ReginaWi online sex chats for YOU!

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34 thoughts on “ReginaWi online sex chats for YOU!

  1. Like I said, I hope OP gets the test and uses it to get some killer child support. And we all know the husband has no proof of her cheating, because if he did, he’d already be gone and bringing divorce papers and mandatory paternity tests into it.

    And listen, I don’t believe OP hid it. I don’t think it was relevant to her current relationship so she didn’t say anything about it. OP doesn’t owe her husband a list of her previous transgressions in relationships. I’m sure, based on her husband’s behavior, he has some doozies as well. Until now, they weren’t relevant to this relationship. Because you can’t tell me that OP’s husband JUST started dealing with shit in this unhealthy abusive manner in this relationship.

  2. Because she wants you to.

    That's why. That's the reason. You do things for your partner.

    Maybe she wants to feel like she lives with an adult, not an entitled teen aged boy. Maybe she has had the dream of fixing a special meal together where she doesn't have to teach you how to use a potato peeler. Maybe she wants you to stop buying crap take out and help with the household chores for once.

    Learn to cook. It's not that hot.

  3. Hello /u/Stock-Chemistry-9700,

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  4. Well I mean she’s scared after a home invasion and her fiancé isn’t there. If all the guy is doing is basically house sitting, he should try to be a little understanding. A home invasion is pretty traumatic. Your house is typically your safe space. And when someone invaded like that, it’s very very scary and ruins the idea of it being your safe space.

  5. Forget her man she’s wack. You aren’t obligated to any of that nonsense. Sounds like she’s trying to hint that she’s lying to you about who she is or something so she can change down the line.

    This is why I always suggest dating someone for awhile, true colors always show themselves.

  6. Send the invite, see what happens. I'm incredibly close to one of my exes, was invited to her wedding but chose not to go, she understood why I declined and we're still friends. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

  7. What’s the actual issue here? I feel this needs to be clarified (that or I’m stupid and can’t read)

    Some people just don’t like small talk for the sake of small talk.

  8. You know, that specifically dating emotionally scarred women is a weird preferrence to have? It is very unhealthy one at that. If they can't get over themselves then they aren't ready to be in relationship. You get way to easily and deeply emotionally invested. This is what you need therapy for.

  9. it was defo him bc he wakes up at 5am and thats when the search was. i was sleeping. hes denying it bc he beat up his old friend for watching hentai and doesnt want to look like a hypocrite.

  10. So unless you have something planned, he doesn't choose to spend any quality time with you, that's not good ? You have to ask him to spend time with you and then he says you're controlling……

    At this point it feels like I have to compete for his attention because he’s ready to just disconnect from reality and play video games

    That's exactly what's going on and you're not winning, he want to be in a relationship but he's not willing to put anything into it, it's all a bit one sided. You're not being an ass, he is a selfish one

  11. All women aren't the same. And I assure you, not a single one of those lady's was getting off by just looking at a couple of nudes.

  12. Trust your gut. You aren't going crazy here. There's too many red flags to ignore. You just need to catch them in act now so she can't further gaslight you.

  13. I really want to, I don't want to hide anything from him. I'm even sure that if I don't tell him, he'd never know for sure. But I can't break his heart man, he loves me too much to let me go. I know he won't leave me, but I can't live! with the fact that he would wake up everyday and blame himself for not giving enough. He's the kind of guy to blame himself for everything, he's so nice. I know me confessing will ruin his trust on himself and make him insecure.

  14. Your an idiot an hour friend is right

    What's gonna happen is this guy is gonna groom you and I'm a few years suddenly you will be too old for him, he will dump you an go for a new younger person

    Happens literally every time an being on Reddit I don't know how you DONT know about this already

  15. I'm not a kid. You did not end up great if you're considering getting forensics to check if your baby daddy's has kiddie porn on his computer. Do you even hear yourself?

    Here's some advice. Get some therapy and leave this man. If you suspect he has kiddie porn why would you ever consider staying with him?

  16. That's not the red flag, that is the danger itself. The red flag was some way away. What do we call call a person that performs a sexual act on another without consent

  17. It's your wedding. You could ask your dog to walk you down the isle. I think you should just straight out say to your biodad that step dad will be walking you down the isle. Tell him that step dad has been your dad since you were 7 years old and that's the person you want walking you down the isle.

    Your biodad is the one who abandoned you for 13 years, why on earth should he get to just show up when you are 20 and become your dad again?

    Maybe you could say that if he agrees to this you will see it as a big step to repairing the relationship that he spoiled.

  18. You need to change jobs if you don’t have the willpower to stay away from this coworker then you need to make an appointment with a marriage therapist to fix the issues with your husband. You guys have been together since super young 23/20? So yeah it’s normal to get those urges on “what did I miss out on?”.

  19. Forget texting. Time for a John Cusack in 'Say Anything' move, “In Your Eyes…” on the boombox perched atop your raised arms outside her window until she marries you.

  20. This should be a deal breaker. If he wants to act like their father/partner that his choice. However, it will be better for you to seek someone ready to properly commit to you nit hus ex gf.

    Leave him, this a waste of your time.

  21. Seems like you'll jump at any excuse or opportunity to pursue your honey. Do your wife a big favor and dump her now. Your disrespect for her is nauseating.

    You're not the great, loving, loyal guy you want to be in your head. I agree with your friend that you've already ruined your marriage, best just to finish it off.

  22. yeah I don’t understand how some like to ogle over TikTok videos like that and then get upset when their partner comes even close to any of that behavior.. I probably won’t bring it up

  23. Yeah unfortunately this is what I’m thinking, I don’t particularly want to end this but it doesn’t seem to be getting any better. I just know if I do end it, it really won’t be easy and he’s already expressed he’d stalk me if I did this

  24. No harm in thrill either, that's largely why I play myself (a lot of old school arcade games, and harder modern games like the Souls titles).

    Thrill for me comes from getting good and mastering a game, so there's a whole lot of failure en route to that. There'd be very little thrill involved if I could ace a game straight off the bat.

  25. Don't respond to the ex. I was stalked for almost a solid year by an ex, and they sent their friends to initiate contact on a few occasions. I made the mistake of messaging the ex that this was unacceptable, which taught him that having his friends contact me resulted in me acknowledging him. It showed him that sending others to harass me…. worked.

    If you truly want to nip this in the bud and have the safest and most professional outcome – contact him, his mother, and the police department in 1 email. Let him know that further attempts to contact you, or attempts by his mother to hunt you down at your place of work, will be viewed as harassment and that the police who are copied on this email will be notified.

    I did not do the above until it was too late. 10 months of harassment later, and he drove over an hour to show up on my doorstep and had numerous guns in his car. I had to call the police to my house and hide in my basement with my handgun. I had to file a police report and then take him to court in order to get a restraining order. All because I thought that being direct in the beginning would be overkill.

    Obviously, your situation probably doesn't mirror mine exactly. That being said, if you have zero desire to talk to either of them again – please consider this advice.

  26. Sorry dude but grow a god damn spine as you have all the evidence she is cheating on you and you are still staying. Its better to question yourself with “what if i stayed” rather then “why did i stay”

  27. You answered your own question. The answer must be no. Tell your fiance now so she can back out of the wedding ifnitd that important to her.


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