SaraDeMur on-line sex cams for YOU!

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57 thoughts on “SaraDeMur on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. Yes but in the U.S you would not be bullied and called homophobic for refusing to date a woman/girl when you are a woman/girl.

    On the contrary you would get more problems dating homosexually.

    Northern Europe is one of the most LGBTQ friendly places on the planet which eclipses American support by legions

  2. Nope. Not too dramatic and definitely a major red flag. Especially getting upset when you communicated how inappropriate that was.

  3. This behavior is basically escapism from her normal life into a fantasy of having some kind of relationship with bts. If her emotional life was healthy she wouldn’t be so eager to run away from her life. Maybe ask her to go to therapy if you can afford it. Try and keep her busy living her life and give her less time to do nothing and obsessing over bts. Ie. Plan family activities, ask her to pick up some weekly chores, get her involved in some kind of volunteering program or team sport.

  4. Hello /u/danibanani1007,

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  5. There are probably some very good reasons why he is with you and not with her. Figure out what those things are, protect them, and strengthen them. Let her be the one creating all the hassles. Don't you be the one creating all the hassles.

  6. I have a friend who is soooooo white who’s dad is sooooo black. It happens. Both of my parents had brown hair yet my sisters have red and blond hair. I really hope for your sake that it’s your kid.

  7. I apologize about the formatting. This is my first post. I used enter to start new paragraphs but it doesn’t seem that was so effective, If you have any tips for that, would be appreciated. And fair enough, I avoid drama like the plague, which is I guess how I made it to 31 while still trying.

  8. You need to ok get out. He’s gaslighting you and mentally beating you down. This guy does not care about your feelings. He knows your triggers from past trauma and uses them against you as a way in control.

  9. Yeah, because you are forming arguments based on bunk half the time. You can't just go around calling people pedophiles.

    You fell for the falsified Epstein logs, like the QAnon Trumpanzees. Do better.

  10. I think that's a question for you to ask her, not us.

    What did she actually say when she cancelled your first date, though? Because to me it sounds like she doesn't want to proceed at all, but perhaps I'm wrong.

  11. I'll kick you a little bit

    Where was your self-respect when you were unemployed and depressed all this time?

    Didn't you do therapy and employment studies?

    you're an adult and not financially independent, that's bad

    There will always be problems, but you have to stay in a position to take care of yourself,

  12. I don't know what she does for a living, but it's a legitimate security concern and it's entirely possible that this is just part of her works normal security policy. Based on the length of the relationship and your ages I would say, don't breakup, but keep your eye out for other signs.

  13. So what? You’re going to break up with her and go find a toxic girl to date ? Maybe you should just be single for a bit, let the poor girl go you clearly don’t like her

  14. Lol the cyinic in me thinks you provided him with the drama that he so desperately misses. Like yeah, snooping is toxic behavior, so that should be “exciting” and “passionate”.

  15. Truth be told you are not his responsibility. Why should he pay your bills?

    You need to get out and get a job that will keep you in the way you want to on-line. He shouldn't have to subsidise you.

    Also, if you use your car to earn money, wouldn't the smart choice have been to pay your rent, utilities and car before any other bills?

    As for your Bf and his friend, it's their relationship, and obviously it works.

    You and he buy less expensive gifts for one another, because that's how it works between you too.

    It just sounds to me, and probably appears to him, that you have attempted to slip into being the 'kept woman', just doing a couple of little things to make it look like you intend to get back into work. Well 35 years have life experience, and he's obviously not up for having a sahgf. So he's not encouraged it by leaving you to sort out your own finances.

    That's not a bad Bf, that's just someone who doesn't want a sahgf, who's bills he has to pay, which is more than fair enough

  16. Lol. It's cool I will leave it like that.

    I like it when someone can disagree or feel differently without feeling the need to attack someone with a different opinion. Rather refreshing on reddit.

  17. Roughness during sex can be traumatizing in itself if there isn't proper aftercare. You don't need to be a hardcore S&M enthusiast to tell your loved ones how important they are you to after you sexually degrade them.

    Perhaps a post conversation about how you felt and what happened could help the way you feel at the moment. Your boyfriend sounds like he cares about you and understood something different from the situation. You can't change the past, but you can make future decisions to help close those wounds.

    I'm sorry that happened to you. Sex is an intimate thing and when it steers into a dangerous place that can be incredibly nude to overcome. I don't think you need to break up personally. I think you guys just need to be able to communicate better when you're actually in the act.

    I would say that the crying part is weird, but it appears as if sex of this nature is commonplace between the two of you. Making it really nude for me to make a judgement.

  18. How have they caught you? Do they track your phone or have they seen you physically together?

    If they don't track your phone, I would lie for now, and only see your girlfriend in places you're 100% sure they won't see, like at school or a friend's house. College debt will follow you for decades. Whether or not you have it will completely change the course of your life. And realistically, most high school relationships don't last

    Once you're in college, you'll be in a long term relationship with her anyway, so it won't be much different than minimizing physical contact now (unless you're going to the same school, in which case you'll be free to see her as much as you want without your parents looking over your shoulder)

  19. Problem #1. Look you're very emotional right now. Take a step back and breathe. Don't go and make any decisions right now when you're letting your emotions run very wild. You need to take time off and get ahold of yourself.

    Look as someone who has traversed through a mess like you described… You need to pay attention to what I write. You need to be calm when reading it. Don't take anything as a personal attack. Remember..first and foremost.. This is a business. Business decisions need to be made that are best for the company— not the individual employee.

    There would have been a lot of thought and decisions made going into this.

    Okay let's not skip over the legal issues. Biggest one being….Legally your partner wouldn't have been allowed to say anything to you. Would you have rather have no share at all instead of part?? Your partner may have been planning to split his share with you. They also may have been just as surprised and were clearly concerned with how to approach you with the news once it was announced and could be legally be shared.

    From a business stand point –+- YES you don't want to divide up your company unequally. The other partners WOULD NOT have agreed to a buy out knowing they were getting into a minority share because BOTH you and your partner would be ONE unit. That's is bad business OP. Had your boss done that they wouldn't have accepted his offer. And I doubt you and your partner can afford a full buy out. Now he has pissed off any hope of a buyout. VERY bad business. And yes you splitting up is a Direct concern. LOOK at how you REACTED to the news. You're obviously distressed and the first thing you did was jump to divorce. Immediately. You didn't ask to sit down with your boss to go over the logistics of the decision. You didn't and still aren't talking to your partner about their decision, what's going on, etc. They very thing that your boss feared you would do…. You're literally doing. As unfair as any of this might feel…. Your Boss knows you OP. You can write all about how you felt your stance in the company was. Clearly that wasn't the same projection that your boss felt. And the way you're acting is showing that. It's still a BUSINESS. You have to be able to take your emotions out and make good decisions for your business. You can be passionate all you want….. But it's still a business that needs to be ran.

    Take time off and get yourself together. Go talk to your boss. Talk to your partner as well. If you still decide to divorce that's on you OP. You clearly value money and that job more than you did your actual relationship. As hurt and as betrayed you're feeling right now… I can only imagine the level of hurt and betrayal your partner must be feeling. No you don't have to be happy about your bosses choice. But unilaterally PUNISHING your partner is beyond realms of reasonable.

    Since this all occurred….. Yeah… Take that deep breathe …. Please at the very least communicate with your partner….and work from there. Therapy for yourself might be a good idea OP.

  20. If he was qualified he would know how unethical it would be to be a therapist to your wife. You need a therapist to be a person you have not met before and don’t have any interaction with outside of session

  21. Honestly I think you should be regretting leaving your entire life for a girl who wants you to sacrifice more and more for her comfort. I mean, what do you really have now outside of her?

  22. Of course I won't be rude to her, that would not make anything better. I guess I'll try to be as professional as I need to be at work, and that's it.

  23. I get it, I really do. And there is no getting around that he has handled it like an absolute fucking idiot.

    Can you keep us updated OP?

    Please take care.

  24. I’m worried that when you begin to not be scared around him he will escalate to ensure that you will will be scared. This is how he controls you.

  25. Some people on the planet on-line in far worse conditions than even the poorest Americans. Why do you think people are literally sending their children alone across thousands of miles to try and get in the country. We truly do have it better than a lot of people.

    We should take a moment to appreciate that. Thanks to the REA and the foresight of people who lived through the Great Depression we have infrastructure that people in other countries can only dream of.

  26. It is an art form to argue. And when I was younger, I would be like a deer in headlights. In the minute I got home I knew exactly what to say, but it was too late. I sometimes still feel that way like I think of the best things on my own.

    A trick that always help me is to pay attention to details, and when they bother me, or I feel some thing address it then. It’s always easier to dress small things in a direct and kind manner then let them build up. And if you’re ever at an impasse, we don’t know what to say so I’ll get back to you later and just go off and do your own thing. I will buy your time and allow you to think.

  27. If he's feeling burned out and needs more alone time, then you should respect that. You could always text him and ask what he wants.

    “Hey, I since you originally invited me over Saturday, I suspect you'd benefit from having an extra alone-day tomorrow to recharge after spending so much time with your father. Let me know if you want me to come over tomorrow; otherwise I'll just plan to come over on Saturday as you originally suggested.”

  28. He KNEW what he was in for.

    Very likely he has been more of a burden to her than a support.

    If lacking self confidence not to relate ones own self-esteem to the amount of time/ attention a partner can give, then don't date someone with such a strenuous job.

    Which isn't just a job.

    It's lives at stake, daily!

  29. Yeah I feel that I've been needing therapy for a while now but there's waitlists everywhere in my area, I definitely don't wanna set this example for my daughter, I think I should stay away from dating until I heal from this

  30. Run.

    Run while you still can, before the abuse gets worse.

    He should be encouraging you, not trying to trap and isolate you.

  31. Also going to Maui with my same set of friends without my man. He gets to do his own trips, roo

  32. Why did she date and marry me knowing it? The same reason as me. I love her more than playing video games and I fully realize they are a waste of time. She’s my best friend!

  33. You had 33 years, at what point do you allow him to on-line!!! My opinion is for you to reclaim your identity and your life, snuggle with your SO and on-line the dream. Accept what he's willing to give and let him fly so he can find his purpose etc.

  34. Your GF is actual trash, bro. Zero respect for you. If you are her present and future, she shouldn't have a need or even want to think about these past guys. Not only is she thinking about them, she's rubbing it in your face like you're just some guy instead of your significant other.

  35. Why would you say that? It is not fake.. and this is also the reaction that I’m afraid of receiving when I tell people

  36. I am so sorry that you feel this burden is on you. I am a pelvic floor PT and have had patients come to me with concerns about being “too loose” for their bfs. I examine their muscles and they are never “too loose”. It’s unfortunately a thing some guys say to their gfs (and might actually believe, incorrectly) to compensate for their change in sensitivity or their own personal arousal issues.

    The vagina is supposed to soften and lengthen with arousal. That does not mean you are loose. Based on some of your comments, I think there are other factors here on your bfs side of the equation.

  37. I am so sorry that you feel this burden is on you. I am a pelvic floor PT and have had patients come to me with concerns about being “too loose” for their bfs. I examine their muscles and they are never “too loose”. It’s unfortunately a thing some guys say to their gfs (and might actually believe, incorrectly) to compensate for their change in sensitivity or their own personal arousal issues.

    The vagina is supposed to soften and lengthen with arousal. That does not mean you are loose. Based on some of your comments, I think there are other factors here on your bfs side of the equation.

  38. Do move on.

    “Hey, dude. Not interested in this crap here anymore. Bye.”

    Turn away. Leave. Block.

    Done. See?

    Up to now it was YOUR choice to stay. Now you make the choice to leave. And walk out.

  39. You're a vile piece of shit and it's not your place to decide what he does regarding his absusive, even bigger piece of shit mother.

    If he stays with you I'll be SHOCKED. You violated his trust and you wrecked his world.

  40. I'm sure this comment will get buried, but it doesn't necessarily have to be infidelity. She recently had plastic surgery, she said she feels like you're roommates, could it be possible that there is a head space/depression issue. When a person is having a depressive episode it sometimes can feel like the only fix for them is to change everything

    What I'm saying is, don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. Go to counseling and see what cones up. I know it's nude, but don't be so quick to decide what did or did not happen


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