Ariadna on-line sex chats for YOU!

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23 thoughts on “Ariadna on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. u/wisewordsplease, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  2. I would go with believing your bother based on the facts given. She denied, turned it around, tried to discredit him and then played victim all makings of a liar.

    With that being said she may be telling the Truth and there is no way to know. I would let it go and call it a day. Not like anything is going to come of it anyways since they don’t interact much

  3. Tbh I think transgender porn is watched by women a lot. I know a lot of bi women, most of them being attracted to female body and having sex with penis.

  4. I agree, if she wouldn’t be ok with you doing it, then she shouldn’t be doing it either, or at least she should be open about it.

  5. I am searching now for the article/paper I read a few days ago with the 30% info, but still haven't found it. I'll keep looking, though.

  6. In all honesty cold feet concept is bullshit. Sure marriages might work out even if there were cold feet but if you are in a strong healthy happy relationship all you will feel on your wedding day is excitement and love

  7. Save yourself, you can’t save her by drowning with her. Let her family know you’re leaving and have them support her.

  8. So like, he doesn’t wanna lose his best friend but…um…what about his WIFE? You’re supposed to be his best friend. He needs to pick.

  9. Idk man this would be a deal breaker for me. You cant atart a relationship out on lies and deceit, it will never work in the end. Relationships need to be built on trust and honesty and open communication.

  10. OP: what the hell does this guy do for a living? Why do your future in-laws tolerate his immaturity?

  11. If it was a 1 time, no string attached, no emotions thing then she wouldn't be so desperate to talk to him everyday.

  12. It would be interesting to know what ‘passing’ the test looked like to him. Perhaps he wanted the money handed to him on a silver accompanied by an interpretive dance.

    Note. He set up a test you can’t ‘pass’ which is deeply manipulative and passive aggressive.

  13. People don't show you how much you can count on them until you actually have to count on them. In the best of times people will show you a side of them that's easy but when things get nude that's when you find out whether the person's really worth being around. You just had a major life event and your husband proved to you that the only thing he cares about is his penis.

    I would not have a child with this man.

    I would not stay married to this man.

    I would not age around this man.

    I would not go through the rest of my life knowing that my partner was going to drop the ball and think about his penis every time shit hit the fan for me.

    Let yourself heal, get some therapy for YOU to handle ALL the different things that just occured. Then either consider couples counseling to teach your husband some empathy, or Gtfo.

  14. I cannot wrap my head around this. You’re a 37 yo executive at your company, chasing a 22 yo married junior employee since she was 18 yo. Gross.


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