Alana-wolff live sex chats for YOU!

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5 thoughts on “Alana-wolff live sex chats for YOU!

  1. Common side effect of anti depressants. She'll also experience a total lack of libido and inability to climax when engaged in sex. It truly is a double edge sword. She won't be depressed, but she won't be anything else either. There are different options on the market. So she should speak with her Dr. or Psychologist about trying out different medications to see what works best for her with the least amount of side effects. But some side effects will always be present.

  2. It is very odd but now very easy for him to open up the door for sexual conversation with her asking her how she liked her gift he got her and if she has used them yet, etc. and maybe see how far he can take the conversation with her after that. Definitely shady behavior.

  3. I know this build up because I've dealt with this before (example myself). More than likely he have a lot of built up stress that he's not dealing with and the slightest thing will set him off.

  4. Hey OP and OP's wife!

    I'm someone who was in the same position as your wife (also had tuberous breast deformity, was very upset about it/BDD, and got the surgery).

    I'm going to be frank and say there is little you can do to convince someone that their own perception of their body is wrong because you think they're attractive. That kind of mentality needs to come from within, and when it comes to actual deformities, sometimes it is better for your mental health to go through with reconstructive surgery.

    What I did was research doctors for a year+, and sought out a psychologist who specialised in BDD/body image issues. The goal was to get my mental space into viewing my body neutrally rather than negatively prior to booking anything with doctors. (Also, just to add, with mental health it generally isn't 'cured', you just get better at handling it + I take medication for it, I still get moments of being unhappy with my body but it definitely isn't like where I was before)

    I got the surgery and don't regret it one bit!!! It's literally a deformity, surgery is reconstructive, I was able to get financial support from Medicare and private health insurance (and even with implants/hospital/birth deformity etc it was $10k out of pocket but surgery is more expensive in Aus) There's nothing wrong with plastic surgery, people are unhappy with their appearance and get it to be happier. Especially in the case of deformity, I don't think ruling it out is a better/healthier way to go. My breasts will never be 'normal', but I'm definitely happier with them post-surgery and I think your wife deserves to have her interest in reconstructive surgery properly explored as a potential option for her.

    TL;DR Help your wife achieve 'body neutrality' through a psychologist and exposing yourself to the wide spectrum of human bodies. Actually treat surgery as a serious option, when it's a deformity it's reconstructive and a lot of women who had tuberous breast deformity were happy with their choice to do so.

    Advice on research: Only go to doctors who show multiple before and after photos of Tuberous Breast Reconstruction!!!! Ignore doctors who don't have this, even if their other work is nice. Tuberous breasts are different from normal ones and require an experienced hand. Find doctors who have multiple before photos of breasts similar to hers, with after photos of what she wants!! Try to have at least three doctors as potential options. Read reviews, use real self for other's experience (not always reliable, be wary of dodgy doctors)

    I went with my first doctor (though I had 2 backups), he had experience with breasts like mine, was in the country (could use insurance/medicare, one of my other options was in the US and would have been $25++), and didn't have a weird rep (one of my other options was a good doctor but treated his professional insta like a soft core account and had weird behaviour outside of that.) I don't regret the choice! I wish I could have had normal breasts from the start but was the best outcome for me with thr body I was given.

  5. There is a reason she was single despite her salary before you two started dating. You earn well over six figures yourself. You are clearly quite successful in your own right. Tell her to take a flight and sit by herself in business class.


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