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35 thoughts on “KristiEvans on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. Yeah I think I need to keep them at an arms length to protect my own feelings. It just really hurts because EVERYONE singles me out. My siblings, my parents, my grandma, aunt's and uncles… just everyone. I really am not behaving aggressively or rudely. I think they just don't know how to respectfully disagree so instead they just shut down the conversation so they don't have to hear it. They know if I get upset i will stop talking, so they use it to their advantage. It may not even be intentional for them, but I have told them it hurts my feelings many times and they don't change.

  2. You seem offended that you think your bf is asking for explicitly pics. From an outside perspective, it feels like your bf is saying they don’t think their friend is capable of getting laid. Maybe that’s their general dynamic, but it’s a pretty nasty remark. And he’s also saying “hey non consensually share photos of some person in the act”.

    Of the things I find problematic about his comment, my priorities are in revise order to yours.

    Your bf isn’t interested in seeing someone other woman hard, he’s much more interested in demeaning his friend. Which you know, not a great friend. You bf could stand to be more mature.

  3. If my bf had fucked his best friend I’d want to know early on. It’s not the same as an ex from 3 years ago. Exes don’t usually become platonic best friends. It’s a really weird dynamic.

    I hope your gf moves on and finds someone who values her.

  4. Hello /u/Classic-Luck2150,

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  5. She is doing this so her ex doesn’t try and use you as leverage in the divorce.

    If the house is in his name as well as hers he does have the right to stipulate “no men” in his house.

    Also, 8 months is quite a short time for introducing your kids to her as your sexual partner. Maybe she thinks it’s too soon for her kids, or maybe she doesn’t want to risk them innocently saying something to their dad about her new boyfriend.

    You’re going to have to play it by her rules. If her ex is being difficult then she’s doing what she needs to do and you shouldn’t pressure her.

    As for saying the L word. If she’s going through trauma with the divorce she may just be protecting herself from admitting it in case you two break up.

    Nobody can advise if you should stay or bail.

  6. My childhood friend group was 50-50 female & male and because we grew up together there was points in our history we dated around (nothing serious) with each other. Now the majority have their respective partners and we link up for holiday with or without partners there.

    If Amy has made an overall effort to get to know your girlfriend (for example I and another girl in our group would FaceTime with one of our male besties and ask to also chat with his girlfriend to get to know her better), it’s acceptable to go on vacation with Amy. However I do think you need to ask why Amy doesn’t want to go on vacation with Beth – and that can definitely influence the decision.

    Unfortunately with your circumstance, it comes down to compatibility and compromise. If Amy feels this upset and insecure about this trip, you as her partner should end these trips. If you will resent Amy about losing the depth & 1 on 1 quality time in your friendships, then you should break up with Amy. You could offer a compromise that Amy can come this one time to see that there isn’t anything between you and Beth but that might be delaying the inevitable.

  7. Or it's possible him being sutch scared her. We don't know what the illness was, but a lot of people hesitate to be with someone who is sick.

    I have Ehlers-Danlos and had a few relationships end because they couldn't imagine being with someone who would get worse rather than better when we were relatively young (I was in my 20's back when all this was going on). My partner told me how hard it is to watch me be in pain all the time, and to know that in many ways I'm not a “partner” because I physically can't do much. He also said that if I hadn't let him know before we officially became a couple (or as soon as I knew if I hadn't) he'd have left. And honestly I can't blame him or my exes for those feelings because it's difficult and draining to watch someone you love be such and injured in a normal situation, much less constantly.

    Also, OP, did you contact her while you were sick or was it just a case of finding it, letting her know, then not talking until you were well? Because if that's the case her leaving would make sense from that perspective. Not hearing from someone for two weeks after dating for months would make anyone question the commitment.

  8. some people really know how to shoot themselves in the foot don't they?

    not everything that is in your head has to be said…how could 'I want to have sex with someone who looks and behaves exactly like your sister' not be offensive?

  9. some people really know how to shoot themselves in the foot don't they?

    not everything that is in your head has to be said…how could 'I want to have sex with someone who looks and behaves exactly like your sister' not be offensive?

  10. Getting into a relationship with a sugar daddy and expecting him to be understanding of women's issues is more then a bit naive. Stop going on sugar baby sites, own your bad choices, find someone more aligned with your core values, and move on.

  11. think i’m gonna do the same thing to her but while she’s stuck here. never have even thought about it but now i want her to see how i feel

  12. Thank you for the insight as it helps understand the other side besides mine. I have struggled with other instances where he is unwilling or tired to do things with me but he does that exact same thing with his friends. For example, I suggested a weekend ski trip in January but he said he absolutely could not because it was a busy month at work…which I understood…however, that same night, I hear him asking his friend about traveling for his birthday in a weekend also in January… I have tried to bring it up but he gives me the silent treatment and I need to store those issues inside of me.

  13. but the thing is, he just told me he sat down and talked to some of my other friends (we are in the same friend group) and told me he has told them in person, and wants to do the same for T.

  14. Stop talking to her.

    I have cut this person off they are playing the victim, claiming I am “making her out to sound like a monster.” I said, “if you feel like your behaviour makes you sound like a monster, you should rethink the way you treat me.” Her, “what about all the nice things I do for you.”

    This is NOT cutting her off. Cutting her off is not talking to her.

  15. Just tell her how you feel. Don't worry, in your marriage life you will hear plenty “NOs” from her sooner or later

  16. Get over yourself. If you do things wrong, people can refer to them even if you already know you were in the wrong. Why? Because it's relevant information.

    Besides, you said you found out multiple times, part of which you're opening up HIS twitter notifications. You then mention after getting access to his accounts that after MONTHS you didn't feel like you had to check up on his accounts anymore, implying that you did, multiple times.

    My first reply was actually impartial, if you had bothered to read it. But if you're even so insecure that you're going to complain when any of your mistakes are addressed, I am sure there is more to this story than this post states.

  17. Keep that shit to yourself, honestly delete this post even. What the fuck do you want from us lmao, dating her for 4 years and now you want her chest to change? The best course of action here is first be very ashamed of yourself. Then you either shut up and accept what you currently have or break up

  18. It's weird to you, but it's not actually weird. Would it be weird if he liked the same football team as his dad? No, because that's what he grew up with.

  19. You dated a 20y/o woman with AA breasts. That's how she is. Why even date her when you want a woman with big breasts?! Hoping that they grow?! Sorry, but are you stupid? She was fucking 20! Because of your preference you want ger to get surgeries, yes, multiple because those implants need to be renewed after xx years. And if you dream of big breasts, forget it. She is AA, no reputable doc will give her big implants especially if she is a thin petite woman. So she will mostly get B breasts. And let's be real, she just want the surgery because she knows that you want big tits. You mostly oogling women with big tits, ignore her small breasts or said something stupid like “will your breast still get bigger?”

    If she wanted a surgery, she would do it even without you telling her. Or she would take the initiative. But otherwise she would just do it because she thinks her body is not good enough and that is actually disgusting. This woman is not like build-a-bear. Remove the parts you don't like and get new one. She is like she is. Accept it. And do you think that you are perfect? Would you like if she tell you that she isn't attracted to you and you needs to get a surgery?

  20. And if after that huge amount of physical exercise

    (boxing your pillow or throwing it allover your place may also help to vent your anger. Or to going to a lonly place and just yell it off until it is all gone…)

    …sit down. Write him a letter – to NEVER POST- pour out all your anger and hatred, disappointment, sadness, grief, distrust.

    Then tear it. And restart. Do this over and over and over. Until you are back inside yourself and you feel at peace again.

    If this takes one week… fine. It takes the time it takes.

    Mostly after the first few times aspects pop up that have not been mentioned in the first versions, so couldn't get a rest.

    When you are really good and at peace with the letter….

    tear it up and burn it. Or tear it up and burry it in your garden, in a wood… wherever. Or tear it up and throw it into a river.

    Whichever way to finally part with that subject you chose:

    put it away. Don't keep it. NEVER send it as noo good will come of it.

    Sending those parting letters means leaving behind lose ends.

    An ex partner having behaved that way may never be able to admit his fault or ask for your pardon. But more likely will kick you for not letting go. Or even come back to hurt you more.

    So never give them that chance.

    And once you are done it's tine for some spa time for yourself and your wounded pride and soul.

    Get girls support. Or support of any kind. And heal.

    And learn to directly act on your own red flags with the next guy. You already see them and feel them physically.

    Learn to trust yourself even more.

    Wishing you all the best.

  21. Ah, yes, they are always sorry afterwards. Unless he shows some genuine remorse and indicates he agrees, this is, in fact rape, I'd be outta that situation.

  22. It means that he “just got out of a relationship and is still trying to move on”. His mind is elsewhere. That’s no reflection on you.

  23. He has sensory processing issues. And as someone who has diagnosed SPD, I can assure you that what he’s experiencing is torture.

  24. Bragging isn't narcissistic. Not taking responsibility and inability to actually apologize are more hallmarks of it. How does he react when he is wrong about something? Does he gas light? Those are read flags But if his behavior is turning you off you need to tell him.

    “Babe you have a lot to be proud of but I am finding the whole bragging thing a turn off.”

    But yes he seems a bit insecure. I would make sure you put your foot down about him talking bad about you. Arguing what stats you would have and that kind of thing. And you being greasy is fucking rude and should not be tolerated.

  25. True. I also think it's different if you're married vs dating. I don't think I would give someone I am dating my phone password.

  26. /r/relationship_advice is the epitome of indifference. The Herman Cain of subreddits that manages to find a simple, yet completely terrible solution that trivializes a complicated problem.

    If you want to be happy, OP, you need to disregard idiots and make your own decisions. Ask people who care about you, not clueless assholes who will advise you to kill your husband if it makes for a good story. Please don't become a victim of others idiocy. Good luck.


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