XRonnieHillsX online sex cams for YOU!

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28 thoughts on “XRonnieHillsX online sex cams for YOU!

  1. Is it your in-laws you can't stand? Or is it that your partner of 10 years isn't defending you to his family and texted someone that “I really love (OP). I do. But sometimes I wonder if I settled down too quickly. I didn’t even know women like S existed. That’s not to say I’m going to leave, I’m committed and I love her , but sometimes I wish I had closer to a better educated equal partner.”

    That's an incredibly hurtful thing to write (and to read!)

  2. I’m sorry to hear your mum is the same! 🙁 thank you so much though. It’s nice to know someone else can understand the frustration. I think I will have to go LC for my mental health.

  3. Have you seen her physically take birth control and you used condoms at her house or did you bring your own ?

    Go check those condoms for a holes. You just might be the dad.

  4. Hello /u/ajskwlqidjwka,

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  5. I would want to know if a good male friend of mine was really an asshole in disguise. And also… sure, maybe he has PTSD and needs therapy but then he needs to do that instead of allowing himself to be abusive. That's his fault if his friends ostracize him once they know who he really is.

  6. Once your married there a chance that he will then give you another ultimatum for kids by the end of the year. Then what will happen to the education. Cos if you don’t have a career he’ll persuade you to stay at home cos he makes more money.

    With any relationship you need to know your compatible in person. 1) ideas on kids, religion, pets, career plans, political veiws, finances, where you want to on-line long term These are things you learn now but may change the longer you know him 2) any faults he has – does he speak down to waiters when on a date, does he get angry when you leave a cuboard open, can you meet up with friends without him or will he insist that he always be there. do you match intimately (both sex but if that’s not important due to religion then other things) do you both like holding hands, does he buy you flowers if that’s what you like, does he give thoughtful gifts as time goes on and your over the honeymoon phase. These things you will only know once you meet in person and get to know someone. 3) giving you an ultimatum is alarming. Yes he may say the right things but will he follow through once he married you. Cos most abusers don’t show their true colours until they get married (fact!) and the fact your 18. Your first relationship you may change as time goes on. You veiws on life. Kids. Anything!

  7. Good grief. My wife knew I was going to propose before I did. The delay was just me deciding when and where. We were already living together, shared our lives together. She “threatened” to propose to me (pretty radical in the ‘90s) which made me accelerate my when and where (basically the park where we had our first kiss, couldn’t remember which bench so I just guessed). Five years is long enough. Either sh*t or get off the pot.

  8. If people wanna be friends, they will be friends.

    If people don't wanna be friends and they want to spend time with other people, it will always feel like theft to those left behind.

    It does sound childish lol. I wouldn't mind it if I were you

  9. Yes, things I didn’t know happened have been surfacing. I feel terrible because I want him to be happy and I don’t want to hold him back from living the life he deserves.

  10. My dad gave a toast at my wedding with his best advice that has always stuck with me, and I’ve used it more than once. Sometimes in a good marriage you have to choose between being right and being happy.

  11. I agree there can definitely be mentor type relationships, but there’s a difference between treating your friend’s daughter like a second daughter or providing help and guidance to a student in your class and nurturing a relationship with a 15 yr old stranger on-line.

    Imo the whole pipeline of him meeting her as a minor and then moving her into his house at 18 is just one of the biggest red flags. I would never invite even a regular ass Internet friend to my home without meeting them in person in public first. It all just seems a bit obsessive.

  12. You are bringing in the money, hire the cleaning services. But also, invest in a baby carrier. I had a moby. Wouldn’t have been able to do shit without that thing for the first 6 months. ?

    If the cleaning services don’t help, then divorce. You are paying for everything, he has no interest in the baby, one less person to pay for. ??‍♀️

  13. Look, most of my partners have been less academically inclined than myself, they had practical skills and worked jobs that were more hands on like security and manual labour. I struggled to have deep conversations with them and have conversations about topics that I love like philosphy because that just didnt reach their scope of interest. I found great friends that I can have deep, intellectual conversations with and that satisfied the need for those kind of interactions.

    I loved my partners for who they were, I enjoyed my time with them. I didnt resent them for not being interested in the topics and conversations I was. We were able to connect through other things. You knew who she was and what she was like before you got into a relationship with her, don't start resenting her for not being able to meet expectations that dont make any sense considering her personality.

  14. Honestly honey u deserve better. This man will cheat oneday and blame sex addiction. ? or the fact u don't sleep with him enough. It's not ur job to satisfy his every need. Ur a human not a damn sexdoll.

    He is treating u like an object not his bloody wife to be. And don't let ur family tell u it's normal and he just loves u and it's okay for a man to want to desire his wife and want to sleep with her. Or that men are just built that way. ?

    Yes men have sexual needs and yes intimacy is a wonderful beautiful part of a marriage especially. Bt it needs to be for both of u! Not one sided and not something u need to be talked into. That's not love!

  15. I am a women also sounds like those relationships didn't last very long hun if you're over 50 unless you're over 50 in age and started dating right out of the womb which would give at max 1yr long relationship soooo you're idea doesn't work with long term relationships.

  16. There's a lot of reasons for this, actually, both religious and cultural. Religiously, Judaism is a gnostic faith. It's not demanded that you believe in God (at least where i was raised), just that you obey him. Now, as a Jewish atheist raised by another Jewish atheist and a convert, there are a lot of reasons to not break fully away, even if I don't participate religiously. One: the culture is important, as is the history, and the shared experience of otherness. There's a knowledge of the incredible fragility of our existence, one that won't care if I practice or you were raised Catholic. When people know you're a jew, that's what you are, and if jews are ever again subject to genocide or sponsored oppression, we are both subject to that.

    My kids won't be raised jewish, religiously, outside of major holidays, but they'll have the option. And if I have a son, he'll be circumcised. Mostly because I'm glad I was and because doctors still advise it, but also because I'm jewish.

  17. I have looked after a few same sex couples having babies. The best combination I have seen was where they carried each others biological baby with the same sperm donor (ivf)

  18. You asked for advice, and I gave you the most obvious advice. If you only want people to tell you what you want to hear, you shouldn't be posting asking for advice.

  19. Get it diagnosed. Get medication. If she still doesn’t contribute ask her for money for a maid service

  20. Oh man. 🙁 I’m so sorry to hear this. This is not normal behavior and is very concerning your husband is acting like this and saying those things. I also left an abusive ex and my new partner/husband would never say anything like that to me. My husband also likes to play around and tease me but sometimes I’m not in the mood and he respects that and doesn’t play the victim if he doesn’t get his way. They way he acts likes a victim is manipulation. What your husband said was also hurtful and manipulative and a red flag for abuse. If my husband ever said those things to me I would no longer feel safe and I would leave him. Please stay safe!

  21. Doesn't sound like he's worthy of that trust though, if that's how he's going to deal with normal toddler stuff.


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