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45 thoughts on “Abril-hott18 live! webcams for YOU!

  1. It's not a problem with your therapist. Your partner is a disaster for you. LISTEN. Your therapist feels helpless, because you will not act and she cannot help you get better unless you do. Imagine if someone you were duty-bound to protect kept walking into traffic while you begged them not to from the sidewalk. That is you.

  2. Honestly, if you have to worry about your partner dragging their feet on a chore in order to trick you into doing more, that's an indicator of way bigger core relationship issues than just chore splitting in the first place.

    I may have phrased that poorly, but I get your meaning. There are chores on the list that I don't particularly find to be important, and there are some on there that my partner probably doesn't care about either. The way that I show that I respect their “pet peeve” chores as much as I do my own is by giving them equal weight on our chores list. But if it came down to “You can't be done with chores until I finish a chore that you wouldn't have put on the list,” that feels like it would cause friction.

    But again…the current system is obviously broken. I've already agreed that I'll continue doing chores during my work hours so we'll both have more free time afterwards.

  3. If you don’t want to detach, lay down the law. You had nothing to do with your parents relationship.

    If you do want to detach, let siblings know that unlike them, you couldn’t have possibly altered what happened.

  4. I moved from Canada.

    It depends how old you are and what your hobbies are but there’s a bunch of other ways to meet people! And some of the people I met at work over a decade ago there are still really close people in my life. One I text nearly daily. Connections are connections no matter where you make them 🙂

  5. That’s fucked up how he blew up on you, but you should at least try to address the issue. It really sucks when your kids don’t want to spend the holiday with you & this time around it was too much and he misplaced his anger at you. At least give it a fair attempt before deciding to leave.

  6. I think for an affectionate person this kind of thing can make you doubt your self and ruin your future relationships. You did well by blocking her straightaway. This is too much. Imagine if it was the other way around. You would be advising the woman to run!

  7. Me too. At 24 years old I’d have zero in common with someone 18 yrs old. Definitely pervy. But not as bad as 15 and 22. That’s pedo status and he groomed her.

  8. These are some broad generalisations about Eastern Europe.

    I am originally from Bulgaria and the most desired and nude to get into university program for the last 10 years has been Psychology.

    I also disagree with the sentiment about “the West” given that a lot of people from Eastern Europe online in Western Europe/ USA/ Canada etc now (myself included) and have conveyed the message that it is not some utopia.

    Of course, this is my perspective for one country that is in the EU, so Ukraine may be different.

    Borderline OP, there is no excuse for this abhorrent behaviour, you went above and beyond for these people, cut them off and leave them be.

  9. That’s true and she should go to the courts to get child support approved. Her post just reeks of Im going to cut off all contact with the father and move away where he can’t find me, which I believe is morally wrong because things go wrong all the time with payments not being able to transfer or medical history being needed

  10. I loathe this “technicality”. Just because you “technically” can sleep with someone else, why the fuck would you want to.

  11. This is one of the kindest, most thoughtful BF messages someone has posted on here, and he's STILL getting questioned about it.

    OP, calm down. There's no hidden message.

  12. He told you, to your face, that he was disgusted with you and felt sick any time he thought of you, and you stayed with him??

    That, i don't get. I mean, the guy tells you you are disgusting in his eyes, that you are a disgusting person, and you just take it and wait for him to cool down. Is it really something that should be brushed off like it's no big deal?

    “Oooh but he said it while angry, you say things dumb things while angry”. You do when you are a teenager or when you never tried to actually work on yourself. When you are an adult, you learn to handle your anger so it doesn't get the best of you, so you don't throw tantrums like kids do. You can very easily refrain from saying hurtful stuff. He said thus because he wanted you to feel humiliated and yo feel guilt. He said it to hurt you.

    When you love somebody, you don't actively try to hurt them. Otherwise, you're just being abusive

  13. Yes he says he was just trying to process why he sometimes grieves his past unhealthy relationship. But maybe that’s not a good enough reason. I don’t know. It’s very confusing.

  14. I do think it’s possible with therapy and patience to build sexual compatibility.

    Is there much evidence of this working in a case like this?

    Unless there's some trauma stopping you from seeing the other person sexually, or being able to enjoy sex generally, it's probably just an incompatibility.

  15. I say call them out! The comment above me is absolutely ridiculous. Emptying out your entire backpack just so that you can carry around some water bottles? If that’s the case then why don’t they empty out their entire backpack so that they can carry some water bottles? Don’t listen to the person above me, they make no sense.

  16. It takes a really long time to repair broken trust.

    Never lie. Lying is a deal breaker for most people. And you ruined a relationship over a stupid lie because nothing was going on.

    Unfortunately your ex can't trust that.

    However she's being a little toxic about it.

    I would call this relationship over.

    Learn from it.

  17. I didn't know when I asked his mom that. Joe never told me that detail until we got in the fight after I said it. I guess his family didn't know I didn't know that.

  18. He worries so much about me getting off, making sure I feel good, etc. to the point where he can’t just have sex for the hell of it.

    Imagine being so dumb that you tell your girlfriend you want to go give bad sex to other women.

    Like, does he not plan on making sure the other women enjoy their time with him? What a piece of shit. This is why women don't enjoy casual sex as much.

  19. But I see some people do and they’re happy? I’d hate to think about dating like we’re either going to get married or never talk again

  20. She fucked up. LET HER GO.

    Just say “I wish you well. Things happen for a reason and I think us not meeting is the best way to go”.

  21. Listen, you get to invite or not invite whoever you want.

    But I think you need to spend some time examining how you’ve responded to your parents, because I think it was really over the top and self-centred.

    Would I have been surprised to learn my parents were poly? Sure. Would I have sobbed and raged and demanded they end a relationship (or relationships) that have nothing to do with me? No. The fact that you felt entitled to tell them to stop being poly tells me that you still see yourself as the centre of their world and feel betrayed that it’s been revealed that you aren’t.

    Your parents should have insisted on therapy at the time, but since they didn’t, you should seek it now.

    It really seems like you still haven’t gotten over discovering that your parents are, in fact, people.

  22. You don’t have to invite them to your wedding but your reasoning for having no relationship is crazy . There’s no way you should be that invested in your parents relationship when they weren’t hurting anyone and were happy . You made yourself a victim here when nobody actually did anything to you ??‍♀️

  23. I had a friend in this situation. He begged for a chance to show how he could make it up to her then did…. Nothing. It was super confusing and hurtful and basically unnecessary.

    Why didn’t you do those things for her? And has the reason for that changed? Because if not don’t bother. You’re only delaying the inevitable. It’s taken you 2 months to realise what she’s talking about. Do you really think you can provide a lifetime of it?

    Sometimes people just simply have different ways to show they care, or sometimes they simply don’t care enough to bother and you need to find someone who makes you want to do the things that makes them feel loved. If you’re always forcing it you’ll only resent her later or slip back.

  24. So did you two agree it was cool for you to do the stay at home thing while he works to provide?? Sounds like he resents you for him having to do all the financial stuff while you stay at home sleeping in. Not saying you are but you can still be a gold digger if your not spending all his money. He’s still paying rent and all the bills if you don’t have any money coming in.

  25. 3 weeks is also incredibly, *incredibly*early to know you’re pregnant. People who know they’re pregnant at 3 weeks are people charting their ovulation, and their DPO. It’s sus all around, and then to announce on Christmas? It reeks of a setup or a lie.

  26. Yes, the answer is yes. You didn't mention to your sister that you were going to go out with the guy she was interested in. Why didn't you tell her? Not a rhetorical question.

  27. Dude, it's been 21 days since you posted this for the first time, stop relying on seemingly inconsistent over the counter tests and get her to the docs to a get a proper one done. Save yourselves the headache and the guess work just do it already.

  28. Wow. Someone dealing with suicidality is… an asshole?

    He didn’t threaten her with suicide if she didn’t do what he wanted (which is emotional abuse). He tried to kill himself after a fight.

    He is not in a situation to be a father but wow you’re a judgmental piece of shit. I hope you never experience suicidality – and that if you do, no one calls you an asshole for it.

  29. Maybe it's just me but I would rather be hit than spit on. I'd leave either way but there's something about getting spit on that's so degrading.

  30. Are you sure you’re not confusing flirting with just being charming and friendly? I’m a very flirtatious and charming in general. To someone who doesn’t know me they’d assume I’m trying to have sex with every woman I meet. But no, I’m just friendly and can talk to women easily.

  31. This is such a shitty saying. So everyone who is harassed is guilty for clothes they wear, not the harassers and their behavior?

  32. This guy is a hobosexual and a freeloader. Just a clue to keep in mind. He is living there rent free and is setting himself up and building a nice nest egg for the next woman that will enjoy it. (Since he will dump you) He is going to find another better source. They always do. Please kick this guy out. Enjoy Uni. Find someone good there.

    Ask yourself why groceries are spilt 50/50 when he or his parents don’t pay half. If I was your parents I’d be PISSED. The apartment they rent you is for you to be happy and not stress. You have a freeloader there stressing you out?!?? It’s BS. He is taking advantage of you AND your parents.

    Also, is your question real? It’s his day. He can go to the store. f him. He does and says shit like that to control you. You are a total doormat. Ugh. STOP

  33. I feel like the most evil person on earth. And that I deserve what he’s putting me through by telling me these things. What we had going on was nice for a while until I just started to make selfish decisions that hurt him.

  34. OP, you're an unmitigated asshole who needs to work on himself, but that wasn't sexual assault. At least, not legally. She agreed to a sex act, and you were in the other room when she agreed to it, so legally it's not.

    HOWEVER, it was close enough to the line that you need to get yourself into therapy IMMEDIATELY. WTF with you pressuring her 5 times and then insisting on masturbating WHILE SHE'S STILL THERE if you “felt horrible for pressuring her”? Useful tip for the future: if what you're doing makes you feel guilty STOP DOING IT.

    You deserved to be dumped, what you did was UNACCEPTABLE, but it wasn't legal SA. Now, morally, I'm not so sure. She asked you not to masturbate with her still there and you insisted on doing it immediately. That strongly suggests that her presence was part of what was getting you off, which means that you were involving her in your sex act WITHOUT HER CONSENT, in fact AFTER SHE HAD VERBALLY OBJECTED.

    So that's right on the line of sexual assault and WAAAY over the line of a nonconsensual sex act. You didn't actually do that nonconsensual sex act, but that's only because she “gave in” and called you back in for a hand job. So again, you skirted the actual act of SA, but only because she gave in to your pressure.

    Seriously, dude, there's no reason for any of this. Work on yourself and don't date or hook up until you've done some serious work.


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