Mia live sex chats for YOU!

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43 thoughts on “Mia live sex chats for YOU!

  1. Yes, but most guys don't go to bars/clubs to feel connected; there are better places for that.

    There might be “odd balls” here and there.

    What seemed platonic for you might even be them trying to “connect” with you romantically (not in a horny way), because they are starved of connection.

    Which again is better than horny guys hitting on girls, but still, I don't think married men or women should even engage in deep “platonic” conversations with strangers, because there could be a romantic interest.

    And then it's really unfair to blame anyone for that situation. But better to be safe than sorry.

  2. First of, for some reason this is read inside my mind with a British accent of some sort. Secondly I guess yeah, sorry mate, I'd consider it cheating. But you going missing and all that aren't a good thing either, but it doesn't justify her having sex with some dude. Would she be fine, if you have had sex with some girl?

  3. No one is out of anyone’s league, that’s a toxic mentality. Each of you can move on and find someone that you are happy with, I hope both of you do.

  4. Because you were the one who wanted the open relationship instead of valuing what you had. That part is the fucking around. It’s an expression of speech.

  5. It doesn't matter wether one of us on here would dump you for this. You did a good thing by telling him that you need to take care of Our mental health right now. Nothing wrong with that and it doesn't mean that this relationship can't be continued.

  6. The key word here is together. You and your girlfriend share a common interest in gaming. Different from hiding in a room without her.

  7. It doesn't sound like she loves you as a partner anymore. In best case like a good friend or brother.

  8. I like this idea, but we don't live! together! I suppose I can find another way to do this though like “go do X (being an activity he enjoys but doesn't do when we're together) while I make us dinner.”

    Thank you for the suggestion!

  9. You can bring it up exactly as you put it. You’re uncomfortable, you don’t make those types of jokes and it’s effecting you negatively, etc. Pay close attention to her reaction and it will tell you quite a bit on whether this relationship is or isn’t serious. If she tries to gaslight, minimize, etc. something like this (which is pretty dang uncomfortable I’d not downright hurtful for most people esp. that he friends are in on the “joke”) then you may want to take a step back and reassess what you want out of this relationship i.e. just something physical – ok, something serious – time to move on.

  10. You can bring it up exactly as you put it. You’re uncomfortable, you don’t make those types of jokes and it’s effecting you negatively, etc. Pay close attention to her reaction and it will tell you quite a bit on whether this relationship is or isn’t serious. If she tries to gaslight, minimize, etc. something like this (which is pretty dang uncomfortable I’d not downright hurtful for most people esp. that he friends are in on the “joke”) then you may want to take a step back and reassess what you want out of this relationship i.e. just something physical – ok, something serious – time to move on.

  11. You have to divorce him. Since he does not want to change anything there are actually no other solutions.

  12. I'm glad to hear that. Good luck with your relationship and I hope that this situation makes you stronger together in the long run.

  13. You can make friends as adults she doesn’t want to. She want you to do it. Do you have a problem then your lifestyles are different. It would drive me nuts if somebody did that with me every day all day. There’s a book called codependent no more I would sort hand it to her. It’s by a woman name Melody Beattie. It’s a great book. It’s been around forever. But she has a problem. You have a problem to do you really want to live! like that. You can tell her it’s getting into a breaking point with you that you don’t wanna online like that. It’s not even very healthy.

  14. Some people are just crappy at hosting, so you eat before you go and don’t bitch about it. The degree to which you’re fixated on this seems excessive, especially since you seem to think your brother ‘going hungry’ is somehow her fault and not his.

  15. 41m here, you’re a trophy, I’m sorry to say this, but it is what it is. He’s dating you because women his age won’t put up with his bullshit.

  16. No one (even adults like losing all the time) dad is being a Dick, crushing his son all the time. I used to play ping pong a lot as a kid and was good. As an adult I used to play in office leagues and this buddy of mine was not same level as me and I used to beat him all the time. I once noticed how serious he was playing and in a close match I threw it. He was so happy and excited and said finally. Of course I never told him.

  17. Therapy for you to help get passed your trauma

    Your asking him to cut off his parents. Thats a hot thing to do especially with a grand kid around. If you can't handle it you may be better to just move on. Give him the option of going LC with his mom, but I wouldn't bet on him saying yes.

  18. I’m sorry you’re dealing with this. I’ll leave you with this again (but feel free to PM me if you’d like); big relationship steps don’t fix relationships. Moving in with her is about living together. Sharing a domicile and responsibilities. It has nothing to do with her health choices.

    Suggesting you work out together would be a step impacting her health. Suggesting you both eat better together would be a step impacting her health. Living together is her eating the same way she is now but under the same roof. The change needs to happen first.

  19. Shellfish behavior? No need to be derogatory just because they live! in an expensive area by the ocean

  20. Fair. I’m sorry your spouse is being weird. He needs a big come to jesus talk about what “compliments” are actually welcome and objectifying. He really sounds like a boomer who yammers that everything is sexual harassment these days

  21. That is dramatic weight loss and could be linked to illness or health issues. Losing 30 pounds in a few months , when she was already at a reasonable size is alarming.

    It is possible that she’s not doing well, and if the weight loss is not deliberate, imagine how she may feel to suddenly be getting all of this positive feedback for something she may not have set out to do.

    It’s fine to comment on weight loss once, and to ask someone what they’ve been doing or if they’ve changed something in their diet or lifestyle. But after that…. It sounds like your husband is way too I retested in her body, and he doesn’t know what harm he may be doing with his so called « compliments ».

  22. Uhhhh, is he doing drugs in there???? Like wtf, there’s only so much body to wash, no way it takes 3 and a half hours. Unless maybe he’s a giant? Is he actually 500 feet tall and that’s why it takes so long?

  23. Tell him only if she pays your bills…. get something out of it for you…… for real tho…. he probably already has one if he practiced a conversation like that enough to spill it out of his face hole. Idk you, but I would like to think you have higher standards then the class clown being a mama…. blessings and ?, it's gonna hurt either way at this point.

  24. What a jerk. I could see being miffed if you ate my last whatever but not slamming the door upset. Your partner should want you to feel safe and taken care of. Part of that is being fed.

    I'd move on OP.

  25. I have a woman I love. I also have pictures of exes way back on my camera roll. I haven’t deleted them because I don’t want to go back and see them. I don’t want to go through all those memories.

  26. Yes we have discussed this at length but he thinks they are inspirational and I am “pessimistic.” I think that I'm actually able to maintain my level of recovery from my ED despite his methods but I just don't know if I want to be around it. I feel kind of like if I leave I would be abandoning him and he didn't abandon me but I don't know how to help him and he doesn't really want my help.

  27. This is so heartbreaking. You adopted him, according to your post. So you signed an adoption contract. Contact the shelter or rescue you adopted him from and see if they will help you. Call the police and file a report. He is legally yours.

    I am so sorry. This is honestly one of the worst things I've ever read here and that's saying a lot. Your husband is terrible and I truly hope you get your cat back, take him and leave.

  28. Sooo fucking funny to dump an animal that's dependent on humans, in the woods where itvdies terrified.

  29. Firstly, the marriage question, like you say, won't be applicable for a bit of time yet. But still, kids – whether to have them or not – is one of the biggest pieces of the marriage equation.

    About the actual situation in your relationship, he sounds guilty of something a lot of men do when in relationship – especially their first one(s) – where they will (over)invest in the relationship and often times neglect other parts of their life. Subconsciously I guess it stems from putting more effort in and expecting the relationship to be better that way. The old cliche of “sometimes less is more” I think applies to relationships as well. You both should have a level of independency from each other and have your own friends, social lives and hobbies. Relying on your partner about everything is not realistic or healthy

    I completely get what you mean by the walking on eggshells part – but this is not something that you can necessarily fix for him, some issues have to be resolved by the other person in the relationship.

  30. I didn’t freak out, I asked her not to vividly describe something in a way she did when we haven’t done it

  31. She cheats on you and you invade her privacy by going through her phone. On top of that you're paying all her bills and talking about marrying her when she's only 22. This just isn't a great relationship and you're working pretty hot to come up with reasons for not ending it. You give yourself too much credit in believing she can't go on without you. She's traveled, she's studied abroad, she can function without you as her “emotional crutch”. It's her finances she might struggle with, but that's okay because you shouldn't be with a guy just for his money.

  32. Yes it sort of is that easy. You tell her you are done and you either leave or move her out. Stop giving her so much power over you. She is contributing nothing to your relationship.


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