay for her to go to a good school, set her up with a bank account and keep a certain amount in it every month. Show her unconditional love and how to be financially responsible?

  12. Suck it up.

    You were both unfaithful and you still married her knowing that she had a past, was a cheat (as were you) and intentionally made you jealous by discussing her encounters.

    You knew who you were marrying, it’s a bit late in the game to be concerned about it.

  13. That woman was making basic conversation with the man and Sherlock Holmes over here broke out the magnifying glass.

  14. This sounds like the defense of someone who often lies by omission lol

    This was a lie of omission every single time he called her a virgin over the course of a year and she didn’t speak up.

  15. Ok but is it wrong to fight for our marriage? I’ve made it quite clear if I find out anything else (which nothing has happened since the last time I found stuff) then I would leave him and file for divorce. And I’ve been adamant about that.

  16. In cases like this, I've always found it best to put the ball completely in their court. Just bring up your concerns point blank. In a non-accusatory manner, just ask her who it is that she's texting that she feels the need to hide the messages. I'd even ask her if you could see the messages. If she gets angry and defensive, in my experience, that means they're hiding something. It doesn't mean she is, but it wouldn't curb my suspicions. If she gives a more level-headed answer like, “They're just friends,” then you need to trust and accept that.

  17. i've been wrestling with whether or not we're actually happy together, and whether we should seek therapy and figure out ways to compromise for each other, or whether it's the right thing to cut things off here and find someone who's more similar.

  18. I agree that knowing what you want and seeking a partner who wants the same things is valid. But that’s not what she’s doing. She’s trying to force a partner who has already stated that they’re not sure if they want what she wants into doing things her way or she’s walking.

    Also, she’s only 22 and is issuing ultimatums in a relationship that is barely a year old. If she was 28 and they’d been together for 5+ years that’s one thing. But 22? She’s pushing him too hard and being unrealistic.

    Good luck to her; I hope she finds the baby-daddy doormat she’s looking for. But OP isn’t ready and doesn’t even know if he wants those things. So I stand by my advice.

  19. So this opinion wouldn’t have anything to do with the fact that you’re obsessed with your girlfriend’s friend, right? Does Kate get a cute nickname in your phone, and your girlfriend’s name is misspelled?

  20. The way your mind seems to work leaves a lot of room for you trying to understand these abusive men. You don’t need to understand them or find a justification to make it make sense. Something about your vetting process if wrong and you’re ending up with men who want to control you.

    That’s a them problem. You’re doing right by leaving.

  21. You better take good care of your birth control. Two unemployed people (I'm assuming also no insurance) have no business bringing a baby into the picture. She sounds like she needs more therapy, because this sounds a bit unbalanced/manic/magical thinking.

  22. You made the right call. He’s a total manipulator. He’s the type that enjoys the idea of you sitting around with nothing to do waiting to hear from him. Willing to drop whatever you’re doing to be with him.

    When you broke the cycle he freaked out. Instead of being honest about his lack of commitment and integrity he tried to further manipulate you by “offering” what he thinks you want — a solid commitment.

    This just proves he knew he was treating you like shit the whole time. Out of all the things to be upset over he picks the one thing he knows you wanted? Not necessarily marriage and kids but at least a serious relationship with someone who makes time for you.

    Then he triple-downed and got more upset that you didn’t fall for the bait. So he finished off his tantrum with “Well I guess I can’t express myself ever again!” lmaooo

    Just end it and block him. He’s the manipulator type so don’t get sucked back in. They like to pop up when you’re lonely and vulnerable and weasel their way back. Don’t let it happen.

  23. This comment should be higher, most of this advice is nuts.

    A relationship’s foundation is trust. If you don’t have it, it’s not much of a relationship.

    It doesn’t sound like you will ever find anything that will prove to you she didn’t do it (how can she prove a negative?). She already lied, I doubt you can go back and trust her again.

  24. I don't get if this man is your husband how come you don't know he's crazy. Surely some other minor stuff has happened while dating, or at the wedding? This kind of stuff I would expect to come out early in the relationship.

  25. Why would you want to stay with a person like this? Why would you want to make LIFE decisions with a person like this? There is nothing to fix here. Drop him and be glad you didn’t marry him!

  26. I would personally be concerned that he is tracking toward Christian fundamentalism. He is changing the rules of your relationship without really including you in the discussion.

    It's up to you to decide if that is a track you would be comfortable following him down. The more fundamental people become, the less tolerant and compromising they can be. This may be about premarital sex right now, but there could be other issues, depending how hard he turns.

  27. What are the chances, from a human psychology pov, that she wouldn't have followed through on those threats?


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