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  1. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    This will probably get lost, but I would have at least vented.

    I broke up with my boyfriend of almost 4 years a month or so ago. It was not mutual, he believes I made a big mistake and that I was fucking up both our lives. Regardless, the distance between us was too much for me, and while nothing has really happened — no big relationship ruiners — I am done with the relationship. It doesn't bring me joy, and I don't want to be with someone who doesn't make me happy.

    Over the four years, we discussed marriage, and when we spoke about it I very much believed it's what I wanted. But, over time I got more and more convinced it wouldn't work out for me. He also discussed this with his parents, while I am not very close to mine and they didn't know how serious things were or how things were progressing. This was also a pain point in the relationship.

    Now, a month after ending things. His mother showed up at my workplace. I work in retail, and so anyone can walk in as a customer. She asked all my colleagues where I was while I was literally hiding at work.

    I feel violated, and angry. I think she had no right to show up at work. If she wanted to talk then she should have called me or asked to meet elsewhere.

    Now, I am sure she'll come again. And this time I want to be ready. I don't want to hide. I have no idea what she would want to talk about — perhaps ask about why the relationship ended, or why I did what I did. But, any advice about what I should say to make it clear that this is unacceptable behaviour? I don't want to be rude, but I also need everyone in my ex's family to understand that the relationship is done, and that it's between me and my ex.


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