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33 thoughts on “TishaLay on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. Are you even in a relationship at this point? Or more like old friends? You need to stand up for yourself. Even though you are a man, you are entitled to your own needs and your own emotions. Noone (and I mean certain commenters) has a right to deny what you feel is a necessity in your life.

    If you say that the relationship needs this kind of physical contact, then that is a fact, and you decide whether to call it quits and how to pursue it. I trust you will start by having a dialogue, but that is ultimately up to you.

    You can do this!!

  2. I'm really happy for you!!! You're going to be fine, I know it, even tho it doesn't feel like it for a while. And when you'll get that impulse to check up on her and you'll feel like you want her back again, take a few deep breaths, go for a walk, talk with your friends, spend time with your family, pet your dog, take a nap, play some video games, watch your favorite tv show, just do something to keep busy. The feeling will go away eventually.

    Good luck!!!

  3. OH she kissed him and then asked if it was a date? That changes my feelings somewhat, the main post definitely reads (maybe because you’re upset which is understandable) as though she asked you if it was a date and you said no and then she went and kissed the guy, not that she only asked as an afterthought.

    Ditch the guy for sure, he went and kissed someone else, a close friend of yours, at the earliest opportunity. Not knowing her I’d give the friend another chance myself, but it sounds from the way you write about her that this isn’t the first time something like this has happened.

  4. Sounds a lot like my relationship with my ex. Things only got worse and eventually i left for good. Best decision i ever made, because he gave zero indication that he would want to get better or improve at all. In fact, he laughed it off. Someone who abuses alcohol has to want to get sober, because they want to. Otherwise, it'll never work out. If he's contrite and wants to be better and puts the work in, any slip ups can be forgiven, and then you have to ask yourself “Do I want to put in the work to make this work? Can i deal with this for the rest of our lives, if he's trying his best most of the time?” But if he doesn't care, isn't considerate or apologetic about what he's put you through and doesn't plan on seeking help or quitting anytime soon–I'd say get the hell out of there. Don't waste your time. It's not worth all the hurt and disappointment and possible mental health issues that may arise because of his actions. Being scared of your spouse isn't something that should be normal. My ex wasn't abusive for years, until he was. And I'll tell you, it was the alcohol that rotted his brain and eventually made him violent. I truly believe that had he never gone down that road, he may not have ever done the things he did. And he's not the first– plenty of men (and women) who've become a slave to alcohol have changed completely from who they were and who they may have become. Tread carefully. And put yourself first. Would you want to bring kids into this marriage? If not, then why would you stay in it? These are questions i actually asked myself and it helped me to see clearly. Good luck to you and all the best.

  5. He is discussing marriage for the same reason he's bringing up your abortion: it's a way to emotionally manipulate you. He's not actually that sensitive about your abortion, he just knows you are sensitive about it and he's using it against you. This guy is such bad news.

  6. I sympathize with you, honestly. You have a version on how things were when you started dating and it turned out, she was concealing or lying by omission when she talked that other 'Italian man.' It must be tough to learn that what you remember was not quiet what really happened.

    She can't blame you or tell you that you're in the wrong for dwelling because your feeling is valid. You felt somewhat 'betrayed' by the new info. I'm not saying you should or shouldn't break up, because this is up to you and I understand that 5 years of togetherness and having your lives entwined make it harder to untangle…

    BUT. You need to decide as soon as you're able to (so you don't waste your time too), whether or not her indiscretion would cause you unable to trust her anymore or will this be something too big for you to overcome. Good luck.

  7. Edit wasn't there when I commented, but yeah, the only reason I know about this is that other famous reddit story and a personal familiarity with CPS and state services.

  8. She is using the child to manipulate you. That’s concerning behavior. I suspect your relationship was not healthy to begin with. For the sake of child, go completely NC.

  9. So, you've been told no, you're wrong. Clearly. By more than one person. Are you respecting that no yet?

    Well played

  10. This hope was to come out of prison without losing your mind. You are out now, you don't need it anymore. You are free now. Live! your life.

  11. Yea I’m still trying to figure out what peeing on someone’s face and body without consent has to do with trauma.

  12. As someone who has seen most people around me being ignorant about disabilities and mocking them (especially for mental ones) I really hope anyone with such issues can have the best care… it's optimistic but one can hope. I for one wish none of my close ones get it…as someone who has been halfway disabled on my leg (I had snapped it in half and took a lot of time to almost recover to normal… still have some troubles sitting cross-legged but that's it. But my family was very caring, my grandma would send mom to take me to school and my mom literally screamed at some kids laughing at it to shutting them down. None of my family members were embarrassed by it or blame me even though I broke it by a bit of reckless cycling.) I can somewhat understand how important it is to have support from your family, when I was recovering, my mom and grandma would take full care of my needs the whole 3-4 months.

  13. You are not required to accept apologies. I would not likely continue to associate with people who strongly insist I 'must put things in the past' or must forgive people who have wronged me.

  14. I don’t think it says anything about you. I see you as a grown women that made a choice to date an older guy that was yours to make.

    What I see is comments that an older guy deciding to date a younger woman is creepy, so I want to know from those people what would they call a younger women that dates an older guy. If he is a creep, then what is she?

  15. You cannot help someone who doesn’t want to help themselves.

    At this point if you’re working on being an emotionally and mentally healthy person and she’s not, you’re simply incompatible.

  16. What is her field for her loans to be $250k+ and she’s only making ~$30k? That alone is a massive red flag. I would not willingly be with someone that took on so much debt knowing their career couldn’t easily eventually pay it off. Where was her reasoning or logic there? And why on earth is she even considering going back to school when she hasn’t made a single dent in the amount she already owes?

    I’m saying this as politely as possible- you would be doing yourself a disservice staying with this woman. She cannot make smart financial decisions for herself or for you all as a family. She doesn’t seem to grasp the concept of debt if she’s considering piling on more. This person is not mature enough to be a life partner. I would leave as quickly as you can before any more of your life gets entangled in her mess.

  17. You can't just ghost someone for months, miss an extremely important life event that she was an integral part of without even an explanation and except everything to be all hunkydory. I think her excuse was probably BS, but people need to understand that the world doesn't stop just because you have trauma. And that people will still be upset/cut you off if you reneg on promises/commitments or neglect relationships.

    Tell her sister to cut the high school BS. You're all in your thirties. If she wants to talk or explain why she abandoned you, then she can come talk to you like a freaking adult

  18. Yep! A lot of people struggle with that. My wife would re-search restaurants way in advance… Like literally eight hours before we were thinking about dinner. That way she had a few recommendations.

  19. The only way “out” of this is by her getting another equal-or-better job at another company before this affair is noticed by others. As of now, she has your ass over a barrel with a sexual harassment lawsuit, should she decide that relationship isn't going her way. Your liability is staggering.

    Help get her a job somewhere else, then you two can continue seeing each other. As it stands, what's happened most likely will get out at some point, and while you'll have to then admit to being a colossal fuck-up, at least you can then say you took the steps necessary to A) protect the business and B) try to have a normal, adult relationship that wasn't predicated upon you having a position of authority over your partner.

  20. Based on past experience, I would have this conversation out with her, get her to explain exactly why she thinks she's entitled to do that. See if you can divine if she's thoughtful, just bad with finances (this is something that most people can learn to work on), or if she's just inherently selfish and entitled (much, much harder for a person to change this element of their personality).

    For fun, you could add your own hypothetical to see how she reacts: “What would you do if we kept separate finances?”

  21. You should get off dating apps and look for pen pal only websites.

    They exist.

    Stop stringing that poor chap along.

  22. Love this. Honestly people act like it's so naked not to cheat. It isnt. Its just easier being a fucking coward. If you are unhappy in a relationship break up!

    If you are unhappy in a marriage fucking leave!

    Why go behind someone's back and sleep around and then act like they shldnt be surprised because “you are only human”

    You can stop yourself from being a cheater. If u want to be single and sleep with other people just do that!!

    U dont need to hurt someone else by breaking their trust or blowing up your whole family with infidelity.

    There aren't any excuses for this shit when you are an adult. Cheating just makes you a coward and shameless.

  23. I’ve only ever dated casually. Never had a man communicate with me consistently for 3 months, tell me he wants to date me, then ghost/dump me for “someone else” lol. Don’t think it’s hookup culture

  24. Idk I’ve already told her I didn’t want to talk to anyone else right now and she said she wasn’t speaking to anyone else.

    I think I just get nervous from past relationships with women who had similar sexual tendencies. It’s a double edged sword for me… I don’t like basic sex but my experience with women who like the same sex as me aren’t the most stand upish Super generalization but hot to push away bad experiences

  25. But you already are diagnosing her. Covert narcissist? You’re setting yourself up to paint a negative picture of her in your head. I’m sure if you looked naked enough, she would probably check off a lot of the boxes for you.

    I’m with Lucavious, do her a favor and walk away. The relationship is already doomed if you’re nitpicking and looking for her faults.

  26. I have a daughter your age on the spectrum. Aspergers. I will try to give you some insight. I only have your post to go on though.

    If you and your BF broke up and no longer were friends, would you still be invited to do things with these friends? Would these people call you and invite you out? Call you on the phone to chat?

    If his friends are your friends then you can ask them to go somewhere without him. You can also invite these friends over to watch a movie or just hang out.

    When married people get divorced the friends of the couple often split also. What were friends to both choose sides and go with whoever they are more connected to or have more in common with. This is normal.

    Most couples have at least one person that is their confidante. A best friend and this person may be friendly with the partner of their friend, but they are not friends in the same way.

    Another thing is that some people need more personal space than others. Some people need to have an outlet outside the relationship. It could be hobbies, or friend(s). If they don't have an outlet or something separate just for them, they can feel smothered. I can see someone getting angry if they don't get the space they need.

    I may be wrong here, but I hope you get something useful from this.

  27. Not gonna lie, it's kind of a turn on thinking about a 3some

    I'm thinking she's not “uninterested” and doesn't really want to shut it down….Looks like she's willing to join, but wants more info and maybe is not sold on the choice of the other guy (which she should be involved in choosing)

  28. I’ve spent several thousand between training and medications recommended by my vet. I’ve been doing what I can but nothing so far has worked. I don’t think my bf is unreasonable at all. I completely understand his perspective and I’m not upset with him or fault him for it. So far the only thing that’s worked is avoid people and animals so not to trigger him.

  29. I’ve spent several thousand between training and medications recommended by my vet. I’ve been doing what I can but nothing so far has worked. I don’t think my bf is unreasonable at all. I completely understand his perspective and I’m not upset with him or fault him for it. So far the only thing that’s worked is avoid people and animals so not to trigger him.


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