MasiMile live! webcams for YOU!

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19 thoughts on “MasiMile live! webcams for YOU!

  1. This is mental and emotional abuse. You’re wife is 100% abusive. Why have you allowed everything in her name and not both? Depending on your state, it shouldn’t matter what’s in who’s name. Marital property prevails. I would do some research. But if you do leave, be prepared for a fight and to fight for at least joint custody or better, sole custody if you can prove her abuse.

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  3. Honestly at 13 shes well and truly old enough to remember her violin. Its not like she doesnt know what she has on each day. If she can't remember on her own she can set reminders in her phone.

  4. Yeah this one just feels especially fake. Even in the way it's written, it just doesn't seem real. And we're supposed to believe that they're both lawyers but she has to come on reddit for advice?

  5. The only time my husband has ever frightened me was when a drunk guy grabbed at me and he lost his shit at him.

    I’ve never been frightened OF my husband. We shouldn’t be with people we are scared of, that’s a sign that we shouldn’t be with them I’m afraid.

  6. An embryo is still alive according to what scientists consider a life.

    Never said it wasn't, in fact I even granted it full personhood for the sake of argument, remember?

    Im going to ignore your following pro choice argument because it's irrelevant to anything I've said. I haven't taken a pro life or pro choice decision here.

    Thats fine, as I said before abortion and child support are two different issues, not sure how we got sidetracked.

    This wouldn't actually happen unless there was also a blanket abortion ban.

    Disagree. Even assuming that every woman who wants an abortion gets one, there will always be women who choose to raise the baby, and men who decide they don't want to take responsibility for a child they fathered. As a society, we are going to pay for that childs education, probably medical care (since most children are on some sort of goverment plan), and probably food (since most single parents have some food benefits, SNAP, free school lunches, WIC, etc. So the big question here is “who is financially responsible for that child, the parents or the goverment?” I say parents. Both parents should contribute to the bringing up of a child. If additional support is needed beyond what they can provide, then the goverment can step in and assist.

    Also, I'm just going to throw out there that a system in which men can simply say they didn't want the child and therefore don't have to support it would be wildly abused. Imagine if a man does actually want the child, isn't married to mom, but thinks “well if I just say I don't want it, mom gets more money from the goverment and I get to keep my money, AND I still get my kid”.

  7. This a scare tactic so that you don’t talk to his grown up children.

    As far as Mark he doesn’t want you. He knew you were possibly his and left the country. He could have looked for your mom and figured paternity out but didn’t. I know it sucks but don’t bother with him. He’s only thinking about himself. As far as the siblings of you want to contact them do it. There’s a chance they may not want a relationship with you but it’s better to have tried than not to.

  8. but meeting OP suggests he has matured enough to realize dating children isn't great.

    No it doesn't. That's quite a leap. Meeting OP suggests he met OP, nothing more.

  9. As everyone says she can dress how she wants, but I personally wouldn't want to date a person who 1) wants that much sexual attention, and it is because that's a reality, huge difference between wearing crop tops vs showing nipple, or short skirt vs g-string, and 2) a partner who doesn't take my discomfort into account. If my bf wore speedos everywhere I'd dump him too, I probably wouldn't even engage in a conversation.

  10. My dude, you can be stoked about your personal experience without actively being shitty and preachy to other people.

    Source: personal experience.

  11. He goes to the gym and has good standing with his parole officer, but what kind of job does he have? How’s he managing everything else? Three years is a long time to be incarcerated. How did that affect him mentally and emotionally? What kind of social group does he have? Did he go right back to the same friend group? What changes has he made to avoid getting the same trouble again?

  12. Ooh thank you, I will check out that site.

    She kind of affects whether or not I get the promotion, but alongside another co-worker who is VERY much “on my side” in terms of deserving the promotion. The raise has also been written into the budget already and is coming in April, so it seems pretty finalized at this point.

    However, you're right. I should lay low on this for the time being at least—I have to choose my battles right now because of how defensive she is in general, and this is pretty low on my priority list of battles to fight.


  13. You’re completely right about him not developing skills because he hasn’t needed to.

    Talking it out is helping A LOT.

    I’m debating separation, but I’m going to talk to a lawyer and a financial advisor first and get their advice about asset management. A separation may give me the time I need to get our assets in order and give him some time to learn to adult more on his own, which I think would be very good for him. If nothing else, it may make the transition smoother.

    I don’t like who I am when I am with him. I am not “myself” but some other version of myself who feels like they always need everything to be sunny and awesome because otherwise it causes fights and snarky comments. We used to communicate well but over the years we’ve stopped having the difficult conversations because he couldn’t be rational or even civil when I brought up things that made him uncomfortable; he just gets mad.


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